While going through brown bear facts for kids several important postulates come to the fore. This article highlights all these postulates. The brown bear (Ursus arctos) is a large bear that is endemic to North America and Eurasia. These are one of the largest species that can weigh around 300 – 780 kg (660 – 1,700 lb). Bears living in Mexico and California have long been hunted down by humans back in 1870 to 1922. There are no more than 35 – 40 bears living in Italy. The population is rapidly decreasing with the passage of time for reasons still in debate. These wild animals inhabit Russia, United States, Romania, Finland, Sweden, and Ukraine.
Brown Bear Facts For Kids
The length of the brown bears measure around 5 to 6 centimetres (2.0 to 2.4 inches) and it can also reach 7 – 10 cm (2.8 – 3.9 inches). With sharp and longer claws, brown bears are one of the most powerful predators. The average length of these animals measure 1.7 – 2.8 metres (5.6 – 9.2 feet), with a shoulder height of 70 – 153 cm (28 – 60 inches). Females are shorter than males. Eurasian Brown Bear females weigh around 90 kg (200 lb);the weight of the grizzly bears is 100 kg (220 lb), Syrian brown bear weighs 150 kg (330 lb).
Read More: Kodiak Bear vs Polar Bear

The Russian male Bears have a skull size of about 31.5 to 45.5 cm (12.4 to 17.9 in) whereas the females have 27.5 to 39.7 cm (10.8 to 15.6 in) skull. The width of arches measure around 17.5 to 27.7 cm (6.9 to 11 inches) in males and females have 14.7 to 24.7 cm (5.8 to 9.7 inches). Kodiak bear measures 3.1 metres (10 feet), with the shoulder height measuring 160 cm (63 inches), and weigh around 1,150 kg (2,500 lb).
Read More: How Do Polar Bears Adapt to their Environment?
Where Do Brown Bears Live? | Interesting Brown Bear Facts For Kids
Most of the brown bears reside in Russia with the total population of about 120,000; in United States 32,500; and in Canada 21,750. Brown bear facts about its widespread distribution show an individual population in different parts of the world. These animals are known to live in Great Plains, Mexico, Atlas Mountains, Morocco, France, Spain, Galicia, Asturias, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Sweden, Slovenia, and Greece. There are about 4,500 – 5,000 bears existing in Romania, with smaller animals subsiding in Ukraine (200 bears); in Northern Europe the population is around 2,500, 1,600in Finland, in Estonia there are 700 species. Other places in which brown bears are found include Serbia, Albania, Asia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, and Bosnia.

Brown Bear Facts For Kids | Reproduction
The mating season ranges from May to July. These animals are monogamous in that they make partners for a lifetime.
- Females become mature after 5 – 7 years and whereas males achieve maturity after 8 – 9 years.
- Females litter 1 – 4 cubs. How large the cubs are depends on the geographical location and the availability of diet.
- The weight of the cubs is 450 g (1.0 lb). These juveniles stay with their mothers for 2 – 4 years. Mothers are often accompanied by these cubs while hunting so as to teach them how to hunt.
What Do Brown Bears Eat?
Brown bears predominantly feed on sprouts, plants, roots, fish, insects, mammals, and fungi. They also consume a lot of moths in a day. One of the favorite feeds of these animals is salmon fish. Brown bear facts regarding its diet include varieties of preys. ย These animals are also known to eat deer, moose, elk, mountain goats, bighorn sheep, bison, and muskoxen. Brown bears also consume wolves, tigers, and cougars.

- Ursus arctos
- Ursus arctos beringianus
- Ursus arctos alascensi
- Ursus arctos alascensis
- Ursus arctos beringianus
- Ursus arctos collaris
- Ursus arctos crowtheri
- Ursus arctos pruinosus
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