Category: WildLife

  • The Beauty Of The World Around Us: How Diverse Nature Really Is

    The Beauty Of The World Around Us: How Diverse Nature Really Is

    The earth and its complexities are beautiful, and what makes it the magic of life. Several ecosystems work together to make the planet as beautiful as it is. From various incredible wildlife to breathtaking diverse communities of plants, every ecosystem within the biosphere is significant and unique. Evolution has brought about a further expression of…

  • Encouraging Wildlife to Visit Your Suburban Garden

    Encouraging Wildlife to Visit Your Suburban Garden

    There are many parts of the world where wildlife still lives in close proximity to human dwellings.  Depending on where you live, you may even find your garden in a heavily-populated suburban area visited by anything from birds and badgers to red wolves and raccoons. While not everyone will appreciate waking up to a deer in their…

  • Native American Animals That Need Help To Survive 

    Native American Animals That Need Help To Survive 

    There are around 3,000 native species of animal in America. Many of these, like the raccoon, are thriving, where they happily live alongside man, even taking advantage of the food sources that we provide. There are however many native species that need to be conserved, numbers are low, and if they’re not looked after, they could be facing…

  • Sustainability Today: 7 Easy Steps to Reduce Harm for Wild Animals

    Sustainability Today: 7 Easy Steps to Reduce Harm for Wild Animals

    Compared to a century ago, only 4% of wild tigers are left on earth; every 22 hours, a rhino is being poached; every day,100 elephants are being killed in Africa.  As alarming as it sounds, these are only hard facts that are the results of human actions.  Animals around the world are facing extinction, endangerment,…

  • New to the Bird Watching Hobby? 5 Bird Spotting Tips for Beginners

    New to the Bird Watching Hobby? 5 Bird Spotting Tips for Beginners

    There are over 10,000 different species of birds on the planet. Just imagine the diversity among birds that are found just in your area. Can you identify five of them? Ten? Twenty? To put it into perspective, there over forty species of ducks and geese that can be found in the tiny state of Rhode Island alone.…

  • Creating A Wildlife-Friendly Garden

    Creating A Wildlife-Friendly Garden

    Between 1960 and 2014, the most recent year with available data, Earth’s population of wild vertebrates has declined by 60%. The biggest reason for this is human activity that has resulted in habitat loss and degradation. Whether you have a balcony or a large piece of land surrounding your home, you can help to boost habitats…

  • 10 Simple Rules To Children In Zoos

    10 Simple Rules To Children In Zoos

    It’s that amazing time of the year when we take time off to go sight-seeing with our families. We get to explore places we’ve never been to, try out new cuisines and experience new cultures. With children on the trip, there’s usually a ton of excitement as the little ones would gesture and want to…

  • Writing an Essay on Animal Rights: International Organizations You Need to Know

    Writing an Essay on Animal Rights: International Organizations You Need to Know

    Animal rights is a topic that should never be avoided and thats why you need to get more information on international organisations for writing your essay. Protecting those who are weaker and don’t have an opportunity to speak out and stand their ground is a duty of all people. Those who are presented as the…

  • How a Tiger in the Jungle Can Influence Humans Living in Cities?

    How a Tiger in the Jungle Can Influence Humans Living in Cities?

    India is a beautiful home to diverse wildlife. Its rich heritage of forests, grasslands, ecosystems thrive together in harmony. If any of these systems are compromised, there will a conflict that will cause discord. One such species is our very Tiger from the cat family. According to a recent study, the number of tigers in…

  • Facts about Nocturnal Animals | From Birds to Mammals

    Facts about Nocturnal Animals | From Birds to Mammals

    Nocturnal animals are those animals that come out only at night and spend most of the daytime resting or sleeping. Some however are often seen during the day but they are more likely to be active at night. That is not to say that nocturnal animals are active all night. They have alternating periods of…

  • Giant Squid Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Distribution

    Giant Squid Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Distribution

    The giant squid (Architeuthis) is the largest living invertebrate on the planet. It has probably the largest eyes in the entire animal kingdom. The squid is a bottom-dwelling species and it grows to a tremendous size of 43 feet. It is one of the poorly known oceanic species. The precise distribution is unknown but it…

  • What Do Tasmanian Devils Eat | Tasmanian Devil’s Diet

    What Do Tasmanian Devils Eat | Tasmanian Devil’s Diet

    Tasmanian devils are Australia’s only true indigenous carnivorous mammals. They are specialized scavengers and terrestrial predators. Devils are almost entirely nocturnal. They are most likely to feed on medium-sized mammals including possums and wallabies. Tasmanian devils are inefficient hunters and they probably never attack humans. What Do Tasmanian Devils Eat The Tasmanian devil is the…

  • How Fast can a Grizzly Bear Run | Grizzly Bear Speed

    How Fast can a Grizzly Bear Run | Grizzly Bear Speed

    Bears are lumbering animals as they typically move slowly and deliberately. Although they have stout limbs and plantigrade feet bears possess the ability to run fast. Each bear species has adapted itself to move on bare ground as well as on thick arctic sheet. Some of them are even fast enough to outrun a human…

  • What Animals Live in the Desert – Animals that Live in the Desert

    What Animals Live in the Desert – Animals that Live in the Desert

    Many different types of deserts exist in different parts of the world. Some are mountainous and rocky while others are pebbly or full of sand dunes. Some become baking hot under the sun whereas others are bitterly cold but there is one thing common about all of them and that is the hostile conditions which prevail…

  • Weird Facts about Animals | Top 40 Weird Animal Facts

    Weird Facts about Animals | Top 40 Weird Animal Facts

    Here are the most amazing and weird facts about animals that are too rare to be found elsewhere. A 2007 survey shows that there are around 1,263,186 animal species that have been named and pronounced scientifically. Amongst these, insect species are 950,000; bird species 9956; 8240 reptiles; 5416 mammals, and 6199 amphibians. When we think…

  • African Animals For Kids | List of 8 African Animals

    African Animals For Kids | List of 8 African Animals

    You’re going to learn some of the most amazing African animals for kids. Africa has long been recognized as a hub for varied African animals ranging from small sized to the large sized predators. It’s a mix of extreme land areas. Mountains prick the clouds. A large number of grassy plains emerge on the other…

  • Wildlife Conservation Efforts in India

    Wildlife Conservation Efforts in India

    In order to instigate wildlife conservation efforts in India, World Wildlife Fund has set up various groups. India hosts diverse kinds of wildlife species possibly due to the broad range of weather, soil, climate, and other similar factors. On the negative side, however, there are certain species that are threatened or vulnerable and are required…

  • Wild Animals Information | Three Important Features

    Today, I’m going to talk about wild animals information while highlighting some of the key features involved. Wildlife is a term which is usually associated with the non-domesticated vertebrates, and is more readily used with reference to animals, organisms, and wild plants. The domesticated wild plants and animal species have always been kept for the…