Here is an endangered animals list for kids that are not commonly available elsewhere. These animals are likely to be extinct in the next 15 to 20 years if any conservation measurements are not taken. These animals play a significant role in keeping a balance in the ecosystem by checking the population of its prey.
However, the population of these species is facing drastic decline over the past few decades due to human-hunting, poaching, and scarcity of its prey. Some are dying out due to the sudden climate change.
Endangered Animals List For Kids
Addax is a medium-sized mammal with a weight of about 60 – 125 kg (132 – 276 lb).
They stand around 95 – 110 cm 3 ft – 3 ft 7 inches), and the length measuring at 1.5 – 1.7 meters (5 ft – 5 ft 7 in) excluding tail.
Addax becomes mature after 2 to 3 years and the breeding season comes in extreme hot and extreme cold season.
They have a gestation period of 257 – 264 days.
Addax has a life span of 6 to 8 years.
The length of the tail measures around 25 – 35 cm (10 – 14 in).
The addax’s skull is tough so much so that it can easily absorb the shock of head-butt when individuals tend to fight with each other.
African Elephant | Endangered Animals List For Kids
- African once inhabited all along the savannah scrublands to lush, forested mountain slopes. They were subject to extreme hunting for decades which is why these elephants are classified as endangered species.
- African elephants weigh around 6,000 kg (6.7 tonnes), with males being larger than the females.
- The males measure around 4.5 m (14.5 ft) in length, while females are 3.3 m (10 ft 9 in) long.
- The male stands around 3.8 m (12 ft 8 in), and the shoulder height of females is 2.7 m (8 ft 10 in).
- The female becomes mature at the age of 10 years while males reach the maturity age after 15 to 18 years.
- They breed all round the year. African elephants have a gestation period of 22 months.
- They have a life span of 50 to 60 years and they primarily feed on grasses, shrubs, foliage, flowers, fruits, and roots.

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African Wild Ass | Endangered Animals List For Kids
- African wild ass seems like a horse and zebra in its physical features, with the dubious distinction of being one of the rarest animals. These animals weigh around 275 kg (606 lb). They are basically desert-dwellers and are known to survive in arid, semi-desert, hill and bush lands.
- The head-and-body length measures around 2.1 meters (6 ft 9 in), with the tail measuring at 45 cm (17.7 in).
- African wild ass stands around 1.4 meters (4 ft 6 in).
- Although they become mature after 2 years but they rarely breed before 4 to 5 years.
- African wild ass is known to breed in the wet season ranges from July to August.
- They have a gestation period of 360 days.
- The female litters one live young after an interval of one year.
- The average life span of these animals is 12 to 22 years.
- They are known to browse through grazes grasses, sedges and forbs; shrubs and bushes.
African Wild Dog| Endangered Animals List For Kids
- African wild dog is characterized by its large rounded ears together with tufted tails. They are found all throughout the plains and savannahs of Africa. However, these animals are quickly disappearing in much of its range.
- The weight of these species measures around 20 to 30 kg (44 to 66 lb).
- The head-and-body length measures around 75 to 100 cm (30 to 40 in).
- The length of the tail is 30 to 40 cm (12 to 16 in).
- They stand around 60 to 75 cm (24 to 30 in).
- African wild dogs reach the maturity age after 12 to 18 months.
- The mating season is variable and it entirely depends on the availability of prey.
- They have a gestation period of 70 to 75 days.
- The female litters 2 to 19 live young; though 7 to 10 are more common. The birth interval is one year.
- African wild dogs are exclusively carnivorous and they readily prey on rodents, hares, and other small animals.
- The average life span is 10 years.

