How To Handle A Dog Attack 

You may know your community well, but sometimes, you’ll hear the occasional barking of a neighborhood dog. One day, you might be running late for school or work, and a dog that’s not on a leash is aggressively approaching you. It can be a frightening thought, so you might not know what to do. The following are tips you can do to handle a dog attack:  

  1. Recognize The Behavior

The dog is likely to bark, snarl, and show its teeth, so you must know the essentials in handling an attack by recognizing these warning signs. Remember these when a dog is inching toward you:

  • Whatever you do, avoid eye contact 
  • Slowly turn your body around and cross your arms 
  • Ignore the dog, but don’t move for a moment  
  • Move away slowly and don’t run 
  • Find a place where you can put a distance between yourself and the animal

  1. Attend To Your Wounds 

There are instances when a dog would see you as a threat, which is why it isn’t backing down. Once it lunges and gives you a bite, remember what to do when the animal has dug its mouth onto your arm or leg. Here are some considerations:

  • Do your best to place a shield between you and its moutha bag, a jacket, or anything you can reach without hurting the dog. Do whatever it takes to protect your face as well.
  • To disorient the dog, you can try to cover its face with a jacket. People may also take notice and help you. The dog is likely to let go; and when it does, take action to bring yourself to safety. There’ll be times when the dog owner is nowhere in sight. What you can do is try to remain calm.  
  • Observe your wounds and head to the nearest medical center or hospital to get them treated. If you’re not well enough to do it, have someone phone an ambulance for you. Alternatively, you can perform first aid on your wounds and then take yourself to the doctor. Be prepared to answer questions as they’ll want to help you in the best way possible.

  1. Look For The Owner 

When you feel well enough, go back to the location of the incident and try to look for the owner. You can ask around, describe the dog, and find out if people are familiar with it. If they know the dog and possibly the owner, get their name and contact details.  

  1. Report The Incident To The Authorities 

Report the dog attack to the police. The authorities will then ask questions and create a report about the injuries caused by the attack. They’ll also get the side of the dog owner and ask questions about whether the canine is being taken care of and whether it has its rabies shot updated. 

If the owner is proven to be at fault, a copy of the report will help you and your lawyer pursue the case in preparation to meet with the insurance company.   

  1. Reach Out To An Experienced Dog Attack Lawyer 

It’s best to seek the assistance of a lawyer with enough experience. There might be twists and turns ordinary attorneys might not be prepared for, so you need someone with knowledge of both human law and dog bite laws.  

Dog Bite Laws 

Remember, animals won’t attack unless something is bothering them. It’ll help you see how the owner is also taking care of the dog. Dog bite laws will vary depending on the location, and the dog owner will be required to show medical records such as the vaccination history.  

If the dog is deemed dangerous, the law may call for it to be euthanized. At the same time, the owner may face criminal charges as dog ownership also comes with regulations the owner refused to adhere to by not taking a closer look at their dog.  

Also, there’s a possibility the animal is sick or in pain, that’s why the dog is acting weird. There could be behavioral changes or unexplained aggression that’s ignored and not addressed. It’s a cause for concern as it endangered the life of other people.   


A dog attack is undoubtedly scary, especially when you’re facing a large and menacing creature. When it happened to someone you know, you’d want to take the necessary steps on behalf of that person. 

Knowing how to handle a dog attack will help you face situations right after the incident as an attack can have devastating consequences. Consider the ideas mentioned here to help you address the circumstance.

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