Best Places To Find And See Exotic Birds

Is it summertime?

Because if it is, then it’s the perfect time to prepare and go bird watching!

Birds don’t stay in their nests all year long (aside from some), most of them migrate in the summer, which means you’ll be seeing twice as many birds as yfou’d usually do.

If you’re new to bird watching, you may want to check out BirdingHub for tips, guides, and answers to your questions.

Exotic Birds

Now, if you’re looking for the ideal travel locations to spot exotic birds, then we’ve got you covered.



malaysian exotic birds

Malaysia being the migratory birds’ main resting destination and having nearly 800 bird species definitely makes it the top birding travel locale!

You’ll be able to spot the Bornean bristlehead, the Bulwer’s pheasant, the rhinoceros hornbill, and so much more here.

Not to mention the beautiful Malayan peacock-pheasant that has extravagant specks and patterned feathers.

It is not only native to Malaysia but is also threatened and immensely rare.


The Temple of Heaven in Beijing is an ideal spot for those who wish to see the Grey-spotted Woodpeckers, Oriental Greenfinches, Red-Bellied Blue Magpies and so much more.

In the lakes and wetlands of China, you can easily spot migrating cranes from Siberia.

Aside from that, China is also the home of the vividly colored Tragopans and the Blood Pheasants.


In Narathiwat Thailand, you can visit the Hala-Bala Wildlife Sanctuary where you’ll be amazed by the beauty of the Malaysian Rail Babblers, Garnet Pittas, and Reddish Scops Owls.

Thailand is abundant in exotic lowland rainforest species because of its biodiversity-rich landscapes of waterfalls and parks.




Here, you’ll spot the endangered White-Headed Duck, the Pink-Hued Flamingos, and the Griffon Vulture.

Because of their various ecosystems like open lands, towering mountains, and bodies of water, Malaga gives out a perfect atmosphere that attracts multiple exotic birds.

In Andalucia, there are over 300 bird species and diverse habitats, climates, and landscapes that make it a prime hotspot for birding.



The country of Madagascar claims to have over 115 different bird species and numerous bird-watching destinations. Here, you’ll get to watch Goshawks and Mesites in their natural habitats.

Madagascar’s Parc National De Ranomafana is where you’d be able to easily spot and observe numerous birds in the Sahamalaotra and Varijatsy circuits such as the African Marsh Owl and the Reunion Harrier.

North America

Costa Rica

exotic birds

Costa Rica is full of colorful tropical beauties, they have around 50 brightly-colored hummingbird species and protected national parks that host 10% of the world’s bird species.

You can easily spot hundreds of species by visiting the Rancho Naturalista that is surprisingly right beside the active and still-smoking Turrialba Volcano.

Here, you can catch sight of the most spectacular bird of the Western Hemisphere, the Resplendent Quetzal that has a shimmering green body, cherry red underparts, and a tiny yellow beak.

In Corcovado National Park, there are about 375 bird species, while Bajos Del Toro is filled with tiny hummingbirds.


The Canopy Tower which is one of the most famous bird-watching resorts lies in the country of Panama.

To stay at the Soberania National Park means that you’ll be sleeping right in front of rainforest birds, and even experience the sky’s darkening as millions of birds-of-preys migrate each fall.

And If you’re interested in observing a bird’s plumage and appearance up close, you can also visit Darien Park, it has numerous elusive specimens on its mountainsides.

South America


October to February is the ideal time for you to visit Ecuador, this is the time where numerous birds migrate, they appear and reproduce most in these months.

In Galapagos Islands, you can snorkel with penguins, and cruise to observe various exotic species, 750,000 seabirds, Albatrosses, and the famous exotic Blue-footed Booby.



In Peru, you can visit the Parque Nacional del Manu that has a tropical forest with 850 species! You’ll be able to spot birds like Pale-winged Trumpeters, Yellow-rumped Caciques, Golden-headed quetzals, and so much more here.

South America’s biggest Macaw lick can be seen in Peru’s Reserva Nacional Tambopata.

One of the world’s largest birds, the Andean Condor that has the ability to grow a wingspan of 3 meters, is already endangered, they can ONLY be found in the Colca Canyon.


Birding may be fun and memorable, but you should also know and remember your responsibilities as a bird watcher.


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