Mosquito Facts

Mosquitoes are the most successful insects on the planet Earth. They can be found at 14,000 feet mountains peak or breeding in your backyard without your permission. More than 3,000 species of mosquitoes are known, and few of them cause trouble for people. As you know, female mosquito’ bites can cause damage; therefore, one must have the best mosquito traps to kill them before they spread diseases. Long piercing scales and proboscis on their wings distinguish mosquitoes from other flies. Let’s find out some sizzling facts about mosquitoes.

Life cycle

Different mosquitoes have different habitats. While some mosquito breeds in permanent water and others are habitats of temporary water. Some species of mosquitoes lay eggs in artificial or natural containers.

No matter where mosquitoes breed their eggs, all of them have to go through 4 stages of the life cycle, including egg, larval, the pupal, and adult as the final stage.

mosquito facts

  1. Eggs

Female mosquitoes lay their eggs either in groups or individually. Female mosquitoes carefully lay their eggs on the water surface, in tree holes, or in areas that are prone to rain or flooding. With the right amount of temperature and time, the laid eggs can hatch with a few days. If the laid egg is out of water or the hatching conditions are not being met, then it may take several years for hatching

  1. The Larval Stage

The next stage is larval after egg hatches. The larvae of mosquitoes need to breathe; therefore, they suspend from the surface of the water. Siphon is an air tube, which extends from the posterior larvae to the surface of the water, acting like a snorkel. The feed of this larva is the microorganisms that are present on the surface of the water. As larvae feed, it outgrows from its exterior covering. The larval stage consists of 4 instars ranging from four to fourteen days, depending upon the water temperature, food, and species.

  1. Pupal Stage

At this stage, the pupa is sensitive to shadows and lights. Papua does not need to feed, but it requires air to breathe. This stage lasts from one and a half to four days. After this, the skin of pupa splits, forming new adults that slowly emerge on the water surface.

  1. Adults

Male mosquitos emerge first than female mosquitos. Due to the high mortality rates of adults, mating occurs right after emergence. Females compensate for this rate by laying more eggs. Male mosquitoes remain alive for 6 to 7 days, while female mosquitoes live for up to 5 months. Male mosquitoes do not feed on blood meals and feed on plant nectars while female mosquitoes feed on plant nectar and blood. After each blood meal, female mosquitos can lay their eggs.

Mosquitoes are sensitive to some chemicals, including octanol, amino acids, and carbon dioxide. Other than investment in best mosquito traps, some sprays can also eliminate mosquitos’ growth.


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