Biology: Scientific English for Foreign Learners

Biology refers to the disciplines rich in complex terms. Sometimes, it may be difficult for strangers to remember this unusual vocabulary. This fact determines the peculiarities of teaching biology to foreign students.

The professional vocabulary for his sphere has a fairly wide range. There are the organs of the human body, symptoms, diseases, and the terms taken from chemistry. A little facilitates the process of mastering the fact that scientific biological terms are largely based on the Latin language, but this vocabulary is still quite complicated.

A significant place in this training should be given to practical classes that orient the foreign learners to the professional activity and, at the same time, form the higher level of their competence in the biology and anatomy, which largely determines their language skills in relation to specific goals and tasks of speaking communication. It is very important for foreign students to consider the process of teaching the language as a stage of professional preparation for mastering their future specialty. For this purpose, this Internet resource with English tutors can be useful:

Traditional and Innovative Systems of Teaching Foreign Students

The traditional system of teaching medical and biological disciplines in medical institutions, including tests, oral questioning, explaining new material and performing experimental works, is insufficient for the quality teaching foreign students, because the language barrier, interethnic communication, and different levels of basic education create big difficulties in the study of these disciplines.teaching students

An innovative system is a new approach in teaching, which includes more attention to the learners, the fundamental principles of education, creativity, professionalism, synthesis of both technical and humanitarian methods, and use of the latest technologies.

Innovative learning system differs of the classical one by an increase of the role of visual material (films, slides, drawings, and tables) and frequent changes of activities (listening, writing, drawing, and telling). In both cases, tasks are given to varying degrees of complexity, depending on the level of preparation of the foreign trainees.

According to the study conducted, an innovative approach to teaching foreign students improved the quality of their preparation, while students showed an increased interest to the subject, the desire to gain additional knowledge, and a more successful solution of situational problems.

Moreover, the success of training leads to the better adaptation of students in new conditions, which, according to the feedback principle, depends on the ability of the pedagogical system to flexibly consider the interests and needs of foreign students coming to study.

An important part of the teaching and methodological complex to train foreign students is the curriculum for general biology and anatomy, taking into account the biological or medical orientation. The training process has to contain the related goals and objectives, interdisciplinary links, a list of knowledge and skills to be acquired. It should include the tasks for the independent study of the subject and topics for self-examination.

A systematic approach also relies on the formation of tasks for the individual study in the form of homework. At the same time, it is necessary to widely use various sources of information in English (Internet, TV, scientific works, press, etc.), which would allow students not only acquire new knowledge but also form speech skills in English. It contributes to the formation of skills for obtaining information from various sources, which is an additional significant factor in learning a specific terminology.

This innovative approach would facilitate the rapid adaptation of foreign students to the subject under study and, as a result, deeper mastering of the learning material and the formation of skills, as well as the active development of speech as the basis for professional communication.

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