• Electric Eel Facts | Amazing Facts about Electric Eels

    Electric Eel Facts | Amazing Facts about Electric Eels

    The electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) is a South American electric fish and is known for its strong electric charge discharges measuring around 550 to 600 V, enough to upset other fish perhaps even a human. This electric charge it typically uses for the self-defense. It is an apex predator inhabiting South America. It is, in…

  • Arctic Hare Facts | Enjoy All these Interesting Facts about Arctic Hares

    Arctic Hare Facts | Enjoy All these Interesting Facts about Arctic Hares

    Let’s talk about the most interesting arctic hare facts such as arctic hares diet, habitat, breeding, and behavior. The arctic hare (Lepus arcticus), also called polar rabbit is a species of hare that inhabits polar and mountainous regions. These hares are covered with the dense, soft, lustrous, silky coat of fur and it typically digs…

  • Black Footed Ferret Facts For Kids | Top 10 Interesting Facts about Black Footed Ferrets

    Black Footed Ferret Facts For Kids | Top 10 Interesting Facts about Black Footed Ferrets

    I’m bringing you some of the most fascinating black footed ferret facts for kids such as black footed ferret diet, habitat, reproduction, and behavior. The black footed ferret (Mustela nigripes), also called American polecat is a Mustelid species endemic to central North America. These animals are classified as endangered species by the International Union for…

  • Platypus Facts For Kids | The Egg-laying Mammal

    Platypus Facts For Kids | The Egg-laying Mammal

    The duck billed platypus is an extraordinary creature. The animal truly lives up to its name. One of its striking features is the platypus’ bill—one that shows much resemblance to the ducks yet the body is of a mammal. Here we have some really amazing Platypus Facts For Kids. George Shaw was the first professional…

  • How Long Do Betta Fish Live in Captivity

    How Long Do Betta Fish Live in Captivity

    Today I’m going to tell you about how long do betta fish live in captivity and what can you do to raise its lifespan. The betta fish have long been admired for their unique coloration exhibiting yellowish-brown along with green bright green spots on its elongated body. The males are known to fight with each…

  • How Long Do Sharks Live in Captivity and in the Wild

    How Long Do Sharks Live in Captivity and in the Wild

    Sharks are one of the most fearsome and least understood of all animals. These potential predators have made their presence felt in the oceans for millions of years, yet their existence remains a matter of debate as thousands of sharks were subject to human-hunting or poaching each year. Now let’s figure out how long do…

  • Poison Dart Frog Facts For Kids | Top 10 Facts about Deadly Poison Dart Frogs

    Poison Dart Frog Facts For Kids | Top 10 Facts about Deadly Poison Dart Frogs

    Are you ready for the most exciting poison dart frog facts for kids including poison frog diet, habitat, and behavior. Poison dart frogs are among the most famous frogs in the world. They are also referred to as simply poison frogs, arrow-poison frogs, and poison-arrow frogs. Alongside bullfrogs and hop toads, nearly everyone has heard…

  • Do Frogs Have Teeth and How Many Maxillary Teeth Do Frogs Have

    Do Frogs Have Teeth and How Many Maxillary Teeth Do Frogs Have

    You might be wondering do frogs have teeth. Well, not all frogs have teeth but some species are carnivorous and have sharp teeth. According to a latest study, the lower-jaw teeth in frogs are believed to have been re-evolved after 200 million years. There are around 6,000 frog species amongst which the South American Gastrotheca…

  • How Many Teeth Do Sharks Have in a Lifetime

    How Many Teeth Do Sharks Have in a Lifetime

    Can you tell me how many teeth do sharks have in a lifetime? Sharks are the only species that continually shed their teeth which are replaced by new ones in a 24 hours window. Scientists believe that Carcharhiniformes shed around 35,000 teeth in a lifetime. The shark’s teeth rely on its diet such as those…

  • What Do Bengal Tigers Eat in the Tropical Rainforest

    What Do Bengal Tigers Eat in the Tropical Rainforest

    Do you know what do Bengal tigers eat? Let’s discuss some of the most common Bengal tigers prey and its hunting technique. Tigers are carnivorous mammals and they prey on large ungulates such as sambar, gaur, and chital; occasionally being involved in hunting water buffalo, serow, takin, barasingha, and nilgai. Bengal tigers often kill medium-sized…

  • Where Do Bengal Tigers Live and Where Do They Make Their Habitats

    Where Do Bengal Tigers Live and Where Do They Make Their Habitats

    Bengal tigers survive in much reduced and fragmented range a century ago. They survive in Bhutan, India, China, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Nepal. There are around 3,100 to 4,700 species remaining in the wild; while in captivity the numbers are 330 mostly in Indian zoos. White tigers are a color mutant of Bengal tigers, but they…

