Are guinea pigs suitable as pets?

People that like some company at home can find a great deal of comfort, companionship, and joy in pets. There is a pet out there for everyone, whether you like cats, dogs, rats, iguanas, bunnies, or even turtles. One of the most popular pets, especially among children, is the guinea pig. This cute little animal is soft and fluffy, not too big, and quite easy to take care of. But are guinea pigs actually suitable as pets? And what do you need to take into consideration before purchasing a guinea pig?

Guinea pigs as pets

Guinea pigs are popular pets in a lot of countries, but contrary to popular belief, they are not really easy to keep and are not suited as a โ€˜starter petโ€™. Quite some parents choose a guinea pig, hamster, or rabbit as a childโ€™s first pet. They believe these small animals to be easy to take care of. But as small as they are, they still need the same amount of love and care as any other pet does. But if you take good care of your guinea pig, and take our tips into consideration, they make excellent companions for children and adults alike.

How to take care of your guinea pig

The first thing you really must know before introducing a guinea pig to your home is that guinea pigs are not solitary animals. They are highly social and prefer living together with other guinea pigs. Keeping a single guinea pig as a pet is not preferable because it will make the animal very unhappy. Rather, select a pair of guinea pigs to take home. They can keep each other company and form a strong bond. Make sure it is a same-sex pair to avoid any small guinea pigs in the family, and pay a lot of attention to them bonding together.

A lot of people think that a guinea pig is a pet for just a short while. And although guinea pigs donโ€™t live as long as dogs or cats do, they do need you to be in it for the long run. Guinea pigs live up to 5 to 7 years on average, and that is more than most people anticipate. Be sure to be ready for this commitment before taking the pets home.ย 

Another thing that a lot of people get wrong about guinea pigs is that they donโ€™t need big living spaces. Usually, guinea pigs are held in a small cage inside the home. And sure, the animals are not that big, so you would think that they donโ€™t need all that space. Guinea pigs actually do need a lot of space, and the guinea pig cages that you typically see in pet stores are far too small for the animals. Make sure to get a big cage for your guinea pigs, or create one yourself.ย 

Purchasing a pet

If you are convinced that you can take good care of a pair of guinea pigs, you can certainly choose them as a pet. A lot of pet stores sell guinea pigs and everything you need to take care of them in the store. But did you know that guinea pigs can also be found at the local shelter? Quite some guinea pigs that started out as pets end up at shelters, and they could really use some love and attention. Can you offer them a new home?

How to introduce a guinea pig into the home

If you want to bring guinea pigs home as a pet, there are certain things to take into consideration. It is important to be well-prepared before bringing any new pet home. Make sure you have everything you need at home to take good care of your guinea pigs. This means shelter, food, and accessories suited for guinea pigs. Also, prepare all family members for the arrival of the new pet. They all need to know how to take care of the animal and that they should treat it gently. If you treat your pets with love and respect, guinea pigs can make a great addition to your family.ย 


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