6 Top Tips for Keeping Your Cat Healthy and Happy

Are you the proud owner of a cat? If so, then you will want to keep him or her healthy and happy. The good news is that keeping your furry feline healthy is relatively easy. However, there is a little bit of work involved. It is not as simple as feeding them and giving them the occasional treat. Keeping your kitty healthy will require some work on your part, but not as much as you would think. 

Don’t Give Them Too Much Dried Food 

While dried cat food is generally cheaper than other alternatives, you should avoid giving your feline too much of it. Cats typically rely on meat as the basis of their diet. You should attempt to give them meat each day. If a cat eats too much dried food, then its health could suffer. In some cases, cats can become obese if they eat too much dried food. Be sure to put a bit of meat out for your kitty each day. 

Give Your Kitty Fresh Water 

We all know that fresh water tastes better than water that’s been sitting out for a while. Giving your kitty access to fresh water every day will help him or her stay healthy. If your cat is so fussy that he or she won’t drink from a bowl, give him or her a tall glass instead. Make sure you replace the water at least once a day so it’s fresh enough for your cat to drink. 

Your kitty needs to drink enough water so that he or she can digest food, use their litter tray, and keep themselves clean according to the guys over at Pet Checkers. Your cat should have more than enough water when he or she goes to find the bowl. Keep the bowl, glass, or water fountain full at all times so there’s always plenty to drink.

Keep your Feline’s Teeth Clean 

Cats can start to develop a layer of tartar on their teeth. When left untreated, tartar can cause tooth decay and gum disease. This is why you should consider brushing your cat’s teeth. Any kitty owner will tell you this is often easier said than done. There are veterinary dentistry services around so consider using them if you cannot clean your cat’s teeth yourself. 

With clean teeth, your cat’s breath will smell better and his or her teeth will look and feel healthier. It would be a shame if your kitty lost a tooth because he or she had gum disease. Clean your cat’s teeth at least once a year so they’re more likely to stay healthy. 

Get a Scratching Post

Cats like to use scratching posts so they can keep their claws sharp. Scratching posts can also help your kitty stretch its muscles and relieve stress. If you don’t give your kitty somewhere to scratch, they’re going to use your furniture and anything else they want. Scratching posts as well as cardboard can work well enough. 

Keep your cat happy and your furniture in good working order by getting at least one scratching post. Your cat will feel better for it. 

Use Plenty of Litter Trays 

You will need to have enough litter trays for your cat even if he or she typically stays outdoors. The right number of litter trays is 1 per cat plus an extra one. So, if you have 1 cat, you’ll need 2 litter trays. If you have 2 cats, you’ll need 3 litter trays, and so on. 

Be sure to keep the litter trays clean. Replace the litter frequently and clean up any mess. If your cat’s litter trays are dirty, they may decide to go on the floor instead. Cats can get very stressed if they don’t have a clean litter tray. Deal with the mess as soon as you can, and your cat will thank you for it. 

Look After Your Kitty’s Paws 

Your furry feline friend may be an expert at keeping his or her paws clean, but you also need to look after them. Every now and again your cat may step in something that’s a little unhygienic.
Use a damp cloth to wipe the mess from your cat’s paws. This will save your cat from attempting to clean it on its own. If your cat’s paws are very dirty, stick them in a bowl of 1-2 inches of lukewarm water. Lukewarm water is much better than cold water. Massage your cat’s paws to help loosen anything that’s stuck. 

Your kitty may not like having its paws washed, but it may have to be done from time to time. 

Use the above tips to help keep your cat healthy. The healthier your cat is, the happier it will be. 

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