Red back Spider Facts | Red Back Spider Diet & Habitat

I’m bringing you some of the most fantastic red back spider facts such as red back spider habitat, diet, and reproduction. The red back spider (Latrodetus hasseltii) is one of the most dangerous species that inhabits all throughout Australia but more commonly in temperate regions. These spiders belong to the genus Latroodectus. The female spider is easily distinguishable from its black body as well as distinctive red stripes that run over its upper body and abdomen. The females can grow to a size of one centimeter and while males are slightly being smaller. The red back spider bite can cause iantense pain and is highly toxic to humans. The pain can last for 24 hours. Let’s now discover all these interesting facts about red back spiders for kids.

Fascinating Red Back Spider Facts

  • The red back spiders are easily distinguishable by the orange, red, or brownish stripe that shows on its characteristic black, globular abdomen.
  • The females are considerably larger than males and virtually only females are dangerous.
  • The spiderlings are smaller in size initially; they also lack colored stripes or makings on their body. The spiderling’s bite and male’s bite do not cause as much pain as those of female’s bite. The bite may, nevertheless, lead to few symptoms.
  • The length of the female red back spider measures around 1 cm, while male is 3 – 4 mm long.
  • The red back spider displays bright black body together with slender legs and rounded body.
  • The prominent red back of the spider means an effective warning, making it difficult to miss it if a modest care is taken when moving rubbish, or placing your hands in forgotten places.
  • The red back spider bite can lead to ED presentations and the most clinically imperative spider bite in Australia. The majority of the bites end up in no or minimal symptoms requiring no antivenom and death is extremely unlikely even in untreated cases. According to doctors, in almost 20% of cases, significant envenomation take place and antivenom administration is usually indicated. The pain may be accompanied by profuse sweating, nausea, headache, abdominal pain, vomiting, fever, parenthesis, hypertension, and rashes.

Where Do Red back Spiders Live | Red Back Spider Facts

Red back spiders are generally endemic to Australia with few species also exist outside Australia such as in New Zealand and Japan. Not many bite incidents have we come across since 1980s. A good many number of these species also dwell in the Central Otago (South Island) and New Plymouth (North Island). Other spider that falls in the same genus is black katipo spider which is found in New Zealand. Red back spiders are known to reside in the most inhospitable environments across Australia. They are also found human populated areas especially in gardens. Red back spiders usually build their webs in dry sites that are sheltered including shrubs, sheds, outhouses, rocks, and rocks.

What Do Red Back Spiders Eat | Australian Red Back Spider Facts

Red back spiders primarily prey on insects but they are capable to hunt larger animals that are trapped in their camouflaged webs. These prey includes trapdoor spiders, skinks, beetles, young mouse, small lizards, and king crickets. Red back spiders are also known for their lightning speed and deadly venom.

Reproduction | Red Back Spider Facts

The males reach maturity after 37 – 167 days. Some species can become mature after 90 days. The females turn out to be mature after 60 – 325 days. The average lifespan of males is 6 – 7 months while females may live up to 2 – 3 years. Red back spiders are capable to survive for about 100 – 300 days without food. The spiders also survive from below freezing point to 40 degree Celsius. The female may lay eggs every 25 – 30 days. The female spider lays 40 – 300 eggs in every sac but it can surely lay up to 5,000 eggs. The hatching period lasts for 13 – 15 days.

Fast Facts

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Arachinda
Order: Araneae
Family: Theridiidae
Genus: Lactrodectus
Species: L. hasseltii


2 responses to “Red back Spider Facts | Red Back Spider Diet & Habitat”


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  2. AStrugglingSpecialistStudent

    hello, i just want to say this is a great site and im 17 and it helps me alot for this PSMT so i just want to say thanks

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