Category: Pet Care

  • Arthritis in Dogs: 3 Natural Ways to Help Your Pet

    Arthritis in Dogs: 3 Natural Ways to Help Your Pet

    Osteoarthritis is a common condition that affects many of our dogs, particularly as they age. It is caused by degeneration in the cartilage found in the joints which results in inflammation. This painful condition is progressive and early detection is important. Signs that your dog may be suffering from arthritis include:        …

  • A Best Friend for All Ages: Which Dog Breeds Are Best with Children?

    A Best Friend for All Ages: Which Dog Breeds Are Best with Children?

    What are the best dog breeds for children? As you’ll soon see in the list below, there are a lot of great options, really. But finding which is best for your family depends mostly on your lifestyle and how old your kids are.  Do you need a gentle, low-energy dog that’s safe around toddlers? Or do…

  • Pets That are Suitable for Students

    Pets That are Suitable for Students

    For most students, there is no secret that they are very likely to be enjoined from having “paws” in their dorms. Probably, your college will impose restrictions on pet types that are allowed on the premises, and thus teens may be allowed to share their living space only with fish, hamsters, and other small animals.…

  • Best GPS Trackers That Will Definitely Find Your Dog

    Best GPS Trackers That Will Definitely Find Your Dog

    Taking care of your dog is much easier with GPS trackers that won’t let your friend get lost. Many of the modern solutions come with some additional functions that are helpful both for security and a pet’s health. How to choose a GPS dog tracker? It’s important to start with the size of your dog.…

  • The More You Know! A List of the Longest Living Dog Breeds

    The More You Know! A List of the Longest Living Dog Breeds

    Fallen on hard times? It’s a dog’s life, you might say. But just how long is that life? That’s going to depend on the breed because some have longer lifespans than others. Every dog has his day. They say a dog is for life. If you’re planning a canine addition to your family, you need…

  • Signs of A Well-Trained K9

    Signs of A Well-Trained K9

    Depending on the organization they work for, a K9 is usually expected to search for explosives and drugs, find crime scene evidence, locate missing people, and attack people who are targeted by the authorities. However, before they can perform all of these tasks, dogs should be trained by professionals, such as Desert Cove K9, first.…

  • Saltwater Aquarium Setup for Beginners

    Saltwater Aquarium Setup for Beginners

    Fish are popular pets in the US. Indeed, a total of 13.1 million households around the country keep them. It’s easy to understand why. Aquariums in the home become a beautiful centerpiece. The fish, and the tank they call home hold immense aesthetic appeal. They’re lovely to look at and create a relaxing atmosphere too.…

  • How to Ensure Your Rabbit is Eating the Best Diet

    How to Ensure Your Rabbit is Eating the Best Diet

    You finally gave in and got the kids their first pet: a rabbit. Cute, furry, docile and that nose! Wriggly and oh, so pink! Rabbits make great first pets for kids because they are inexpensive and easy to care for. They don’t make much noise, require less veterinary care unlike dogs and cats, and they…

  • 5 Ways to Keep Pet Hair Under Control

    5 Ways to Keep Pet Hair Under Control

    No doubt having a pet as a companion is fun! Be it a dog, feline, or any other little fellow, pets are the simple definition of pure love and joy. Their witty antics keep us entertained and amused all throughout the day.  Moreover, they are the most amazing companions to beat the demon of anxiety…

  • How Old is my Dog? Understanding the Timeline of a Dog’s Life

    How Old is my Dog? Understanding the Timeline of a Dog’s Life

    They say every year in dog years is equal to 7 in human ones, so calculating your dog’s age should be simple, right? But it turns out it’s not as simple as that. Dogs don’t age in a linear fashion, so it’s not as easy as taking your dog’s years on earth and multiplying by…

  • 4 Dog Care Hacks to Make Your Life Easier

    4 Dog Care Hacks to Make Your Life Easier

    Getting a dog is probably the best decision a person can make in his life. As a dog owner, you’re probably already aware of the benefits these little furballs provide. Along with the happiness and enjoyment dogs provide, they also come with some responsibilities that might seem a little too exhausting for you. Have you…



    It is every child’s dream to own a dog. However, as parents constantly love to remind us, owning a pet is a responsibility in every sense of the word and one part of this responsibility is to properly train your dog. Studies have proven that a well-trained pet leads to a more behaviorally sound pet,…

  • How To Make Your New Pet Feel At Home

    How To Make Your New Pet Feel At Home

    If you’re conscious about making your new pet feel at home and want to earn your new family additions trust, preparing for your new puppy in advance is essential – puppy proofing your space correctly is a must. Moving home, whether to a newly furnished apartment in the city or a converted barn in the…

  • How To Proper Care For You New Hedgehog

    How To Proper Care For You New Hedgehog

    Cats, dogs, guinea pigs, your children have probably asked for it all. Well, do not be surprised if they ask for a hedgehog in the near future. Sure, owning and caring for a pet will teach your child about life and responsibility, but if you don’t know how to care for the pet yourself how…

  • 5 Guaranteed Money-saving Hacks for Dog Owners

    5 Guaranteed Money-saving Hacks for Dog Owners

    Fine and high-quality doggy items do not necessarily have to be expensive, such as the dog collars that you see at In fact, other doggy essentials and caring for your pet as a whole can be financially manageable and fit snugly into your budget with a few money-saving hacks. Some of those who take…

  • Why You Should Use a Dog Shower Head to Bathe Your Pooch

    Why You Should Use a Dog Shower Head to Bathe Your Pooch

    We use shower heads that make our shower more comfortable, so why not make our dog’s shower more comfortable with the right shower head. Why Use a Dog Shower Head? Many people think and know first-hand that bathing a pet is more torture than it is fun. This goes for you and the pet. Everyone…

  • What Makes People Look Like Their Dogs?

    What Makes People Look Like Their Dogs?

    It is not a surprise to meet a small pet walking in the park with its owner who look exactly like each other. More and more often, people notice the similarities between their favorite pets and themselves starting from the appearance to the specific patterns of behavior. In fact, such a tendency does not exist…

  • Top 5 Best Foods For Dogs

    Top 5 Best Foods For Dogs

    Dog lovers may want to share a variety of foods with their dogs. Some of them are healthier than others. Moreover, some foods can also be toxic to the animal. Just like humans, dogs also need food which is nutritious and friendly to eat. You should consider it well whether the food you are buying…

  • Why Vaccination Is Important to Avoid Dog Flu

    Why Vaccination Is Important to Avoid Dog Flu

    Back in January 2005, some greyhounds at a New Jersey racetrack fell inexplicably ill. Each of them showed signs and symptoms of some kind of respiratory system problems: runny noses, coughing, and fever. The outward symptoms could be wrongly identified as “kennel coughing,” an ailment triggered by the Bordetella bronchiseptica. However, it quickly became apparent…

  • Dogs see the world with their noses

    Dogs see the world with their noses

    Did you know that a dog’s eyesight is pretty limited? Yes, humans have much better eyesight than dogs, because we can spot a higher number of colors, can make a difference between different brightness levels, and enjoy a better image clarity. But, dogs have an incredible nose that compensates for the bad eyesight. The nose…

  • 4 Things You Need To Know About CBD Oil for Dogs

    4 Things You Need To Know About CBD Oil for Dogs

    I know it’s not everyday that you get to see “CBD” and “Dogs” in one sentence. Well, I guess today’s just a little bit different – a little special, perhaps. That’s because today, we’re letting you in on an exclusive pet lover’s trade secret. Dogs are just lovely creatures. They easily steal your heart and…