Tag: Dolphin

  • Amazon River Dolphin Facts | Pink River Dolphin

    Amazon River Dolphin Facts | Pink River Dolphin

    Amazon River dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) is the world’s largest river dolphin with the length reaching at 225 cm. The males are significantly greater in size and heavier than the females. It is also called boto in Brazil, keep on reading these Amazon River Dolphin Facts to know more about these amazing dolphins. The amazon river dolphin…

  • How Do Dolphins Communicate | Dolphin Communication

    How Do Dolphins Communicate | Dolphin Communication

    It is reasonable to assume that dolphins are the least understood marine mammals probably because they have a complex social behavior. Dolphins are highly gregarious animals with much to discover about their social involvement and the way they communicate with each other. How Do Dolphins Communicate Unlike most other animals, dolphins can be compared to…

  • Are Dolphins Endangered | Why Are Dolphins Endangered

    Are Dolphins Endangered | Why Are Dolphins Endangered

    Are dolphins endangered? Probably YES! Apart from humans, dolphins have few natural predators. Certain species have almost no enemy which makes them an apex predator. Some of the most common predators are dusky shark, great white shark, tiger shark, and bull shark. Mostly the calves fall victim to these enemies. Another reason as to why…

  • Dolphins Facts For Kids | Top 13 Facts

    Dolphins Facts For Kids | Top 13 Facts

    Are you looking for some of the mesmerizing and rarely told dolphins facts for kids? Yes? So you don’t need to wait any longer because we’ll take you to a journey where there will be all about dolphins. To start with, dolphins are certainly very sensible and sociable animals that make it possible for them…

  • Facts About Dolphins For Kids | Top 15

    Facts About Dolphins For Kids | Top 15

    Dolphins are really smart aquatic mammals and so it’s quite interesting to learn some rare facts about dolphins for kids. What makes them so interesting and set them apart from other marine animals is their unique behavior. These mammals often play with humans and through their nimbleness; they often become the center of attention for…

  • Pink Dolphin Facts For Kids | Pink River Dolphin Facts

    Pink Dolphin Facts For Kids | Pink River Dolphin Facts

    Not many of you are aware of all these essential pink dolphin facts for kids including insights about the Amazon River dolphin and Chinese White dolphin. The pink dolphin is a name given to the group of dolphins comprising Amazon River dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) and Chinese white dolphin. The Amazon River dolphin is a mammal that…

  • What Do Bottlenose Dolphins Eat

    What Do Bottlenose Dolphins Eat

    You’d probably be unaware as to what do bottlenose dolphins eat mainly because you’re not a biologist or a conservationist. However, you don’t need to be either of these as I’m going to share some amazing facts about the bottlenose dolphins diet. These dolphins are adept to live in cold waters and they are normally…

  • What Do Dolphins Eat | Dolphins Diet

    What Do Dolphins Eat | Dolphins Diet

    Through this article you may raise your understanding as to what do dolphins eat. Dolphins are sociable mammals by nature which is why they are habitually found in zoos and water parks. One of the most common dolphins is bottlenose dolphin that is regularly kept under captivity. In the wild, these mammals are carnivorous and…

  • Dolphin Facts For Kids | Dolphin Habitat & Diet

    Dolphin Facts For Kids | Dolphin Habitat & Diet

    Here are some of the most absorbing dolphin facts for kids including its diet , species, reproduction and where does it live.  Dolphins are the close relatives of whales and propoises. There is a significant difference in sizes of several dolphin species. They belong to the family of Delphinidae. Biologists maintain that some of the species…

  • Bottlenose Dolphin Facts For Kids | Bottlenose Dolphin Habitat & Diet

    Bottlenose Dolphin Facts For Kids | Bottlenose Dolphin Habitat & Diet

    Interesting and rarely known bottlenose facts for kids have been illustrated in this article. Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops) belong to the family of Delphinidae and are widely found in the temperate waters worldwide. There are 10 to 30 members in a single dolphin group. They use echolocation to locate their prey. Most of the bottlenose dolphins are…