Category: Eutheria (Placental mammals)

  • Beaver Facts For Kids | Second Largest Rodent

    Beaver Facts For Kids | Second Largest Rodent

    Beavers are the largest rodents in North America. It belongs to the genus Castor. Eurasian Beaver is native to Asia and Europe whereas North American beaver is a resident of North America. In the years gone by, beavers’ range has reduced to its historical habitat. The physical appearance of these two extant species appears to…

  • What Do Skunks Eat | Skunks Diet

    What Do Skunks Eat | Skunks Diet

    Skunks are highly opportunistic feeders as they do not rely on a specific food for their consumption. They live in burrows or holes abandoned by other animals. Skunks may not be as active in winter as they are in summer and they will sleep several weeks in logs. What Do Skunks Eat They are omnivorous,…

  • Hedgehog Facts For Kids | All about Hedgehogs

    Hedgehog Facts For Kids | All about Hedgehogs

    Hedgehogs Features and Characteristics They could not see properly which is why they rely on other senses like hearing, touch, and smell. However, hedgehogs are distinguishable by their blunt spines that serve as a protection against potential predators. Hedgehogs often roll up into a tight ball to protect themselves. As they feel threatened, they make…

  • Bear Facts For Kids | Bear Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Bear Facts For Kids | Bear Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Evolution and Systematics Though bears family do not form large number of species or genera they have nevertheless long been the subject of debate when it comes to classification. One such example is that in the years gone by systematists have placed Giant Panda in the subfamily of Ursidae. Other bears including sloth bear, polar…

  • Sperm Whale Facts | Size, Features, Behavior, Habitat

    Sperm Whale Facts | Size, Features, Behavior, Habitat

    Evolution and Systematics Perhaps the oldest of all the family of dolphins and whales is Physeteridae dating back to 30 million years ago. They possess many characteristics of a toothed whale (odontocete) precisely due to the fact that both families co-existed previously. Unlike few characteristics which are primitive there are some that are highly adapted.…

  • What Do Armadillos Eat in the Wild – Armadillos Diet

    What Do Armadillos Eat in the Wild – Armadillos Diet

    Today we talk about the incredible and unique creature of nature – The Armadillos and their diet plan. Well! We all know that the energy requirements of a body are fulfilled through what we intake as food and so the fact prevails that the world goes round food. But before we check out the dietary…

  • Facts about Monkeys for Kids | Our Nearest Neighbours

    Facts about Monkeys for Kids | Our Nearest Neighbours

    There is nothing confidential about the fact that monkeys and humans have 98% similar DNA. The worlds at large recognize them and love their child like activities at zoos. So in order to get you acquainted with this mazing animals here are some facts about monkeys for kids that you will love to know and…

  • What Do Hyenas Eat in the Wild | Hyenas Diet

    What Do Hyenas Eat in the Wild | Hyenas Diet

    Hyenas have always been skillful hunters and they can simply pull down large animals as antelopes or wildebeests. They are not choosy as they will consume almost anything ranges from birds, lizards, insects, to snakes. Hyenas also feed on zebras and gazelles. Hyenas exist in large numbers which is why they often outrun their competitors…

  • Types Of Wolves | Three Wolf Types

    Types Of Wolves | Three Wolf Types

    Though there are many subspecies of wolf but generally there are three types of wolves namely red wolf, gray wolf and Ethiopian wolf. Let’s study each of these three types of wolves in detail. Three Types Of Wolves Red Wolf Facts For Kids | Facts About Red Wolf Red wolf belongs to the dog family…

  • Hyena Facts For Kids | Hyena Behavior, Hunting, Diet, and Habitat

    Hyena Facts For Kids | Hyena Behavior, Hunting, Diet, and Habitat

    Hyenas (Hyaenidae) are doglike medium-sized carnivores which have massive skulls and obvious sagittal crest for attachment of extremely dominant jaws; the blunt premolars along with 32 – 34 robust teeth specialized for cracking bones. Three of the hyena species are known to us: the Brown hyena (Paralnyaena brunnea), the Spotted or laughing hyena (Crocuta crocuta)…

  • Hamster Facts For Kids | Hamster Diet, Behavior, Lifespan and Habitat Requirements

    Hamster Facts For Kids | Hamster Diet, Behavior, Lifespan and Habitat Requirements

