Bat Removal: Removing A Single Bat Or A Colony of Bats  

Bat removal is not that difficult if you understand how they operate. Some bat species supplement their natural roosting options with man-made structures such as buildings and bridges, but why do they choose these structures? Buildings provide bats with protection from extreme weather, other harmful animals, consistent temperatures, and a safe place to rest and rear their young. Different bats have their set of needs and roosting preferences depending on the climate, region, season, and behavior. 

Bats play a crucial role in our natural environment. They serve as important pollinators. Bats help to control the insect population and they are seed distributors. These tasks benefit humans. To be honest, they’re probably just as terrified and shocked to be around humans as we are to be around them. 

It is possible to safely and humanely remove a single bat or a colony of bats. The way you conduct bat removal is crucial in conserving bat species and complying with legal requirements.

Bats Have Rights Too! 

Domestic and international laws protect all bat species, including the bats that have roosted in structures belonging to you. The laws protect bats in their natural habitats in North America, and some laws protect bats when they occupy a residence or building, and their roosts in the United Kingdom and most European countries. Several endangered species, including little brown bats and Florida bonneted bats, take up space in man-made structures as well. With this in mind, check with your local wildlife organization before removing even a single bat. 

Bat Removal of a Single Bat 

There’s no need to be afraid if you should find one bat in your home or on your property. This just means the bat has lost his way. Help the critter find his way out by opening as many exits as you can. Turn off any fans you may have running and the lights. The idea is to make it appear dark and quiet. Be patient. The bat may not move out right away. You may have to prompt him to leave. If he hasn’t bitten or scratched anyone, follow these steps to shoo him away. 

However, if the bat has come in contact with a human or pet, call your local health department for further instructions. Do not handle bats directly. Removing a lot of bats is a little different from only one. 

How to Remove a Colony of Bats 

Mainly, there are a few ways you should remove a colony of bats. Some people prefer to hire bat removal companies to deal with bats more so because they are wild animals. In case you feel confident with bat removal, here are the steps to prevent them from coming into your building.  

Remember, mostly, bats are in your building because they need protection and a home, but initially, it’s by accident they are there. We recommend you close all gaps in your building or structure to prevent them from coming in. Don’t close the holes until you lure them out first and are sure they are all gone. Close off your chimneys, basement doors, or attics. Bats usually set up roosting spaces in the voids between the interior and exterior spaces in a building, so keep all spaces tightly closed. 

A colony of bats might stay around for a long time, especially if they are unnoticed. If no one sees or hears them, they could linger for months or even years before anyone starts the bat removal process. As they are other bats in the structure, other ‘lost’ bats may find a home there as well. The maternity season, extreme weather or climate conditions, or hibernation periods have a big impact on their decision to stay in a dwelling. 


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