Category: Artiodactyla (Even-toed ungulates)

  • First Horse Starter Kit – Equipment That You Need to Ride

    First Horse Starter Kit – Equipment That You Need to Ride

    Horse riding is an interesting hobby for many people. Apart from visiting a horse farm to have a great experience, some people want to own their own horses. Buying a horse is rarely a challenge like preparing it for the first ride. When choosing the breed of your first horse, consider factors such as size,…

  • Mule Deer Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Feeding Behavior

    Mule Deer Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Feeding Behavior

    The mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) is a native medium-size mammal of the western United States. It earns its name because of its unusually large ears which is similar to the mule. The mule deer is likely to be smaller in size than the white-tailed deer. They have acute sense of hearing and eyesight with the…

  • Wild Boar Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Wild Boar Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    The wild boar (Sus scrofa) is medium-size native mammal of Africa and Eurasia. Most species of pigs evolve from the wild boars. While humans make the animals redundant in its natural habitats the wild boar is one such animal which is spread with the human intervention. It is also called wild swine or Eurasian wild…

  • Mountain Goat Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Mountain Goat Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    The mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) is a North American herbivorous mammal. It finds its homes in alpine and subalpine habitats. Rocky mountain goat is the other name of mountain goat. It is an even-toed ungulate and it belongs to the family Bovidae. The mountain goat is one of the highest living large mammals. Mountain Goat…

  • Desert Bighorn Sheep Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Desert Bighorn Sheep Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    The desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) is a bighorn subspecies that is typically found in the deserts of Northwestern Mexico and Southwestern United States. They are thought to go by many days without drinking. The sheep is similar in size to a mule deer. Bighorn sheep are desert animals. The general trend in the…

  • Saiga Antelope Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Saiga Antelope Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    The saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica) is a critically endangered species and it is primarily found on the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains including as far as Beringian in North America. Saigas are typically famous for their puffy noses—a nose that makes the breathing air warm and conserve water. Saiga Antelope Facts Anatomy Adult antelopes stand…

  • Pronghorn Antelope Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Pronghorn Antelope Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    The pronghorn antelope (Antilocapra americana) is a medium-size mammal that is typically found in the central and western North America. It is not really an antelope but the animal is referred to as the pronghorn antelope. Giraffes and okapi are the closest cousins of pronghorn. It is the fastest of the land mammals in the…

  • African Giraffe Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    African Giraffe Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    The West African giraffe or Niger giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis peralta) is typically found in the Sagel areas of West Africa. It is an endangered subspecies of giraffe and is mainly recognized by its light orange spots all over its body and neck. The African giraffe’s population is quickly decreasing partly because of hunting and partly…

  • Pygmy Hippo Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Pygmy Hippo Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    The pygmy hippopotamus (Hexaprotodon liberiensis) is one of the smallest hippo species. It is mainly found in the swamps of West Africa. The animal is nocturnal and it seems more like its larger cousin, common hippopotamus. It is believed to spend most of its day near water or stream. Pygmy Hippo Facts   Anatomy The…

  • What Do Giraffes Eat | Giraffes Diet

    What Do Giraffes Eat | Giraffes Diet

    Giraffes are extremely large ruminants with high shoulders, long necks, slopping backs and two horns. They possess a long prehensile tongue. Giraffes make homes in a variety of habitats such as savanna and forest. They are found in sub-Saharan Africa. They feed the most during the early hours of the day or at dusk. Giraffes…

  • What Do Deer Eat in the Wild | Deer Diet and Ecology

    What Do Deer Eat in the Wild | Deer Diet and Ecology

    It might seem difficult to regard deer as browsers or grazers. Even though they are less likely to browse they feed heavily on crops and grasses, deer are nevertheless browsers that are forced to eat crops when browse is not available. However, their most favorite food is acorns, but they will also consume apples, berries,…

  • What Do Camels Eat in the Desert – Camel Diet

    What Do Camels Eat in the Desert – Camel Diet

    Let us learn some of the significant insights as to what do camels eat in the desert. The ship of the desert, camel (camelidae) is one of the only few mammals which can go by couple of weeks without eating food. The adaptations of a camel allow it to live and survive in extreme climates…