    It’s time to enjoy some of the most fascinating hamster facts for kids including hamster diet, habitat, lifespan, and reproduction. Hamsters (Cricetidae) are seed-eating (granivorous) rodents that belong to the order of Rodentia. Around 20 hamster species are classified into separate subfamilies; out of which 6 species are found in Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, these…

  • What Do Camels Eat in the Desert – Camel Diet

    What Do Camels Eat in the Desert – Camel Diet

    Let us learn some of the significant insights as to what do camels eat in the desert. The ship of the desert, camel (camelidae) is one of the only few mammals which can go by couple of weeks without eating food. The adaptations of a camel allow it to live and survive in extreme climates…

  • What Do Elephants Eat in the Wild

    What Do Elephants Eat in the Wild

    Elephants generally forage for several hours and they consume more than 100 different kinds of plants. They browse through an excessive proportion of grass in regions where there is short grass and this happens both in wet season as well as dry season. In these regions during the dry season, elephants confine themselves to sedges…

  • Jaguar Facts For Kids | Jaguar Diet, Behavior, & Habitat

    Jaguar Facts For Kids | Jaguar Diet, Behavior, & Habitat

    Though all cats have long been admired for their fearful nature and remarkable ability, but only jaguar (Panthera onca) seems to have conquered the culture and religion of a continent. Scientists have unearthed some of the oldest sculptures of jaguar predating five thousand years old in Peru. It is believed that sculptures that belong to…

  • Zebra Facts For Kids | Zebra Diet, Habitat, Behavior, and Characteristics

    Zebra Facts For Kids | Zebra Diet, Habitat, Behavior, and Characteristics

    Being a member of horse family zebra (Equidae) exhibits certain characteristics that are mostly common in donkeys and horses. Like a horse, zebra is a medium-sized herbivore displays slender legs and elongated heads. It is a single-hoofed ungulate largely built for speed and long-distance movement. Some of the zebra species are endangered while few are…

  • Lynx Facts for Kids – Appearnce, Diet, Hunting, Reproduction & breeding

    Lynx Facts for Kids – Appearnce, Diet, Hunting, Reproduction & breeding

    Lynx is a representative of big cats’ family that has pretty remote area of distribution from its closest relatives in Africa and Asia. In particular, the essential habitat of this specie features Scandinavian Peninsula, Balkans and Carpathian mountains. As one would guess, these cats prefer mountainous forests and rocky hills. The environmental conditions in which…

  • What Do Rats Eat in the Wild | Facts about Rats Diet

    What Do Rats Eat in the Wild | Facts about Rats Diet

    It won’t be an exaggeration if we say that rats have the most varied diet of all animals. It is believed that whenever rats are provided with two or more foods, they will not limit themselves to a single food item, but at least sample all of them. I have gathered some of the most…

  • What Do Killer Whales Eat in the Wild

    What Do Killer Whales Eat in the Wild

    The killer whale or orca, is second only to humans as the most widely distributed mammal on the planet earth. Killer whales typically hunt prey underneath the water surface that is why conservationists seldom see them hunting in the wild. Nonetheless, some killer whales are beyond this rule and they are often found hunting as…

  • Information About Polar Bears For Kids

    Information About Polar Bears For Kids

    The Polar bear is not only the largest species in the bear’s family but also the largest land carnivore. The adult males reach up to 6.5 – 8.5 feet (2 – 2.5 meters) in length, and may reach 9 feet (2.7 meters) stand erect on their hind legs; it has a shoulder height of 5.5…

  • Information About Cheetahs For Kids

    Information About Cheetahs For Kids

    Here I’m bringing you some of the most fascinating information about cheetahs for kids. The information embraces all essential facts about cheetah’s diet, habitat, migratory behavior, and its hunting technique. Cheetah, the fastest land animal on earth, can sprint up to 96 km/h (60 mph) for a short part of its chase. A handful number…

  • River Otter Facts | Top 20 Interesting Facts about North American River Otters

    River Otter Facts | Top 20 Interesting Facts about North American River Otters

    I am going to offer some of the most interesting and rarely known river otter facts and that includes river otter habitat, diet, reproduction, and behavior. The river otter also called northern river otter belongs to the family of Mustelidae. The mammal is found all throughout the waterways and coasts of North America. Common otter…