  • Tiger Information For Kids | Interesting Information about Tigers For Kids

    Tiger Information For Kids | Interesting Information about Tigers For Kids

    Man always sees tigers as the symbol of pride, deepest fears, desires and aspirations. Tiger is typically sighted as the most fear-some predator which is admired for its lithe muscles, courage and beauty. Tigers are powerful animals that are capable to take down its prey single-handedly and subdue large prey. It has forelimbs and broad…

  • Do Tigers Live in Africa | Why Don’t Tigers Live in Africa

    Do Tigers Live in Africa | Why Don’t Tigers Live in Africa

    If you ask people do tigers live in Africa, the answer would probably be ‘Of Course’. Well, this is a wrong answer! Tigers never lived in Africa; they are found in a different continent, Asia. Although they belong to the family of Felidae which also includes lions and leopards, and they also share common ancestor…

  • How Long Do Butterflies Live in Captivity and After they Hatch

    How Long Do Butterflies Live in Captivity and After they Hatch

    In this post, I’m going to explain some of the most unknown facts about how long do butterflies live in captivity and in the wild. A butterfly is a flying insect that belongs to the Lepidoptera order along with the moths and butterflies. Nearly all species are diurnal and have brightly colored wings together with…

  • What Do Gorillas Eat | Interesting Facts about Gorilla’s Diet

    What Do Gorillas Eat | Interesting Facts about Gorilla’s Diet

    A Gorilla is busy in three different activities all throughout the day; feeding, traveling, and resting. Depending entirely on subspecies, the gorilla’s diet considerably differs. Let’s talk about what do gorillas eat! Mountain gorilla, for instance, primarily feeds on stems, leaves, shoots, pith, and fruits make up a small part of their diet. These types…

  • Dodo Bird Facts | Top 10 Interesting Facts about Dodo Bird

    Dodo Bird Facts | Top 10 Interesting Facts about Dodo Bird

    Let us discover some of the most important dodo bird facts such as dodo bird diet, behavior, and its range. The dodo (Raphus cucullatus) is an extinct flightless bird once inhabited the island of Mauritius, in the east of Madagascar in Indian Ocean. The Nicobar Pigeon is the considered to be the closest relative of…

  • Do Foxes Eat Cats | Facts about Fox’s Diet

    Do Foxes Eat Cats | Facts about Fox’s Diet

    Foxes are primarily omnivorous but they have a flexible diet plan. These animals are solitary, opportunistic feeders and will prey on live animals especially rodents. It is known that in the period of former Soviet Union, foxes had consumed 300 plants and animal species. Do foxes eat cats? Have you stumbled one such incident in…

  • What Do Bearded Dragons Eat | Bearded Dragons Diet

    What Do Bearded Dragons Eat | Bearded Dragons Diet

    Do you know what do bearded dragons eat? Perhaps Not! unless you come across one of these species in captivity. Bearded dragons are actually lizards belong to the family of Agamidae. They inhabit rocky, semi-desert regions, arid, and dry open woodlands of Australia. These species are skilled climbers and are often found in bushes and…

  • Capuchin Monkey Facts | Top 10 Facts about Capuchin Monkey

    Capuchin Monkey Facts | Top 10 Facts about Capuchin Monkey

    The capuchin monkey belongs to the family of Cediae and is a New World Monkey. These primates inhabit all throughout South and Central America, with some species are also found in northern Argentine. They can be aggressive to their owners. Let’ us discover some of the most interesting capuchin monkey facts. Physical Features The name…

  • Are Elephants Endangered | Why Are Elephants Endangered

    Are Elephants Endangered | Why Are Elephants Endangered

    It is a misfortune beyond reckoning and humanity needs to concentrate to the plight of the elephants before it is too late. You need to ask yourself a question, “Are elephants endangered?” Well, they certainly are and as always humans are held responsible for their endangerment. Elephants have long been employed for hunting, sports, and…

  • Harpy Eagle Facts | Top 10 Facts about American Harpy Eagles

    Harpy Eagle Facts | Top 10 Facts about American Harpy Eagles

    I’m bringing you some of the most exciting harpy eagle facts that such as harpy eagle habitat, diet, breeding and predatory behavior. The harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja) is a bird of prey that casts a sinister shadow over the rainforests of tropical America. These birds terrify hapless animals that forage in the shifting sunlight of…