Tag: Cheetah

  • Information About Cheetahs For Kids

    Information About Cheetahs For Kids

    Here I’m bringing you some of the most fascinating information about cheetahs for kids. The information embraces all essential facts about cheetah’s diet, habitat, migratory behavior, and its hunting technique. Cheetah, the fastest land animal on earth, can sprint up to 96 km/h (60 mph) for a short part of its chase. A handful number…

  • Where Do Cheetahs Live in the World

    Where Do Cheetahs Live in the World

    If you want to know where do cheetahs live in the world probably you should check out all these essential facts about the cheetahs habitat and distribution. The cheetah fancy living in open country including several parts of the geographic range. They build their habitats in semidesert, open grasslands, open woodlands, savanna mosaics and grassy…

  • Are Cheetahs Endangered | Why Are Cheetahs Endangered

    Are Cheetahs Endangered | Why Are Cheetahs Endangered

    Are Cheetahs endangered? Probably the answer is ‘Yes”. Cheetah, the fastest mammal known for its agility is a sole member of its genus. Once they roamed around the plains of four continents including Asia, Europe, Africa, and North America about 20,000 years ago. However, due to some abrupt climate changes, they are becoming endangered as…

  • African Animals For Kids | List of 8 African Animals

    African Animals For Kids | List of 8 African Animals

    You’re going to learn some of the most amazing African animals for kids. Africa has long been recognized as a hub for varied African animals ranging from small sized to the large sized predators. It’s a mix of extreme land areas. Mountains prick the clouds. A large number of grassy plains emerge on the other…

  • What Do Cheetahs Eat – Cheetah Diet

    What Do Cheetahs Eat – Cheetah Diet

    Do you know what do cheetahs eat? This article will guide you toward a better understanding of cheetahs diet. Cheetah, the only wild cat that is aerodynamically built for the speed, is capable to accelerate from 0 – 100 km/h within just three seconds. Though in short bursts, cheetahs are adept to run at a…

  • How Fast Can a Cheetah Run | How Fast Can Cheetahs Run

    How Fast Can a Cheetah Run | How Fast Can Cheetahs Run

    While studying facts about cheetah perhaps the first question arises is that how fast can a cheetah run! Very few people are aware of the exact speed of this fastest animal. Cheetah is actually the large-sized feline that inhabits across Africa, Asia and Middle East. These cats are by far the fastest runner on land…

  • Cheetah Facts For Kids | Cheetah Habitat & Diet

    Cheetah Facts For Kids | Cheetah Habitat & Diet

    Here are some of the most interesting and amazing cheetah facts for kids. The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is a feline that is endemic to Africa with some of the species are also found in the Middle East. These animals are the extant members of genus Acinonyx. Without any doubt, cheetah is the fastest living animal…