
Dolphins Facts For Kids | Top 13 Facts

Are you looking for some of the mesmerizing and rarely told dolphins facts for kids? Yes? So you don’t need to wait any longer because we’ll take you to a journey where there will be all about dolphins. To start with, dolphins are certainly very sensible and sociable animals that make it possible for them to interact with humans in a playful manner. If you would call dolphins as the most intelligent of aquatic creatures, that won’t be wrong. Belong to the carnivorous class of animals, these mammals fancy eating shrimps and fishes. What’s more, they are extremely good hunters and hound their targets with the help of their sharp little teeth.

If you believe that dolphins seem like humans in genetic material, you’re probably wrong. However they perform quite a few things that monkeys usually do like mirror self-recognition and parody. Even though dolphins sounds friendly for humans, but for aquatic animals these creatures are rather mobsters in sea waters.

There is a specified job for each subgroup of dolphins like safeguarding female dolphins and which separates them from other marine species. You know what! One of the wonderful dolphins facts for kids is that they can track down explosives which is why U.S Navy takes help from these mammals. Navy officials train dolphins just like they do so for sniffing dogs and as result, dolphins help them in discovering hard-to-find explosives.

Top 13 Rare Dolphins Facts For Kids

  • Since you are aware that a dolphin has dorsal fin on top on its body and which is used to navigate and give steadiness to the animal under water, however there are few dolphins that do not have a dorsal fin at all.
  • As far as hearing abilities of dolphins are concerned, every dolphin has little slots that you can witness at the back of their eyes. With the help of these openings, this animal hears voices.
  • Inside the waters of River Yangtze in China, lives a rare dolphin named as ‘Baiji’ which is in danger of extinction.
  • At the surface of waters, the speed of dolphins cannot exceed 33 mph since water harms the animal while it goes for a dip.
  • As dolphins drifts off, they either starts swimming in a slow motion right at the surface of water or relax at the base of shallow waters and rises to the top every so often.
  • The maximum life span of a dolphin ranges up to 50 years.
  • With the length of about 6.1 meters, the name of a biggest dolphin is called “Orca” which is also known as the ‘killer whale’.
  • One of the unusual dolphins facts for kids is that a mother dolphin always gives birth to a baby dolphin with its tail appearing first.
  • Majority of dolphins stays alive salty water while few mammals also tend to live in the clean waters of Amazon River.
  • Since dolphins are very gregarious and lively in nature, so normally forms groups known as ‘pods’.
  • A female dolphin is known as ‘cow’ while a male dolphin is referred to as ‘bull’.
  • With just about 1.5 meters in length and nestled on the coasts of New Zealand, Hector’s dolphin is the tiniest aquatic dolphin.
  • Dolphins are capable to hearing voices from a distance of about 15 miles within water.

A Quick Guide To Dolphins Facts For Kids

Scientific Name: Felis Catus

Family: Delphinidae

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Cetacea

Weight: 90 pounds-11 tons

Length: 4 – 30 feet

Number of Species: 36

Average Life span: 17 – 25 years

Status: Endangered

Predators: White sharks, killer whales, tiger sharks, and possibly polar bears.

Diet: Fish, sea lions, crustaceans, turtles, penguins, squid seals, crabs, walruses, octopus, sardines, shrimps, whales, sharks and birds

Maximum Speed: 35 mph

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