Reindeer Facts For Kids | Top 9

With a magnificent arrangement of its antlers, reindeer facts for kids are really something exciting to know. Commonly known as “Caribou” in North America (not excluding Greenland), “Wild Reindeer” in Siberia and “Reindeer” in all over Europe, this animal lives a long way off in northern regions of Europe, arctic Asia and North America. Typically these animals nibble tundra herbs from the regions of Alaska, Scandinavia, Russia and Canada. A reindeer treks 1,600 miles every year which makes it one of the biggest land-dwelling mammals having such a colossal migration. Caribou voyages almost 600 miles in specified paths. As an enemy approaches, caribou walks briskly and keep its face high in the air but if the danger runs after it, caribou sprints right away. Reindeer is shielded in a very soft fleece along with vacant hair all over it and that keeps it warm.

What’s more about these species of deer is that people used to domesticate caribou in Eurasia (Lapland) from the last 3,000 years or so. It is because residents used it primarily for loading, dragging heavy cargo, drank its milk and flesh while its fleece was used to gain financial benefit. This has been a tradition of Lapland for many years. Keeping in view its mushrooming need, various other parts of the world are also seeking to nurture reindeer. Let’s check it out some of the other fascinating and amazing reindeer facts for kids that you might not want to put out of your mind.

Top 9 Most Interesting Reindeer Facts For Kids

  • Caribou is only one of its kind in all the species of deer in which regardless of the gender, every reindeer possesses antlers. These antlers do not sustain throughout the year rather they are dropped every year and again begin to develop in fall and spring seasons.


  • In 1,200 A.D., the Scottish people used to hound caribou so much so that the reindeer species were died out completely form the region.
  • Back in 10,000 years before, reindeer once strolled in Great Britain and little teeth of a juvenile caribou was unearthed in 1961.
  • Antlers aren’t used just for fighting, but its chief purpose is to gain supremacy over other reindeer.
  • The milk of a cow carries less fat than the milk of a caribou.
  • Even if the lichen is buried under heavy snow in winter season for almost 60cm, caribou still manages to track it down thanks to the excellent sense of smell.
  • Nature has designed unique antlers of every caribou so much so that not even two reindeer have alike antlers. Every caribou has its own style of antlers. That’s really one of the most amazing reindeer facts for kids.
  • Even a one-day calf is so speedy that it can easily leave behind humans.
  • Unlike males, female reindeer is more social and fancy living in flocks.

A Quick Guide To Reindeer Facts For Kids

Scientific Name: Rangifer tarandus

Family: Cervidae

Subfamily: Capreolinae

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Artiodactyla (Herbivores-plant eaters)

Height: 3-4 feet

Weight: Males-170 kg/Females-90 kg

Average Life span: 10-15 years

Status: Stable (except Woodland Caribou which is endangered)

Color: Grey and brown

Predators: Golden eagles, wolverine, polar bear, brown bear, gray wolf, fox, hawks, ravens

Diet: Herbs, mushrooms, lichens, moss, sedges, fungi, tundra plants, grains, grass

Maximum Speed: 80 km/h

Tidbits On Reindeer Facts For Kids

September 19, 2012 | (Alpine, Norway) Due to intense snow-kiting and skiing games in Norway, reindeer might be in jeopardy. The investigators believed that snow-kiters terrify reindeer primarily because of kites carried by the wind. That’s why reports assert to take sufficient measures on skiing pastime so that wild reindeer is protected.

June 29, 2012 | (Wales, Britain) The experts of Bristol University uphold that a reindeer picture carved on the wall (mineral deposit named ‘Speleothem’) of a Cathole cavern in Gower is now the most time-honored art in Britain. Dr. George Nash discovered this rarest picture of reindeer in September, 2010 during his study on the back side of the cavern. It is believed that this image was constructed way back 14,000 years before.

May 26, 2011 | Even though Ultraviolet rays triggers off temporary and agonizing situation of impaired vision among people but it’s certainly a cause of saving life for reindeer animals, according to investigators.

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  1. jt cronin


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