The long-tailed weasel (Mustela frenata) typically inhabits throughout the United States, southern Canada, and Mexico. It has evolved some 5 – 7 million years ago. The long-tailed weasel is one of the largest weasels that belongs the genus Mustela. Long Tailed Weasel Facts Anatomy Adult weasels grow about 300–350 mm (12–14 in) in the overall…
The African rock python (Python sebae) is one of the 11 python species that is found in the forests of sub-Saharan Africa. It is the largest snake in Africa. The northern population is bigger than the southern pythons. It can eat medium-size animals up to the size of crocodiles. Although the python is not really…
The peacock butterfly (Aglais io) is a colorful species which is commonly found in the temperate regions of Asia and Europe. They spend winter weather in trees or buildings but butterflies stay all year round in its range. It is not threatened at the moment as a matter of fact peacock butterflies is expanding its…
The Burmese python (Python bivittatus) is the third largest snake in the world. It is thought to occur in South and Southeast Asia. Burmese pythons are considered semi-aquatic animals because they make habitats near water. They grow to a length of about 1.8 meters (6 feet). Pythons are arboreal species as they spend much of…
The eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) is arguably one of the most familiar mammals in the natural habitats as well as in captivity. It makes home in open grassy habitats including shrubby cover. The eastern cottontail is found throughout the United States, northernmost South America, to as far as southern Canada. Eastern Cottontail Rabbit Facts Anatomy…
The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) is a medium-size non-migratory bird that typically breeds from Alaska to Canada. It is also the national bird of the state Pennsylvania, United States. Ruffed grouse is further classified into 14 subspecies. The grouse has got the loudest of the drumming sounds. It is thought to make habitats in woodlands.…
The frilled neck lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii) is a large lizard that seems quite threatening when it expands the frill like some dinosaurs used to do. The lizard has evolved to scare off predators in this unique fashion. Yet another unique feature about this lizard is that it is capable to run extremely fast on its…
The mandarin duck (Aix galericulata) is a perching duck that typically occurs all throughout the Asia including eastern China and Russia and many parts of Europe. It is thought to make habitats near water and like many birds mandarin nests in tree holes. The duck rarely flies away from lakes or rivers. Mandarin Duck Facts…
The eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis) is a small thrush that is typically found in the open farmlands and orchards. The bluebird has adapted to living in urban areas and it often perches atop a nest box. They have brilliant blue plumage on the back and head. They are about two-thirds the length of an American…
The California quail (Callipepla californica) belongs to the New World quail family and it had originally lived in the southwestern United States. The quail is also known as California valley quail. It is a ground-dwelling species and males are particularly bulky from the middle giving it a look of a soccer ball. California Quail Facts…
The Texas horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) is a North American lizard with a spiky body. It is found in the southeastern Arizona, Kansas, Colorado to as far south as northern Mexico. The horned lizard is also called horned toad. It can disappear its body into the dry vegetation as the body provides an excellent camouflage…
The western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) is a brilliant-colored member of a blackbird family. The meadowlark is a vocal bird and it flies in a V-shaped band. It is thought to feed in marshes, grasslands and meadows of the central North America. The bird shows bright yellow breast and it mainly eats insects and seeds. Western…
The American mink (Neovison vison) is a North American mustelid that occurs in different parts of South America and Europe. Humans have long hunted minks precisely due to its attractive fur. The American mink mainly eats crustaceans, rodents, fish, birds, and frogs in the wild. It is likely to be distinguished from weasels and stoats…
The trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator) is a North American bird that breeds all along Alaska to as far south to Montana. It is also capable to float in the water and needs a large amount of energy to lift the body from water. Trumpeter swan is a migratory bird and it is thought to fly…
The Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus) is an endangered species and it belongs to the family Tapiridae. There are total five species of tapirs out of which Malayan tapir is the largest. The tapir is native to Asia. Malayan tapirs are distinguished by their black and white plumage and long snout. Malayan tapirs are the largest…
The African pygmy hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris) is nocturnal animal that is typically found in the eastern and central Africa. In the wild it makes homes in savanna habitats but usually avoid thick forests. While the animal is quite good in swimming and climbing it nevertheless remains busy on land. The hedgehog is also known as…
The little penguin (Eudyptula minor) is the world’s smallest penguin. It is also known as blue penguins, fairy penguins, and little penguins. The penguin breeds all along the islands of New Zealand and Australia. The global population of little penguins is about 350,000 – 600,000. It is thought to occur in New South Wales and…
The mourning dove (Zenaida macroura) belongs to the family Columbidae and it is the most common North American bird. The dove is capable to achieve high speeds during flight. It is also known as turtle dove, American mourning dove, and Carolina pigeon. The total population of mourning dove is estimated at 475 million worldwide. Mourning…
The African leopard (Panthera pardus pardus) is the largest spotted cat in Africa. It typically lives in the rainforests of sub-Saharan Africa. Depending on location and habitat, African leopards have varied coloration of coat. The leopards living in the Cape provinces are likely to be physical different from the northern population. African Leopard Facts Anatomy…
The brown thrasher (Toxostoma rufum) is most commonly found across the central and eastern United States. It belongs to the family Mimidae which also includes mockingbirds. The brown thrasher is the national bird of the state Georgia. The bird resembles much with wood thrush in its physical appearance. Brown thrashers are omnivores. Brown Thrasher Facts…
The spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) is thought to have originated somewhere in Asia and Europe a million years ago. It is the largest of the hyena species and the animal is mainly recognized by its large bear-like build. The spotted hyena is not only most social but is also the most vocal of the Carnivora.…