Category: Endangered

  • 4 Endangered Species Found in the UK and Why They’re Protected

    4 Endangered Species Found in the UK and Why They’re Protected

    The UK is known for its stunning, varied landscapes and natural beauty, and it’s a big part of why so many international tourists visit each year. But besides its natural beauty, it’s also home to a large array of wildlife. While many species are abundant in nature and easy to spot, there are also endangered…

  • What Should Every Student Know about Endangered Animals in 2019?

    What Should Every Student Know about Endangered Animals in 2019?

    The Most Relevant Facts about Endangered Species in 2019 The theory of evolution holds that death is part and parcel of life. And so is species extinction. We were able to evolve into the form of life we are now only because other species were less adapted and died out without leaving any offspring behind.…

  • Are Manatees Endangered | Manatees Status

    Are Manatees Endangered | Manatees Status

    Manatees are warm-blooded animals with the bulky body giving it an appearance of a large floating rock. They are also known as ‘sea cows’. There are three species of manatees all of which are listed as ‘Vulnerable’ by the World Conservation Union. The three species are Amazonian manatee, West Indian manatee, and the West African…

  • Are Crocodiles Endangered | Crocodiles Status

    Are Crocodiles Endangered | Crocodiles Status

    Many crocodiles are at the verge of extinction whereas some of them are classified as critically endangered. While most crocodilian species faced almost-extinction situation because of the habitat degradation or deforestation, others were illegally hunted, still others died of road collision. The future of all these crocodiles rests in the hands of the conservation societies.…

  • Why are Chimpanzees Endangered | Endangered Apes

    Why are Chimpanzees Endangered | Endangered Apes

    Chimpanzees are in danger of dying out and in the next 50 years they could become extinct. Prominent among the responsible factors is a human disturbance which is pushing many chimps to the brink of extinction. Once they were widespread all across the 25 Africa countries but currently they are found in no more than…

  • Andean Mountain Cat Facts | Cat’s Habitat, Diet, Distribution

    Andean Mountain Cat Facts | Cat’s Habitat, Diet, Distribution

    The Andean mountain cat (Leopardus jacobita) is arguably one of the least understood cats in South America and probably for a very good reason. One is not lucky enough to find such species in the wild and we only come to know from a few museum skins and skulls. The Andean mountain cat might have…

  • Why are Red Pandas Endangered? | Endangered Red Pandas

    Why are Red Pandas Endangered? | Endangered Red Pandas

    Red pandas are found in the temperate forests of the Himalayas ranging from Nepal through to Chinese provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan. They build habitats in the bamboo forests. They are highly territorial species. Red pandas are not completely endangered. They are vulnerable meaning they are at risk for becoming endangered. Why are Red Pandas…

  • How Many Polar Bears are Left in the World?

    How Many Polar Bears are Left in the World?

    According to the International Union Conservation for Nature (IUCN) there are around 20,000 – 25,000 polar bears (Ursus maritimus) left in the world. The numbers are continuously declining due to climate change and pollution. Previously these bears were in the list of Least Concern but in 2008 they became vulnerable species. How Many Polar Bears are Left…

  • Animals in Danger of Extinction | Causes and Effects of Extinction

    Animals in Danger of Extinction | Causes and Effects of Extinction

    Extinction is when an animal species no longer  lives on the Earth. Extinction is nothing new, but what is new are some of the reasons the Earth is now losing more animals, at a faster rate than it is believed ever before in Earth’s history. Animals in Danger of Extinction – The Causes The famous…

  • How to Save Endangered Species | Causes and Preventions

    How to Save Endangered Species | Causes and Preventions

    While animals are admired for their unique disposition and significant ecological role, there are many who are endangered of becoming extinct. Some animals just naturally die off as their environment changes, but humans are the cause of so many changes taking place in the natural world. Let’s find out what are the real causes of…

  • Are Elephants Endangered | Why Are Elephants Endangered

    Are Elephants Endangered | Why Are Elephants Endangered

    It is a misfortune beyond reckoning and humanity needs to concentrate to the plight of the elephants before it is too late. You need to ask yourself a question, “Are elephants endangered?” Well, they certainly are and as always humans are held responsible for their endangerment. Elephants have long been employed for hunting, sports, and…

