Tag: Black Rhinoceros
What Do Rhinos Eat | Rhinos Diet & Feeding Behavior
The rhinoceros (Rhinocerotidae) is an herbivorous mammal which means that it never hunts for the food because it doesn’t need to. All rhino species seem to rely on vegetable matter including fruits for the consumption. They spend most of the time browsing through the wild habitats while searching out green matter to feed on. What…
Black Rhino Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior
The black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) is a native mammal of Africa that is typically found in the savanna vegetation of southwest Cape to Somaliland. Like other rhinos, the black rhino is also solitary except during the breeding season. It is also called the hook-lipped rhinoceros. The animal is critically endangered. Black Rhino Facts Anatomy The…