Category: Eutheria (Placental mammals)

  • Woolly Rhino Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Woolly Rhino Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    The woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis) believed to be around for thousands of years. It had even existed during the Ice Age. The woolly rhino is now extinct but the animal once lived in the northern Asia and Europe. Scientists have found the remains of woolly rhino from the U.K., Kamchatka, and other parts of Eurasia.…

  • Pygmy Hippo Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Pygmy Hippo Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    The pygmy hippopotamus (Hexaprotodon liberiensis) is one of the smallest hippo species. It is mainly found in the swamps of West Africa. The animal is nocturnal and it seems more like its larger cousin, common hippopotamus. It is believed to spend most of its day near water or stream. Pygmy Hippo Facts   Anatomy The…

  • White Rhino Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    White Rhino Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    The white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) is the largest living rhino species with the heaviest specimen ever recorded at 3,600 kilograms. The southern white rhinos are the most abundant rhinos in the world with the population of more than 17,000 individuals back in Dec 2007. It is also one of the largest land mammals—second only to…

  • Types of Lions | Different Types of Lions

    Types of Lions | Different Types of Lions

    The lion (Panthera leo) is one of the five big cats that are admired not only for their beauty but also for the harm they do to the wildlife populations. Lions are often seen taking down a zebra or chasing a gazelle in the Serengeti National Park in east Africa. The park is an ideal…

  • White Lion Facts | White Lion is not a Lion Species  

    White Lion Facts | White Lion is not a Lion Species  

    The white lion is not a subspecies of lion instead it is a rare color mutation of the Transnvaal lion (Panthera leo krugeri). They seem to resemble in appearance with the tawny African lion (Panthera leo krugeri). Since it’s not a subspecies none of the white lions are found in the wild. They are bred…

  • Star-nosed Mole Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Star-nosed Mole Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    The star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata) is a short-bodied small mole found in the extreme southeastern Georgia. It appears to have a snout which the animal uses as a touch organ. There are more than 25,000 minute receptors in the mole’s snout. They have the most bizarre noses in the entire animal kingdom. The star-nosed mole…

  • Sloth Facts For Kids | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Sloth Facts For Kids | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Sloths (Megalonychidae) are the medium-sized mammals that occur in the tropical rainforests of the Central and South America. Sloths are unique in their physical appearance and features. Their long limbs and long shaggy coats make them stand out among the rest of the mammalian kingdom. They are almost the size of a large domestic cat.…

  • Capybara Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Capybara Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Capybaras (Hydrochaeridae) are the world’s largest rodents weighing more than 60 kilograms. They are found in the lowlands of Panama ranging from South America to Northern Uruguay and Argentina. ‘Water pig’ or ‘water cavy’ are some other names given to these large terrestrial rodents. They rarely go far away from water and their physical appearance…

  • Amazon River Dolphin Facts | Pink River Dolphin

    Amazon River Dolphin Facts | Pink River Dolphin

    Amazon River dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) is the world’s largest river dolphin with the length reaching at 225 cm. The males are significantly greater in size and heavier than the females. It is also called boto in Brazil, keep on reading these Amazon River Dolphin Facts to know more about these amazing dolphins. The amazon river dolphin…

  • Are Zebras Endangered | Saving Zebras

    Are Zebras Endangered | Saving Zebras

    Zebras are the species of African equids and they are separated by their unique black and white stripes. They are medium-sized herbivores with long necks and heads. The legs are slender. The African zebras are classified into three distinct species: Grevy’s zebra, the plains zebra and the mountain zebra. Are Zebras Endangered Some of the…

  • What Do Manatees Eat | Manatees Feeding Behavior and Diet

    What Do Manatees Eat | Manatees Feeding Behavior and Diet

    The manatee (Trichechidae) is a massive animal with an uncomplicated behavior. Scientists believe that manatees are semi-social mammals. While they are mostly herbivorous manatees also feed on small animals because of their opportunistic nature. Read on to know what do manatees eat to fill up their big tummy. They are typically slow swimmers because their…

