How an ESA can Help You to Deal with Stress

Most people undergo stress several times throughout their lives, which is not surprising given the busy lives we lead. However, having too much stress is not good for you. When stress overpowers you so much that you cannot live a normal life, you need help.

What is Stress?

In small doses, stress can actually be a good thing because it is the body’s way of keeping you on your toes. The fight or flight response, which most of us are familiar with, is the way your body automatically reacts to danger. When it works properly, stress can help your body to stay alert and prepare you to face any situation. However, after a certain point, stress stops being helpful and starts damaging your body, mood, productivity, mind, and relationships. This is what is called chronic stress.

What are the Symptoms of Chronic Stress?

If you tend to be stressed easily, you might end up being stuck in a perpetual stress loop. This can result in health issues such as increased signs of aging, heart disease, and digestive upsets. Moreover, it can affect your ability to remember things, concentrate, and lead to skin issues or chronic pain. You might not be aware that you have chronic stress because you might be used to it. Here are the four main symptom categories that you need to look out for:

Physical Symptoms

  • Loss of interest in activities
  • Frequent cold symptoms
  • Aches and pains
  • Dizziness and nausea
  • Chest pain and rapid heart rate
  • Constipation and diarrhea

Behavioral Symptoms

  • Nervous habits such as nail biting
  • Withdrawing from relationships
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Eating too much or too little
  • Neglecting your responsibilities and procrastinating

Mental Symptoms

  • Constant worry
  • Poor judgment or skills
  • Racing or anxious thoughts
  • Persistent negative thoughts
  • Memory issues
  • Poor concentration

Emotional Symptoms

  • Anxiety or agitation
  • Loneliness
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Depression or a general feeling of unhappiness
  • Mood swings

How an Emotional Support Animal can Help

Getting an emotional support animal (ESA) can help you to alleviate some stress symptoms. In fact, you can lower your blood pressure, release endorphins, and reduce your heart rate just by petting a furry animal. Having an emotional support animal, especially a dog, will also encourage you to go outside and exercise while walking the dog. Exercise is good for the body as it releases endorphins, which are feel-good hormones. You might also end up losing weight and boosting your immunity. Unlike people, an ESA, no matter what animal it is, will not judge or desert you because you have too many problems.

ESAs and Stress

If you think that you are suffering from chronic stress, you should talk about it with your mental health professional. You can get in touch with licensed, accredited, and experienced counselor now at Their licensed professionals will be custom-matched to you in order to make sure you’re on the path to a healthier, happier you. You might be told to change your diet or make a few lifestyle changes to reduce stress. If you think that an emotional support animal might work to your benefit, you should adopt one that has a calm temperament. The wrong animal, especially one that is aggressive, might just add more stress to your life.

How to Qualify for an ESA

According to the owner of, you can qualify for an ESA if you have an emotional disability. However, you need a therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist to certify you as emotionally disabled. Make sure that you ask your doctor to write an emotional support letter for you.


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