  • Endangered Species For Kids | Top 6 Endangered Species

    Endangered Species For Kids | Top 6 Endangered Species

    Here you’ll enjoy the top ten endangered species for kids. These species require immediate attention from all the people in general, and conservationists in particular. The population is diminishing at a rapid pace perhaps due to illegal hunting, poaching, introduction of some non-native species, and shortage of prey. All these factors contribute towards the endangerment…

  • Endangered Animals in the Rainforest | Top 6 Endangered Animals

    Endangered Animals in the Rainforest | Top 6 Endangered Animals

    I’m often asked as to how many endangered animals in the rainforest. Therefore, I have decided to list down the most important facts about these endangered animals. They have become endangered due to extreme hunting, poaching, and scarcity of prey. Some species are affected by the climatic change. Scientists have introduced several species to the…

  • Are Dolphins Endangered | Why Are Dolphins Endangered

    Are Dolphins Endangered | Why Are Dolphins Endangered

    Are dolphins endangered? Probably YES! Apart from humans, dolphins have few natural predators. Certain species have almost no enemy which makes them an apex predator. Some of the most common predators are dusky shark, great white shark, tiger shark, and bull shark. Mostly the calves fall victim to these enemies. Another reason as to why…

  • Endangered Animals List For Kids | Top 10 Endangered Animals

    Endangered Animals List For Kids | Top 10 Endangered Animals

    Here is an endangered animals list for kids that are not commonly available elsewhere. These animals are likely to be extinct in the next 15 to 20 years if any conservation measurements are not taken. These animals play a significant role in keeping a balance in the ecosystem by checking the population of its prey.…

  • Are Cheetahs Endangered | Why Are Cheetahs Endangered

    Are Cheetahs Endangered | Why Are Cheetahs Endangered

    Are Cheetahs endangered? Probably the answer is ‘Yes”. Cheetah, the fastest mammal known for its agility is a sole member of its genus. Once they roamed around the plains of four continents including Asia, Europe, Africa, and North America about 20,000 years ago. However, due to some abrupt climate changes, they are becoming endangered as…

  • Why Are Animals Endangered | Top 11 Causes of Endangered Species

    Why Are Animals Endangered | Top 11 Causes of Endangered Species

    Why are animals endangered? This is one of the questions that are often asked by students who tries figure out the root cause of the wave of extinction that is sweeping the earth. This article is an attempt to explain you some of the most probable causes about endangered species facing biologists worldwide. An animal…

  • Cute Endangered Animals | Top 10 Cute Endangered Animals

    Cute Endangered Animals | Top 10 Cute Endangered Animals

    I have gathered some of the most useful facts about cute endangered animals. Perhaps due to the dramatic increase in the world’s human population in the last couple of decades, the natural habitats are disappearing or are being degraded. About one-third of the earth’s land is already occupied by agriculture. Consequently, many plants and animal…

  • Endangered Species Facts | Top 6 Critically Endangered Species

    Endangered Species Facts | Top 6 Critically Endangered Species

    Here are some of the rarely known endangered species facts. The crying need of the hour is to create a public understanding in the mind of the masses for the conservation of these species. A large number of species are listed as endangered each year and quite a few of them have become extinct in…

  • Why Are Snow Leopards Endangered | Top 4 Reasons

    Why Are Snow Leopards Endangered | Top 4 Reasons

    Here are the most useful facts as to why are snow leopards endangered and what conservation measures have been taken to date. Snow leopards are primarily hunted for their thick and silvery coat which has a significant commercial worth for traders. Currently, there are a handful number of these species left in the coniferous scrublands…

  • Endangered Animals Facts | Top 7 Critically Endangered Animals

    Endangered Animals Facts | Top 7 Critically Endangered Animals

    Let’s check out the list of these critically endangered animals facts. Endangered animals are species that are threatened with extinction – that is, dying off of all individuals of their kind. Hundreds and thousands of species are classified as endangered each year and the number is continuously on the rise. Many scientists believe that a…