Let’s talk about the most interesting arctic hare facts such as arctic hares diet, habitat, breeding, and behavior. The arctic hare (Lepus arcticus), also called polar rabbit is a species of hare that inhabits polar and mountainous regions. These hares are covered with the dense, soft, lustrous, silky coat of fur and it typically digs holes or makes burrows in the ground to keep them warm. Arctic hares are similar to rabbits in their outlook but they are relatively taller and have short ears. They are also adaptable for surviving in extreme cold places where rabbits cannot survive. Arctic hares usually travel with other hares comprising eight to ten members; but are often found alone. They are capable to run at a speed of 40 miles (64 km) per hour. Arctic wolf, arctic fox, and ermine are some of the most common predators of these animals.
Arctic Hare Facts
- Arctic hares are one of the largest extant lagomorphs. The average size of these species measures around 43 to 70 cm (17 to 28 inches) in body-length, with the tail averaging 4.5 to 10 cm (1.8 to 3.9 inches).
- Arctic hare has a mass of 2.5 to 5.5 kg (6 to 12 lb), with large species averaging 7 kg (15 lb).
- These animals are adept to live in cold climates perhaps due to the thickness of their coat that protects them from extreme cold.
- Arctic hares can run at a speed of 40 miles (64 km) per hour.
- They fall predation to arctic wolf, arctic fox, and ermine.
- Arctic hares must not be confused with the snowshoe hares and cannot be referred to as rabbits.
- The newborn babies of arctic hares are born blind, helpless, and naked. They are born in the underground burrows to keep them warm in cold climates.
- Arctic hares are omnivores and they have a varied diet.
- They are completely white in color except the ear-tips which are black. Like other hares, they are gregarious and they stand tall on their toes to have a farther view of any potential predators. However, the hares inhabiting southern islands and mainland lack these characteristics. Hares living in the southern islands do not hop on their rear legs.

Image Courtesy of sageimages.com
Where Do Arctic Hares Live | Arctic Hare Facts
The arctic hares inhabits all throughout the tundra regions of Greenland and northernmost parts of Canada. The hares living in the south have brown or grey coat-color. This allows it to remain camouflaged against potential predators.
What Do Arctic Hares Eat | Arctic Hare Facts
Arctic hare predominantly feeds on woody plants but are also known to consume grasses, leaves, buds, and berries. In the summer season, these animals will eat purple saxifrage. They have a keen sense of smell and are often found to dig willow twigs under the snow. They can eat meat too.
Breeding | Arctic Hare Facts
The female is known to litter up to eight babies who are called leverets. These leverets will stay with their mother until they become old enough to live on their own.
- Lepus arcticus arcticus
- Lepus arcticus bangsii
- Lepus arcticus groenlandicus
- Lepus arcticus monstrabilis
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