A Guide on the Bat’s Sleeping Habit

While the world is preparing for their well-deserved sleep, the bats are just starting their day. They will be spending their night hunting for insects and small animals. Once the sun is up, they will be retreating to their roosting site. The bats will be sleeping in different places upside-down. You may think that they are cave-dwellers, but you may also find them in the tree’s hollow, bridge or inside our attic.

How the Bats are Sleeping

The bats will perch or roost while they are upside down due to a range of reasons. Compared to the birds, bats do not have the ability to launch their body from the surface. Their wings will not have enough power to lift them.

sleeping bat

The Bats Have to Sleep Upside Down

For the bats to fly, running can probably help in propelling their body. However, since the bats will not have an incredible running ability, this will leave them with no choice but to sleep upside down. They will be using their claws to reach the higher spot of their roosting site. They will then let go of their roost and drop that will help them fly. The velocity that push the bats allow them to fly and emerge out of their cave.  This gives them the chance to spread wings and fly.

Hiding from Predators

Sleeping upside down also gives them the chance to hide from the predator. Since most of the predators of the bats will remain awake while they are sleeping, they will need to look for a safe place when they are sleeping. By hanging upside-down, most of their enemies will not be able to reach them. Therefore, the bats can ensure that they will be undisturbed when sleeping. You will probably think that the birds and bats will have a fierce competition. However, the roosting site of the bats are usually not suitable for the birds to establish their nest.

Bats are Fully Adapted to Sleep Upside Down

Do you remember the last time that you try to hang in the similar position in monkey bars? After a couple of minutes, you perhaps felt how the blood immediately rush on your head and will have to get down fast. However, the bat’s physiology is well-adapted to sleep in this manner. This can be an easy feat for the bats. Once the bats sleep, the tendons that are attached to their talons will clench that will make it possible to support their weight.

Bats are nocturnal creatures. They will be active at night and their activities will reduce at daytime. They will be leaving their nest at around sunset to hunt for food. Bats can keep their upside-down position for a long time. They can remain in this position for months during their hibernation period. Some bats can even stay in this state even after their death. The unique sleeping habit of bats has helped them avoid their enemies and spread their wings to fly once they are ready to emerge from their cave.  To learn more about bats, visit us at  professional bat services company.



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