There are more than 48.2 million dog owners in the United States. Chances are if you’re one of these dog owners, you’ve probably wondered if your pooch gets tired of the same dried, brown pellets day in and day out. As he sits in the kitchen watching you cook delicious dinners, you feed him the…
While there is quite an extensive range of different types of corals out there, they all have four basic needs to survive and thrive. Whether you are a novice reef keeper or you are searching for expert tips to keep more complicated types of coral’s flourishing, in most cases, caring for the basic needs is…
A dog is an excellent choice as a companion when going out on walks or even for a jog. Not only will you have the much-needed exercise, but your dog will also benefit in attaining a healthy physical and mental state. But before you head out the door with your loyal pet, let us determine…
If you have ever tried to work with a dog, that just seems to not be able to hear what you say, you know how frustrating that can be. When the dog looks at you, and you then give a cue, and he just walks off, or looks the other way, it is one of…
Humans do not, in any fashion, have “dominion” over the Earth. Such a concept of humanity’s relationship with Earth’s biodiversity is full of arrogance and false identity. It’s pure propaganda. Mother Nature isn’t sweet, but she is certainly in charge. And the sooner we realize it, the better. In my novel, Shadowshine: An Animal Adventure…
Summer temperatures climb as high as 40 degrees Celsius in some places, and dogs need special care to stay comfortable during sweltering summers. Dogs owners should follow advice from canine experts to be sure that their pooches feel good and remain healthy when it’s hot outside. There are some tricks that dog owners can use to boost…
The use of CBD dog treats has consistently been increasing in recent years due to their various health benefits. With their popularity on the rise, let’s take an in-depth look into what makes these treats so attractive to the average pet owners. What Are CBD Dog Treats? CBD treats for dogs, as the name suggests,…
When you bring a cute little puppy home, all you want to do with them is play and snuggle. And while there’s nothing wrong with doing either, puppies are like sponges when it comes to taking in new information, so starting them off with some basic training straight away is the best way forward. Believe…
Many of us have to stay home during this uncertain period, caused by the coronavirus outbreak. However, although we may seemingly have more time for studying, working, and relaxing at our homes, students admit that time flies at light speed when it comes to setting up for studying academic activities. The home regime requires some…
Taking care of a dog might be challenging, but the entire experience can be very rewarding. When you have a dog, you will be sick less often, become more resistant to allergies, and experience better heart health. Having a dog can provide purpose to a person’s life, which is why it’s common for pet owners…
Dogs are biologically diverse species; their nutritional requirement depends on different conditions. Deciding what to feed your dog is a big challenge; in fact, it’s the same thing you have to choose for your body. At some point, nutrition labels will confuse you, and the ingredient list may be unpronounceable. This is a big problem…
Luscious locks and soft silky coats, these are just some characteristics of long-haired cats. Persian cats may be the first cat breed that comes to mind when talking about long-haired cats. Yet some of the other breeds in this category are the Somali, Siberian, Selkirk Rex, Balinese, Ragdoll, RagaMuffin, British Longhair, Chantilly-Tiffanny, Norwegian Forest Cat,…
Pets effortlessly bring so much happiness into our lives. They make us feel relaxed, make us laugh, and will always be there for us anytime and no matter what. If you are living on your own, you may get lonely at home sometimes but if you have a pet, it feels like you have a…
Two of the most crucial things you can do to protect your dog’s health are to provide regular checkups and keep him up to date on his vaccinations. For young, healthy dogs, annual checkups are usually sufficient, but if your dog is older, he should see the vet every three to six months. Being diligent…
If you are reading for academic purposes like college paper writing, then it ceases to be merely a form of entertainment. The literary devices, like the symbols and metaphors, assume prime importance. If the teacher is kind enough to provide the essay question beforehand, things do get a bit easy, but not too much. At…
Cannabis is one of the topics in the last few decades. Counties like Canada, Germany, Netherlands, and several states of the US have legalized the use of cannabis in their region. Cannabis is being used for recreational purposes as well as medicinal purposes. There are mainly two compounds of the plant which are responsible for…
You may now be familiar with the many positive effects that CBD oil can bring for yourself. But, are you also aware of the many positive effects that CBD oil can bring for your dogs? There are many today who have already started with the CBD oil wellness trend for their dogs, so there’s no…
When the weather warms up in the springtime, fleas are ready to barge into your home. These critters thrive in temperatures above 35°C and they have a voracious appetite for dog and human blood. They do not miss any chance to pounce on a passing animal, climb down their fur, and latch onto their skin.…
Dogs and kids are always a good combination! These sweet little puffy creatures, dogs, are a secure companion and laughter source for everyone – especially families with young children. With them, children grow happier and more active. A little organization and habituation matching are all that is needed to keep your family idyll like to…
Our pets protect us and serve us in many ways. It is general knowledge that a “Dog is a man’s best friend.” When everything else is at its worst state, our pet, it could be a Siberian dog or a Siamese cat, will do anything just to save the life of his master. They are…
Not every furry friend comes with four legs, some of them have eight. While this might sound something from straight out of a horror movie, it’s actually quite natural when you choose to have a tarantula as a pet. There’s no doubt that tarantulas are wild and need to be approached with proper caution. However,…