It’s difficult to miss the excitement surrounding cannabidiol (CBD). This hemp-derived product comes in a vast array of options including oils, gummies, tinctures, creams, lotions, and vape juice, and millions have tried it. Those who use it say it works wonders for treating anxiety, pain, sleep disorders, and more.
It’s an all-natural substance that’s supposed to be safe for humans, but what about pets? Can you try CBD oil for sleep if Fido is up all night and keeping you up too? Can you use a CBD cream to help your cat’s injured paw heal faster? Let’s find out.
The Facts About CBD
It’s hard to explain the effects of CBD on pets without first knowing what CBD is and what it does. CBD is a compound found in cannabis and hemp. It can be derived from either plant but CBD that doesn’t contain THC is usually made from hemp.
Because this strain of CBD does not contain THC, it has no psychoactive effects. In other words, it won’t make you high. It’s also sold legally online in most states if the THC content is below 0.3 percent.
In humans, CBD is effective because the human body contains a complex network of cannabinoids and endocannabinoids. Using CBD is like taking a supplement to increase the body’s production of cannabinoids, and when taken in the right doses and with the right types of absorption, it can help your body return to homeostasis.
That’s why it is used so often as a treatment for common ailments like pain, sleep problems, anxiety, and disease prevention. It makes people feel great without getting them high.
Research on CBD in Dogs
Research on both human and animal use of CBD is very limited. CBD is still considered a Schedule 1 drug, so it’s forbidden in many states to run studies on humans. The research we do have was usually done on rodents.
With that in mind, there are currently no formal studies to show that CBD has any effects on dogs. However, dogs also have an endocannabinoid system that’s responsible for regulating hormones, emotions, pain, and immune system in mammals like dogs and cats. It follows that CBD might have a similar effect on dogs that it might have on humans.
Keep in mind that because there are no studies of CBD in animals, we don’t know if it’s effective or if it’s harmful. There is a chance that testing CBD on your animal could be problematic, though there are no known reports of that so far.
Anecdotal Evidence on CBD Treatments in Pets
In the realm of CBD treatments, scientific evidence doesn’t seem to hold as much weight as stories of success. There’s a dedicated community of CBD users who are advocating for its use, and that seems to be garnering all the attention.
If you’re trying to decide if CBD is a good treatment for your pet’s ailments, you’ll want to hear what many pet owners and even veterinarians have to say about it.
Many people don’t realize that pets get stressed too. They can become anxious in new situations like driving in the car or being around new people like children. This can cause them to act out in negative ways, and it can put you in a hairy situation.
Some pet owners have given their anxious animals CBD and discovered that it does the trick for their anxiety. It makes their pets a little more tired than usual, but they’re better able to handle a new situation.
Anti-Inflammatory and Pain Relief
It’s difficult to watch your pets age because dogs and cats age much more quickly than humans and they begin to visibly slow down. It’s obvious they’re in some pain. They walk more slowly, limp more, and can’t keep up with you the way they used to.
For humans, CBD is a common treatment for chronic pain conditions like arthritis. There’s anecdotal evidence that CBD can be effective in relieving symptoms of pain and inflammation for arthritic pets as well.
Cardiac Health
Heart disease is less common in animals than it is in humans, but the cause is universal: poor nutrition and lack of exercise. If your animal is on the track to cardiovascular disease, you might be able to stave off some of the effects with CBD.
The proper dosage can increase a pet’s appetite, and their natural instincts will have them seeking nutritional foods. It can also help to boost their energy levels and encourage more natural exercise.
CBD Products for Pets
After researching the use of CBD thoroughly, you might decide it’s time to buy the products. Your choices will likely be different from human choices, so choose carefully.
Dogs and cats tend to have a more sophisticated gut than humans do. They have a much more difficult time with pesticides, heavy metals, fungicides, and other garbage, and a low-quality product could cause digestive issues, lethargy, or other negative side effects.
Choose organic CBD products sourced from carefully-cultivated hemp products. The purer the CBD the better. THC and other compounds could be harmful to your pet. CBD isolates mixed into your pet’s food may be the simplest solution.
Avoid harmful sweets like chocolate, which can be poisonous for dogs. Sugary substances are also bad for dog’s teeth and should be avoided.
Finally, only use CBD products under the direction of a physician. You’ll want a medical expert who’s familiar with cannabis products to help you make the right choice for your furry friend.
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