How To Keep Your Pooch Comfortable During A Hot Summer

Summer temperatures climb as high as 40 degrees Celsius in some places, and dogs need special care to stay comfortable during sweltering summers. Dogs owners should follow advice from canine experts to be sure that their pooches feel good and remain healthy when it’s hot outside. There are some tricks that dog owners can use to boost canine comfort in no time flat, including protecting sensitive paws, shielding their pets from the sun’s hot rays, and ensuring proper nutrition and hydration.

Protect sensitive paws

Pavements gets terribly hot during summers, and caring and responsible dog owners who apply paw salves to their pets’ paws will create barriers that make a hot pavement feel less uncomfortable. Usually, these ointments are suitable for paws and dry canine noses, so they do double duty. When you use a good, naturally-derived product regularly, made just for dogs, it will help to restore natural moisture and keep paws and snouts in optimal condition. Pet experts at happiestdog explain that these salves are ideal for dogs whose paws and snouts have wounds or cracks. These ointments are also great ways to repel water on rainy summer days and nights.

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When shopping for a salve, look for a product that is safe for both dogs and humans. A cream should be safe for a dog to lick, and safe for you when your dog licks you. Look for proven ingredients, such as soothing, emollient shea butter and healing vitamin E.

Keep your beloved pooch in the shade

When temperatures climb, Fido needs more time in the shade. But how much time? Well, dogs are prone to heatstroke, just as human beings are, and canines only have sweat glands in their feet. This means that they heat up quickly, hence the risk of overheating. Dogs try to regulate their body temperatures via panting, but this may not be enough when it’s really warm. On hot days, take your pooch out for a walk early in the morning or late in the afternoon. These times will be a little cooler. At other times, make sure your dog is protected in the shade. No matter where your dog roams, shade should always be available.

Ensure optimal nutrition and hydration

Frozen chicken and meat broth are good options for dog nutrition in hot weather. Many pet owners alternate between frozen, meat-based foods and wet foods to offer their dogs enough nutrients and variety. Never forget to give your dog easy access to plenty of cool water. Most canines need half an ounce to an ounce of water per body weight pound each day. In summer, dogs may need a little more. Some pet owners add half ice and half water to dog bowls. The ice melts to keep the rest of the water cool until the bowl is empty.

When you follow these tips, you’ll know that you’re doing all that you can to keep your beloved canine friend comfortable. Never forget that your dog can’t sweat the way that you do. You must be considerate to keep Fido feeling like a million dollars all summer long.

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