Choosing the right food for your dog can feel overwhelming. With so many brands and so many different ingredients covering the shelves at your local store, it can be tempting to simply grab the cheapest one you can find and be on your way. That’s not the best way to choose food for any dog,…
Many people hesitate to adopt dogs because they don’t want to deal with a lot of bad habits that are acquired elsewhere. The good news is that you can choose to have a puppy as they’re still too young to have bad habits. To prevent the onset of bad habits, you can bring your puppy…
Getting a pet means being responsible for the animal you tamed (you know the famous citation, right?). Dogs and cats are the most active pets: that means that they can spend a lot of time outside playing and communicating with other animals. Of course, watching your cat following a butterfly or your dog eating a…
Do you have a furry friend and are wondering whether it is worth getting pet insurance? We all know that a trip to the veterinarian can be expensive. This is particularly true when your pet has been in an accident or has had a sudden injury or illness. If you are not ready for the…
Many people usually buy pet supplies from local retail stores. Although that is not bad, it is better to get supplies from physical or online pet stores. This is because they specialize in pet products. They, therefore, offer the best pet supplies compared to a general retail store. However, not all pet stores can offer…
Australia has one of the highest pet ownership rates in the world. In 2019 about 62% of Australian households owned at least one pet, and that number is projected to rise. About 60% of these owners considered their pets an integral part of their family. Veterinary doctors play a major role in ensuring that pets…
When you think about armadillos, you see an image of an armored animal that folds itself into its shell when it is in danger. However, there are more facts about this animal that are unknown to most people and are quite interesting. THE ARMADILLO The armadillo is a close relative to anteaters and sloths and…
When it comes to managing their faithful four-legged family members, pet parents are usually faced with one question: collars or harnesses? While each option has its advantages and drawbacks, animal experts agree that a custom dog harness is the safer of the two. In this guide, we’ll detail what the benefits of using a harness…
Dogs are learning throughout their whole life. Training your dog can be the best time of your life, as you are building trust and creating an incredible bond with each other. You may think that it is all about commands and tricks, but your dog learns so much more by just spending time with you.…
Having the right amount of food and nutrients, as well as proper healthcare, keeps your horse healthy. Normally, horses spend most of their time eating so it’s important to provide them with the right diet, which includes pasture grass and tender plants, hay, grains, concentrate mixes, salts and minerals, water, and even treats. However, when…
We might think that solid walls and motion sensors can make our houses safe from intruders, and we might even be partially right. Ensuring that the burglars cannot get inside your house doesn’t require a lot of effort. Unfortunately, there is another type of intruder that might ignore your security system and claim your house…
Humans have been using CBD for a host of benefits, from treating skin conditions like acne to helping people suffering with mental illnesses like depression and anxiety. CBD has also been marketed to pet owners to treat anxiety, relieve pain and even help with chronic conditions like arthritis. But the million dollar question is does…
Sometimes, it’s easier said than done to get your pet to exercise. One day they are full of energy and can’t wait to get outside, the next they’d rather just sleep in the corner all day. So how do you get them up on their feet and running around on the latter days? After all,…
Going on vacation with your dog is a great way to spend time with your best friend. However, not all dogs adapt quickly to their new surroundings so at first, they may not have as much fun as you. But once you start doing a few things to make the change easier, they will be…
As a dog owner, you might have found yourself mulling over the best type of treat to give to your pet. It makes sense since you only want to give the finest reward to your fur baby whenever they’re behaving so well. You might have heard about bully sticks and been intrigued by the different…
There is a reason we love dogs: it’s because they are loyal, enjoyable animals to have around, and offer a great deal of comfort. For some of us, a home is not a home without dogs. There’s something comforting and relaxing about coming home from a hard day at work and having a dog welcome…
Approximately 4.5 million dog bites take place every year in the United States, with around 800,000 of those bites requiring medical attention, according to one study. Whether it’s a natural reaction to fear, pain or feeling threatened, it’s important to realize that all dogs can bite, and that there are risks involved when they do. Thankfully,…
These days pet owners have more information and awareness about their pet diets and they try to find the best ways to make pet food more nutritious. But this is a question when one can find nutritious food for puppies, it can also be pitbull puppies. It is no tough task for the puppy’s owner. …
Pets can bring so much joy into a home, and both adults and kids love to have animal companions to keep them company. They can give some people a sense of purpose, for others, they are a great comfort in times of trouble. Sometimes just watching a dog or cat messing around and being silly…
Let’s face it – fish tanks can be pretty boring at times. Regardless of their shape or size, all they are is just pieces of glass held together securely filled up with a load of water. There isn’t anything special about that is there? If it is something boring for us to look at, how…
Snakes aren’t the ideal pets for a lot of people. Although many of these reptiles are relatively docile, some snakes are worth calling professional animal control services. So, the first step to preventing unfortunate incidents involving these “serpents” from taking place is to differentiate the aggressive and poisonous breeds from their peaceful cousins. Continue reading…