Key Facts About Giving CBD To Dogs

It is no surprise why dog owners are confused about whether or not they should give CBD to their pets. As a result, it is common for such individuals to simply go on instinct in this regard, particularly if they believe that their pet’s current medicine is ineffective or they suspect there may be more useful, natural options on the market. Veterinarians share in this frustration when they are unable to point to conclusive scientific evidence of benefits for dogs.

With all of that in mind, share the following information that may help you make a decision about providing an unstudied, largely unregulated substance to your beloved companion.

Research Is Critical

Due diligence is essential, particularly if you intend to purchase a CBD supplement for your pet online. Guard against succumbing to slick marketing and claims that are unsupported by evidence. Look for unbiased reviews to learn about what everyone has to say about a given supplement. It may be wise to start with the most unflattering reviews and go from there.

Do some research on the company from which you are considering making a purchase. Is there litigation pending against the enterprise? If there is, what is it about? Has the company faced FDA or other fines over false or unsubstantiated claims? Do they employ a veterinarian, or are they affiliated with a veterinary medicine school?

Applied Basic Sciences Corporation and ElleVet Sciences have subjected their products to placebo-controlled, double-blind scientific studies conducted by university researchers in order to demonstrate their safety and effectiveness.

Dog taking CBD Hemp Oil from Tincture Dropper

Natural May Not Always Be Better

Always remember that no CBD product formulated for dogs is fully natural. Other than unprocessed, raw marijuana (which must never be given to dogs), any available product will necessarily have been altered or subject to some sort of processing. Also keep in mind that even natural substances can pose real dangers. For instance, xylitol is known as a natural sweetening agent that is natural, but it is extremely dangerous for dogs.

All medications, whether they are synthetic or natural, that a veterinarian prescribes are given for a reason, namely that they have been vetted, researched, and fully documented in their efficacy. Vets are the ones to ask about potential side effects, dosing, and when it may be necessary to switch to a different medication.

Be Skeptical

All too often, CBD products for dogs that are advertised online simply sound too good to be true. Remember, though, that the product you order online may have been derived from industrial hemp or hemp that may have been processed in a less-than-desirable way. CBD can be extracted from hemp in a variety of ways, and one of the lease expensive methods involves the use of hexane and butane, and it is known to pose a risk of leaving toxic residue behind. Now, this is not to suggest that every product sold online is dangerous or untrustworthy, but it really is necessary to conduct your own research into how a given company makes its products and how they have been received by users.

Keep Records

It is wise to maintain a journal related to your dog’s use of any new CBD product to assess its effects on your pet. That way, you will have a strong body of evidence to determine whether the product’s impact is a positive one. Recording some video of your dog after having used the product for a few days is another great way to measure progress (or lack thereof). Solicit opinions from family and friends who know your dog and will be able to notice changes in their demeanor.ย 

Remain Vigilant

Much as you would with any new product you introduce to your pet, make sure to stay on guard so that you notice anything that simply does not seem right. If you start to observe unusual symptoms coming from your pet, consult with a veterinarian right away. The following side effects have been noted by humans who have used CBD, so try to analogize them to your pet.

Mouth Dryness

Dogs are unable to communicate to you if they are experiencing dry mouth, but you may notice that they are drinking more water than usual. A greater demand for hydration can be indicative of a range of problems, such as diabetes, poisoning, and more.


Humans suffering from Parkinson’s disease who have also taken a high dose of CBD have been reported as experiencing a greater degree of tremors. Dogs who are suffering from this symptom require prompt evaluation.

Drop In Blood Pressure

If you take your dog to the vet, and low blood pressure is observed, tell the practitioner that your dog has been receiving CBD.


Dogs cannot communicate when they are feeling dizzy, but you might notice that they seem unbalanced or disoriented, and this should be relayed to your veterinary professional.


Observe your dog’s sleep and wake cycles carefully to determine if they have undergone changes since the introduction of CBD.


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