Tips on Top Lawn Ornament Ideas

Whether your lawn is flourishing during the full lushness of summer or is dull during the scruffiness of winter, there is always room to add lawn ornaments. Lawns often look a little bare even if they are well-manicured or are surrounded by amazing flower gardens. Lawn ornaments can add much-needed liveliness to your garden. Today’s lawn decorations are not the typical plastic ones of the foregone years as they vary in style and are even considered to be works of art. When it comes to lawn decorations, you are only limited by your imagination. Here are a few top lawn ornament ideas you should give a try.


Birdbaths are considered as the pioneers of the garden decoration scene. Not only are they a must-have for bird enthusiasts and watchers, but they are also nature-friendly. Birdbaths are usually made from plastic, ceramic concrete, marble, stone and even metal. Birdbaths come in a variety of designs. The most basic ones are the basin types that are essentially simple bowls sitting on the ground. The more complex ones are pedestal birdbaths, hanging birdbaths and fountain birdbaths. With these differently styled birdbaths, you are sure to find one that is ideally suited for your garden.

bird bath

Statues and Sculptures

Garden gnomes, pinwheels and flamingos are considered among the most popular lawn ornaments. They often add a happy and radiant feeling to your garden. You might also consider getting statues that depict what you love. Dog owners often get adorable poodle statues or the more masculine sculptures of bulldogs to showcase their enthusiasm for dogs. You may also decide to get statues that fit into the mood of a specific holiday. Santa Claus or reindeer statues bring out your inner holiday spirit while bunny statues are preferred during the Easter period. There are even skeleton and ghoul statues available for use during Halloween.


If you prefer not to put knick-knacks on your lawn, you can still add a decorative touch by using what you already have in your yard. This often involves growing and trimming your vines into specific shapes resulting in topiary. Topiaries are environmentally friendly decorations that do not really require any expertise to create. To make topiary from vines, you need to purchase a topiary form that is in your desired shape, fill it up with sphagnum moss and plant a vining plant to grow up in that form. If you choose to use a shrub, select an evergreen one, set up a topiary frame over it and allow the shrub to grow into and out of the frame. Though the process may seem long and arduous, it is often quite satisfying.

Reusing Everyday Items

Re-purposing your everyday items is an inexpensive way of decorating your lawn. Buckets, old boots, wheelbarrows, cast iron pots and anything else that can hold dirt can be turned into plant pots for your lawn. By combining old household stuff and lovely plants, you may be able to create amazing lawn decorations.

Birdbaths, statues, topiaries and everyday items are but a few lawn decoration ideas you can consider using as lawn ornaments.


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