Tag: Dinosaur

  • Pterodactyl Facts | A Prehistoric Flying Reptile

    Pterodactyl Facts | A Prehistoric Flying Reptile

    The pterodactyl is a generic term which people use to refer to a flying reptile Pterodactylus antiquus or Pteranodon. Interestingly both these flying reptiles were not closely related. The term pterodactyl is not a scientific term. Sometimes the word pterodactyl is used for pterosaurs. Let us use the term ‘pterodactyl’ the same way people use…

  • What Did Dinosaurs Eat | Dinosaurs Diet

    What Did Dinosaurs Eat | Dinosaurs Diet

    Dinosaurs were not only carnivorous (Theropoda) but some of them were almost entirely herbivorous such as Sauropodomorpha and Ornithischia. The dietary preference is determined by various factors including tooth morphology, jaw mechanics, and tooth wear facets. The only way to assume dinosaur’s diet is to understand its thermal physiology, the amount of food required by…

  • Triceratops Facts For Kids | The Last Dinosaurs

    Triceratops Facts For Kids | The Last Dinosaurs

    Triceratops belongs to the family of triceratopsid dinosaur and is believed to have lived in the Maastrichtian era. It had roamed the earth some 68 million years ago. Triceratops used to live in North America. Based on the features of skull and horns, triceratops is more closely associated with Arrhinoceratops and Chasmosaurus. Triceratops Facts for…

  • Dinosaur Facts For Kids | Dinosaur Diet & Habitat

    Dinosaur Facts For Kids | Dinosaur Diet & Habitat

    Let’s have a good look at all the amazing dinosaur facts for kids including dinosaurs habitat, size, length, mass , and running speed. Dinosaurs are a diverse group of animals that belong to the dinosauria clade and are believed to have appeared during the period of Triassic. The dinosaurs have been evolved some 230 million years ago…

  • Facts About Dinosaurs For Kids | Dinosaurs Diet & Habitat

    Facts About Dinosaurs For Kids | Dinosaurs Diet & Habitat

    Are you ready for some of the most unknown facts about dinosaurs for kids? Dinosaurs are the varied animal groups that belong to the Dinosauria clade. It is believed that these mammoth creatures were first emerged some 230 million years ago during the period of Triassic. They were deemed to be the leading and highly…