  • Zebra Facts For Kids | Zebra Diet, Habitat, Behavior, and Characteristics

    Zebra Facts For Kids | Zebra Diet, Habitat, Behavior, and Characteristics

    Being a member of horse family zebra (Equidae) exhibits certain characteristics that are mostly common in donkeys and horses. Like a horse, zebra is a medium-sized herbivore displays slender legs and elongated heads. It is a single-hoofed ungulate largely built for speed and long-distance movement. Some of the zebra species are endangered while few are…

  • Reindeer Facts For Kids | Top 9

    Reindeer Facts For Kids | Top 9

    With a magnificent arrangement of its antlers, reindeer facts for kids are really something exciting to know. Commonly known as “Caribou” in North America (not excluding Greenland), “Wild Reindeer” in Siberia and “Reindeer” in all over Europe, this animal lives a long way off in northern regions of Europe, arctic Asia and North America. Typically…

  • Quaggas Extinction, Appearance and Behavior Facts for Kids

    Quaggas Extinction, Appearance and Behavior Facts for Kids

    For many centuries the hottest continent, Africa, remained a total mystery for the entire world society, as well as its nature and animal habitat could stay safe. The magnificence and attractiveness of local environment continue to be the main issue Africa can boast of, but, in fact, it has preconditioned aggressive and blatant behavior of…

  • Deer Facts For Kids | Facts about Deer For Kids

    Deer Facts For Kids | Facts about Deer For Kids

    Get ready for the most fascinating deer facts for kids including deer diet, habitat, behavior, and widespread distribution. The deer is an even-toed mammal that belongs to the family of Cervidae. Other animals that fall under this family include black-tailed deer, mule deer, reindeer, elk, moose, chital, roe deer, white-tailed deer, and fallow deer. All…

  • Camel Facts For Kids | Interesting Facts about Camels Diet & Habitat

    Camel Facts For Kids | Interesting Facts about Camels Diet & Habitat

    Here are the most significant camel facts for kids including camels diet, habitat, domestication and several other purposes. A camel is a flat-toed ungulate belong to the genus Camelus. It has couple of humps at its back. Two camel species have been discovered; one is endemic to the Middle East and Africa while the other…

  • Hippo Facts For Kids | Hippopotamus Habitat | Hippopotamus Diet

    Hippo Facts For Kids | Hippopotamus Habitat | Hippopotamus Diet

    You won’t find too many useful hippo facts for kids elsewhere as are here. These insights include hippopotamus diet, habitat, reproduction, behavior and species. The hippopotamus (Hippopotamous amphibious), also called hippo are the large herbivorous mammals and they are known to reside in Sub-Sahara Africa. These mammals belong to the family of Hippopotamidae. Hippos are…

  • Where Do Zebras Live | Zebras Habitat

    Where Do Zebras Live | Zebras Habitat

    Where do zebras live? It’s a tricky question for those who’d never been to any forest rather they have only attended these animals behind the bars in zoos. This article demonstrates some of the most imperative zebra habitat facts and its widespread distribution. One of the most common zebra species is plains zebras that inhabits…

  • What Do Zebras Eat – Zebras Diet

    What Do Zebras Eat – Zebras Diet

    Do you know what do zebras eat? Zebras are actually the member of horse family and are easily recognizable by their unmistakable physical appearance. These animals are considered to be highly sociable and they’re found in large groups. Despite its resemblance with the horse, they are not kept or raised domestically. Zebra is classified into…

  • What Do Pigs Eat – Pigs Diet

    What Do Pigs Eat – Pigs Diet

    Do you know what do pigs eat? Pigs are omnivorous and their diet largely comprises of plants and animals. These animals predominantly eat grasses, leaves, roots, fruits, and flowers. Pigs also rely on worms, insects, dead pigs, trees, bark and garbage for their food. Domesticated pigs are looked after usually for meat as well as…