Aye Aye | Endangered Animals List For Kids
- Aye aye is a small primate that seemingly looks like a bat or a squirrel. They are recognized by their long bushy tail along with large ears. Only a handful number of these mammals are remaining in the wild.
- They weigh around 2 kg (4 lb 6 oz).
- The head-and-body length measures around 36 to 44 cm (14 to 17 in).
- The length of the tail measures around 50 to 60 cm (20 to 24 in).
- Aye aye begins to breed after 2 years. They breed all round the year.
- They have a gestation period of 160 days.
- The female gives birth to one live baby after an interval of 2 to 3 years.
- Aye aye typically feeds on insect larvae and fruits.
- The average life span is 26 years in captivity, and is unknown in the wild.
Black Rhinoceros
- Black rhinos are known for its fearsome reputation across Africa and have only few natural predators.
- These mammals weigh around 1360 to 1815 kg (2998 to 3999 lb).
- The head-and-body weight measures around 3 to 3.8 m (9 ft 10 in to 12 ft 6 in).
- The length of the tail measures around 68 cm (26.7 in).
- The front horn measures around 45 to 127 cm (17.7 to 50 inches).
- They stand around 1.4 to 1.6 m (4 ft 6 in to 5 ft 3 in).
- The female becomes mature after 4 to 6 years while male begins to breed after 7 to 9 years.
- The mating season lasts all throughout the year.
- They have a gestation period of 419 to 478 days.
- The female gives birth to one live young baby after an interval of 2 to 5 years.
- Black rhinos primarily feed on shoots of small trees; leaves and buds; bushes and herbs; clover and fruits.
- The average life span of black rhino is 30 to 40 years.
Chimpanzee| Endangered Animals List For Kids
- Chimpanzee is known for its sociable nature, curiosity, playfulness, and natural ability to react like humans.
- The weight of these species measures around 27 to 68 kg (60 to 150 lb).
- The height of chimpanzee measures around 1 to 1.5 m (3 ft 3 in to 4 ft 9 in).
- Although they become mature after 7 years but they don’t breed until 12 to 15 years.
- They breed all round the year.
- Chimpanzee has a gestation period of 230 days.
- The female litters one live young, after a typical interval of 3 years but it can be longer.
- Chimpanzee primarily relies on berries, nuts, fruits, leaves, insects, and rarely on mammals and birds.
- The average life span is up to 60 years

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Ethiopian Wolf
- Ethiopian wolf is a native species of Africa and is becoming increasingly rare. There are no more than 500 individuals remaining in the wild, and time is running out for this red-coat hunter.
- The weight of ethiopian wolf measures around 11.2 to 19 kg (24 to 42 lb).
- The head-and-body length measures around 100 cm (39 in).
- They stand around 58 cm (23 in).
- The length of the tail measures at 33 cm (13 in).
- These mammals reach the maturity age after 2 years and the breeding season ranges from October to January.
- They have a gestation period of 60 to 62 days.
- The female gives birth to two to six live young.
- These wolves prey on small mammals.
- The average life span of these animals is 8 to 9 years.
Mountain Gorilla| Endangered Animals List For Kids
- The mountain gorilla was first discovered in the year 1847 and is easily recognized by its high-browed crest on its head. The crest is affixed to a large jaw muscles.
- The weight of these mammals measure around 120 to 227 kg (265 to 500 lb).
- The head-and-body length of male measures around 1.5 to 1.7 meters (5 to 6 feet).
- The female becomes mature after 7 to 8 years, while male reaches the maturity after 12 to 15 years.
- They are known to breed all round the year, with 3 days each month.
- Mountain gorilla gives birth to one live baby after a gestation period of 8 months.
- They have a birth interval of 6 to 8 years.
- Mountain gorillas are primarily vegetarian and they typically feed on wild celery, stingling nettles, bamboo, thistles, and fruits.
- The life span of these animals is 50 years in the wild, and 53 years in captivity.

Snow Leopard | Endangered Animals List For Kids
- Lithe and massively muscled, snow leopard exhibits thick, silvery coat along with a long bushy tail. They are found in the upland steppes and coniferous scrublands of their mountain homelands.
- The weight of these species measures around 35 to 55 kg (77 to 121 lb).
- The head-and-body length measures around 1 to 1.3 m (39 to 51 in).
- The length of the tail is 0.8 to 1.0 m (31 to 39 in).
- The shoulder height of these mammals is 60 cm (24 inches).
- They become mature after 2 to 3 years.
- The mating season ranges from January to April.
- The gestation period lasts for 90 to 103 days.
- The female litters one to five live young after a birth interval of 2 years.
- Mountain gorillas typically feed on mammals and birds.
- The average life span of these gorillas is 20 years.

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