Natural Ways to Overcome Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are unusually high these days. Many natural remedies can reduce stress and anxiety as well as bring health benefits to people.

Many people suffer from anxiety and chronic stress. They face symptoms of nervousness, restlessness, irregular heartbeat, and chest pain.

Anxiety is a common psychological disorder. More than 18 percent of adults are affected each year by anxiety disorders in the United States.

In some cases,ย overactive thyroidย may cause anxiety. Receiving the right diagnosis can ensure that the correct treatment for a person.

Learn about various natural and home treatments that can help reduce anxiety and stress in this article.

Natural Treatments

Generally, natural remedies can be used safely in more conventional treatments.

However, changes in diet and certain natural supplements can change how anti-anxiety drugs work, so you must consult a doctor before trying these solutions. Other natural remedies may be recommended by the doctor as well.

Time with Animals

Animals provide support, love, and companionship. Research in 2018 indicated that animals help people deal with different mental health issues, including anxiety and stress disorder.

Many people like cats, dogs, and other pet animals. But people with allergies must be aware of these furry animals because animal fur can stimulate their allergies.

A 2015 study foundย that caring for a pet can improve the mental health of the elderly.

Spending time with pets can significantly decrease trauma-related stress and anxiety.

The 2015 systematic review resultsย showed thatย grooming and accompanying horsesย could reduce some of the effects. You can also check out thisย horse calmerย to help relax your horse and keep it stress-free as well.

time with animals


Exercise may help treat anxiety.

Exercise is a fantastic way to burn energy from anxiety, and research strongly supports this as well.

For example, a review of 12 random trials in 2015 found that exercise may be a way to treat anxiety. However, the study warned that only higher-quality research could determine its effectiveness.

Exercise may also help relieve anxiety caused by stress. For example,ย a 2016 study showedย that exercise could benefit patients with stress related to quitting smoking.


Meditation can help slow down your thoughts, making it easier to deal with stress and anxiety. Multiple meditation methods, including meditation and yoga, may be helpful.

Meditation based on mindfulness is gaining popularity in therapy. A 2010 meta-analysis review indicated that it might benefit people with illnesses related to mood swings and anxiety.


In response to anxiety, some individuals unconsciously tense their muscles and clench their jaws. Progressive exercises for relaxation can aid stress and anxiety disorders.

Try to lie down in a comfortable position, slowly contracting and relaxing each muscle group, starting from the toes to the shoulders and chin.


If you find a way to express anxiety, it becomes easier to handle.

Some studies have shown that writing a diary and other forms of writing can help people better deal with anxiety.

According to a 2016 report, creative writing can help children and teenagers manage anxiety.

Time Management

If some people make too many promises at once, they will feel anxious. These may involve work, family, and other health-related activities. Making a plan for your activities can help avoid this anxiety.

Effective management of time can assist people in concentrating on one task mainly. Book-based planners and digital calendars, such as bookmarks, can help you resist a multitasking impulse.

Most people consider breaking down significant projects into small steps to finish these activities with less anxiety and stress.


Smelling soothing floral oils can help relieve stress and anxiety. Some fragrances are better for some individuals, so consider trying different alternatives.

Lavender may be quite useful. A 2012 study tested the effect of lavender aromatherapy on insomnia. It was tested on 67 women within the age group of 45-55. The results show that aromatherapy can reduce heart rate in the short term and help relieve sleep problems in the long term.

Cannabidiol Oil

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is derived from the hemp plant. CBD oil does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol.

In many alternative medical stores, CBD oil can be purchased without a prescription. Preliminary studies show that it has great potential to reduce panic and anxiety.

Doctors can also prescribe medical marijuana in areas where it is legal.

Herbal Teas

Many herbal teas help relieve stress and make sleep more comfortable.

Some people find that making and drinking tea has a soothing effect. Still, some teas may have a more direct impact on the brain, thereby reducing anxiety.

The results of a small trial in 2018 showed that chamomile could change the level of the stress hormone cortisol.

Herbal Supplements

Many herbal supplements can reduce anxiety, just like herbal tea. Though, these claims are supported by very few scientific confirmations.

Consulting a physician who understands herbal supplements and their potential interactions with other drugs is essential.

Other Treatment Options

Chronic anxiety disorder or interference with human functioning ability is worthy of treatment. When there is no underlying disease, such as thyroid disease, treatment should be considered.

Treatments can help a person understand the cause of anxiety. It can also help in achieving an active lifestyle.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most effective treatments for anxiety and stress.

The objective is to positively help a person understand how their feelings and behavioral patterns are affected by their thoughts and replace these emotional responses.

CBT can help resolve general anxiety and anxiety related to specific problems, such as work or trauma.

Medication can also help a person manage chronic anxiety disorder. The doctor may recommend medication in any of the following categories:

  • Anti-anxiety drugs like benzodiazepines, which include Valium and Xanax.
  • Antidepressants like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), which includes Prozac.
  • Sleep medication if anxiety interferes with sleep.

Natural anxiety therapy can replace or supplement traditional treatment.


Untreated anxiety can aggravate the condition and put more pressure on people’s lives. However, through treatment, natural remedies, lifestyle changes, and medications, anxiety disorders can be positively cured.

Before finding an appropriate process, an individual may need to try several treatments and therapies. The physician can help individuals find the best alternatives.


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