  • Are Manatees Endangered | Manatees Status

    Are Manatees Endangered | Manatees Status

    Manatees are warm-blooded animals with the bulky body giving it an appearance of a large floating rock. They are also known as ‘sea cows’. There are three species of manatees all of which are listed as ‘Vulnerable’ by the World Conservation Union. The three species are Amazonian manatee, West Indian manatee, and the West African…

  • Black Spider Monkey Facts | Red-faced Spider Monkey

    Black Spider Monkey Facts | Red-faced Spider Monkey

    The black spider monkey (Ateles paniscus) is almost entirely black due to its long glossy black hair covering its body. Do you want to know more about them? Keep on reading to know amazing Black Spider Monkey Facts especially for kids. The face of Black Spider Monkeyis somewhat pinkish red which is what makes this species…

  • Bumblebee Bat Facts | Kitti’s hog-nosed Bats

    Bumblebee Bat Facts | Kitti’s hog-nosed Bats

    Bumblebee bat (Craseonycteris thonglongyai) is the world’s smallest bat and for the same reason the bat is named after the bumblebee. It weighs between 0.7 oz and 09 oz. The bat lacks a tail. It begins to feed in evening and never goes far away from its cave. Bumblebee Bat Facts The world’s smallest mammal…

  • What Do Baboons Eat | Baboons Ecology and Diet

    What Do Baboons Eat | Baboons Ecology and Diet

    Baboons are ground-dwelling species and they fancy living in open areas such as open savanna and open woodland hills across Africa. Generally they are herbivorous but their diet is omnivorous too. Baboons supplement their diet with some insects and they also feed on fish. What Do Baboons Eat Baboons are known to prey on trout…

  • Why are Chimpanzees Endangered | Endangered Apes

    Why are Chimpanzees Endangered | Endangered Apes

    Chimpanzees are in danger of dying out and in the next 50 years they could become extinct. Prominent among the responsible factors is a human disturbance which is pushing many chimps to the brink of extinction. Once they were widespread all across the 25 Africa countries but currently they are found in no more than…

  • Where Do Chimpanzees Live | Distribution and Habitat

    Where Do Chimpanzees Live | Distribution and Habitat

    It won’t be wrong if I say that chimpanzees are the most intelligent species in the entire animal kingdom—second only to human intelligence. It is arguably one of the great apes which has long been studied and admired for its unique wild behavior. The ape is divided into two species: common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and…

  • Andean Mountain Cat Facts | Cat’s Habitat, Diet, Distribution

    Andean Mountain Cat Facts | Cat’s Habitat, Diet, Distribution

    The Andean mountain cat (Leopardus jacobita) is arguably one of the least understood cats in South America and probably for a very good reason. One is not lucky enough to find such species in the wild and we only come to know from a few museum skins and skulls. The Andean mountain cat might have…

  • Are Mountain Lions Endangered | Mountain Lions Threats

    Are Mountain Lions Endangered | Mountain Lions Threats

    Mountain lions (puma concolor) are listed as ‘Least Concern’ by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). That is not to say that cougar’s population is not facing any threats. Its population is on the falling trend in much of the major habitats. Furthermore mountain lions are listed federally and in Virginia as…

  • What Do Orangutans Eat in the Wild | Orangutans Feeding & Diet

    What Do Orangutans Eat in the Wild | Orangutans Feeding & Diet

    Orangutans are the largest arboreal creatures on earth. Currently they live in the rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo. They have classified into two main species: Bornean Orangutan (P. pygmaeus) and Sumatran Orangutan (P. abelii). Of all the great apes they are the most arboreal as they spend almost all the time on trees. What Do…

  • How Do Dolphins Communicate | Dolphin Communication

    How Do Dolphins Communicate | Dolphin Communication

    It is reasonable to assume that dolphins are the least understood marine mammals probably because they have a complex social behavior. Dolphins are highly gregarious animals with much to discover about their social involvement and the way they communicate with each other. How Do Dolphins Communicate Unlike most other animals, dolphins can be compared to…