Category: Fish
6 Ways to Ensure Your Pet Fish is Happy & Healthy
 So you’ve picked up the hobby of owning a small aquarium and are interested in the best ways to keep your fish happy and healthy! Well, look no further for this article has got some of the greatest tips given by professional veterinarians and caregivers for fish. It may be a hassle or even intimidating…
Common and beautiful Molly Fish Varieties
Molly fish is a well-known fish species among fish keepers because of their hardy nature, color, size, and shape variations. They are considered beginner-friendly fish as they can stand quite a few mistakes beginners make. Mollies are livebearers that are easy to breed and can fit into a tank as small as 10 gallons. There…
Thinking of keeping fish? 3 considerations to help you decideÂ
After the lockdowns of 2020, when we’ve all been more confined to home, many people have realized that pet ownership has all sorts of benefits – from providing exercise to relieving stress. While dogs and cats make great companions, fish also have many advantages.  First, they’re low-maintenance, and you’ll be able to leave them…
The Peaceful Betta | Fun Facts & Care
The Peaceful Betta is an excellent addition to a tropical aquarium. It is a fascinatingly beautiful fish, that is yet rarely seen in the fishkeeping hobby. Apt to its name, it is relatively non-aggressive and capable of living in a community aquarium. This is surprising since betta fish are known to be highly territorial. About…
How To Keep Your Fish Tank Clean
A fish tank is a thriving aquatic ecosystem and should be a healthy home for your fish. However, it can only be achieved if you know how to keep your fish tank free from algae and dirt particles. No matter how big or small your fish tank is, regular cleaning is essential as a dirty…
Quirky Ideas to Spruce Up the Decoration of Your Fish Tank
Let’s face it – fish tanks can be pretty boring at times. Regardless of their shape or size, all they are is just pieces of glass held together securely filled up with a load of water. There isn’t anything special about that is there? If it is something boring for us to look at, how…
How to Set Up Your Guppy Fish Tank
The Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is a stunning variety of aquarium fish. But what do these colorful fish need to thrive? In the end, it fell to set up the fish tank. Once you have the correct setup from Aquarium Source, your guppies will make sure your tank is populated for years to come. Nitrogen Cycle…
Where Do Goby Fish Come From?
There are numerous species of fish. And I’m sure you can easily name several of them from the top of your head! But have you ever heard of a goby fish? One of the most unique types of fish, there are over 2,000 different species of gobies. Here are some fascinating facts about these fun…
Gulper Eel Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior
The gulper eel (Eurypharynx pelecanoides) is a subspecies of eel that typically occurs in the temperate and tropical waters worldwide. It has an elongated body and tiny eyes. Gulper eels are found in Australia. Crustaceans make up much part of the eel’s diet. It is also known as pelican eel or umbrella-mouth gulper. Gulper Eel…
Dumbo Octopus Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior
The dumbo octopus is an umbrella octopus that is typically found in the deep waters. It is the world’s deepest living octopus. Prominent among its features is its fins that remind us of human ears. Dumbo octopus is likely to consume copepods and crustaceans. They mainly occur in Philippine, California, to as far as New…
Blue Marlin Facts | Atlantic Blue Marlin Diet, Behavior, Habitat
The blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) or the Atlantic blue marlin is a native marlin species of the Atlantic Ocean, Â but it is also found in the Indian and Pacific Ocean. It is typically found in the warm waters near the surface. The blue marlin is the largest bill fish; it grows to a length of…
Spotted Eagle Ray Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior
The spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari) is a cartilaginous fish found in the tropical areas of Hawaii as well as on the coast of West Africa. They are most likely to swim alone but rarely seen in groups. The spotted eagle ray feeds on crustaceans and small fish. IUCN Red List has listed the ray…
Where Do Whale Sharks Live | Distribution and Habitat
The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is a filter feeding shark and it has a cosmopolitan distribution in the tropical and warm temperate waters. It is known to live in the open seas usually avoiding the great depths of water. The whale shark feeds on the coastal sites of the eastern and southern parts of South…
What Do Betta Fish Eat in Captivity | Betta Fish Diet
You can never have healthy betta fish unless you know precisely what should you feed your betta and when should you feed. Besides, feeding your betta the wrong can also lead to sick betta fish at the end of the day. Thus it is important to learn essential facts about what to feed your betta…
How Fast can Sharks Swim | Sharks Speed
Normally sharks swim at a speed of less than 5 kph but few species such as mako sharks are able to cruise at a speed of 48 kph. Makos are the world’s fastest swimmers. They are agile hunters; built for the speed and chasing prey. Their body is thickest at the center and narrow at…
How Big is a Great White Shark
Sharks have long been swimming in the waters of North Pacific Ocean before anything human-like walked on the planet. They have evolved into various forms, many of which show mysterious behavior. White sharks are not easy to study as it offers numerous challenges to the scientists. Besides, many scientists could not even assume the significance…
What Do Sharks Eat the Most | Sharks Diet
Almost all sharks are carnivorous. They have adapted a number of different feeding tactics. These sharks include whale sharks, megamouth sharks, and basking sharks. Some shark species are very fond of eating marine mammals. Great whites and tiger sharks usually consume both live and dead marine animals, but many sharks rely on dead animals for…
Do Sharks Sleep?
Scientists are looking deep into sharks’ behavior trying to explore as much as they can. But sadly, sharks are still one of the least studied marine animals though they have been living underwater for millions of years leaving behind even dinosaurs. It is in part because marine life research is quite a new discipline which…
Do Sharks Lay Eggs | Sharks, Eggs And Pups
Yes indeed! Some sharks do lay eggs but not all of them exhibit the same behavior. Almost 40 percent of shark species lay eggs while the remaining 60 percent bear live young. Different species of sharks display different modes of reproduction. Therefore, some sharks lay eggs and some do not. Those sharks that lay eggs…
Do Sharks Have Tongues
First of all, all sharks do have tongues in their mouth but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they serve the same purpose as ours. Our tongue is a multi-purpose organ. We have a tongue that moves the food inside our mouth; it is very flexible; it has many taste buds and so on. Besides, with…
Do Sharks Have Bones
Scientists believe that sharks has been around underwater for as long as 420 million years and has been changing their appearance ever since. Until today, sharks have more than 470 known species around the world. Typically, there are two very distinct classes of fish based on their internal structure: cartilaginous fish and teleost fish. Cartilaginous…