While peeping across the Arctic regions, variety of red fox facts for kids have surfaced. The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is the largest animal that befalls under the family of foxes. These animals are widely distributed across Arctic Circle, Northern Hemisphere, Central America, Asia, and North America.
Some of these species have also been known to introduce in Australia. However, the introduction proved fatal for other mammals (and birds) such as quollas, bibys numbats, rufous bettongs, Tasmanian Bettongs, and burrowing bettongs. It is for this reason that these animals have been placed as “World’s 100 Worst Invasive Species”.
Red foxes adaptability permits them to adjust with the external environment. Red fox facts indicate that these are not endangered species. Different fossils show that these animals appeared to have evolved some 2 million years ago. They are extravert animals. Red fox primarily feed on invertebrates, game birds, and leporids. Red fox predators include jackals, felines, and coyotes. Red foxes have long been hunted down by humans.
Read More: Red Fox Facts for Kids

Red Fox Facts For Kids
- With a long tail and short legs, red fox catch a glimpse of an unmistakable physical appearance.
- They have long canines and a limited skull.
- The average length of an adult fox measures around 45 to 90 cm (18 to 35 inches) together with a shoulder height of about 35-50 cm (14-20 inches) excluding tail measuring 760 – 1,600 mm (30 – 63 inches). The length of the ears is 7.7-12.5 cm (3-5 inches); whereas the hind feet are 12-18.5 cm (5-7 inches) long.
- Red fox weighs around 2.2 to 14 kg (4.9 to 31 lb), with a skull of 129 – 167 mm.
- The front-foot is 60 mm long, with the width of 45 mm. The rear foot measures at 55 mm, with the width of 38 mm.
- These animals are capable to reach at a speed of 50 km/h while running. However, the average speed is 6 – 13 km/h.
- The heaviest red fox weighed around 17.2 kg (38.1 lbs), with a length of 1.4 meter.
- Red fox has exceptional eyesight but their sight responds to the movement.
- There are about 2 – 8 foxes present in a single territory.
Read More: Arctic Fox Facts For Kids
Feeding Ecology and Diet
- Red fox facts about its diet confirms that these animals are omnivores and they mainly feed on small rodents, plants, roots, mice, gerbils, ground squirrels, voles, woodchunks, deer mice, waterfowl, and hamsters.
- Red fox diet includes some birds, insects, opossums, reptiles, galliformes, invertebrates, fish, small ungulates, raccoons, leporids, and porcupines.
- These species introduce fruits in their diet during autumn. Some of these fruits are cherries, mulberries, grapes, blackberries, blueberries, tubers, acorns, apples, and raspberries.
- They also feed on grasses persimmons, plums, and sedges. Red fox are known to forage in the morning or at dusk. Red foxes also prey on stoats, pine martens, kolonoks, young sables, mustelids, stone martens, and weasels.
Read More: What Do Red Foxes Eat
Reproductive Biology
- The period of gestation lasts 49 – 58 days.
- They are the monogamous animals and they make partners for lifetime.
- Females litter 4 – 6 cubs; however, 10 – 13 litters have also been recorded.
- The weight of the cubs is 56 – 110 grams and their length measures around 14.5 cm excluding tail (7.5 cm).
- These juveniles will remain with their mother for the next 2 – 3 weeks.
- Both males and females contribute in nourishing their cubs; however, mother plays most of the part.
- These cubs open their eyes after 13 – 15 days. The color of the coat begins to change within 3 weeks. They leave their den after 3 – 4 weeks.
- The period of lactation lasts for 6 – 7 weeks. They are shed with shiny hair after 2 months. After 3 – 4 months, these cubs have long limbs and a narrow skull.
- These red foxes turn out to be mature after 6 – 7 months.
- The average lifespan is 1.5 years in the wild; whereas they can live up to 14 years in captivity.
- These animals usually sleep for about 9.8 hours daily.
Read More: What Do Foxes Eat?
Red Fox Habitat
Do you know where do red foxes live? They are the inhabitants of North Africa, North America, Arctic Circle, Siberia, Asia, Iceland, and New Zealand. They cover a wide range of about 70 million km2. The burrows are 0.5 – 2.5 meters deep. The main entrance is about 17 m long.
Red Fox Predators
Some of the red fox predators are caracals, Eurasian lynxes, and leopards. Though occasionally, large raptors such as golden eagles and eagle owls are also known to prey on red foxes.
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