Tag: Penguin

  • Fiordland Penguin Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Fiordland Penguin Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    The Fiordland crested penguin (Eudyptes pachyrhynchus) is a subspecies of penguin that is native to New Zealand. The penguin is named after the Fiordland coast where it mostly breeds. The IUCN has listed it as a Vulnerable species. It is also called ‘tawaki’. The crested penguin is a migratory species. Fiordland Penguin Facts Anatomy Fiordland…

  • Little Blue Penguin Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Little Blue Penguin Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    The little penguin (Eudyptula minor) is the world’s smallest penguin. It is also known as blue penguins, fairy penguins, and little penguins. The penguin breeds all along the islands of New Zealand and Australia. The global population of little penguins is about 350,000 – 600,000. It is thought to occur in New South Wales and…

  • Galapagos Penguin Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Galapagos Penguin Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    The Galapagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) is one of the smallest penguin species and it is native to the Galapagos Islands. The bird is not only smaller in its size but it has the smallest population of penguins. Galapagos penguin is the only penguin species that is found in the northern Hemisphere. There are around 1,500…

  • What Do Emperor Penguins Eat | Emperor Penguins Feeding Behavior

    What Do Emperor Penguins Eat | Emperor Penguins Feeding Behavior

    The emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) is the world’s largest penguin species. Emperor Penguins diet consists of crustaceans and fish. Both parents forage at sea in coordination with each other. It has a varied diet but the diet mainly depends on the location. A survey of 1998 showed that the emperor penguins had 90% of their…

  • Do Penguins Mate for Life | Penguins Mating Behavior

    Do Penguins Mate for Life | Penguins Mating Behavior

    Penguins (Sphenisciformes) are monogamous means once they choose their partner they are not going to change it unless the partner dies. This clearly answers the question do penguins mate for life, continue reading to know more about their mating behavior. King and emperor penguins lay only one egg while the remaining species lays eggs in a…

  • Where Do Penguins Live | Habitat and Distribution

    Where Do Penguins Live | Habitat and Distribution

    Penguins are purely social birds. They gather around in large breeding colonies each consisting of thousands of individuals. These colonies are extremely noisy and often they take to the water in flocks. Where Do Penguins Live Penguins Geographic Range Except Galapagos penguin all penguins are found in the southern half of the world. Galapagos penguins…

  • Penguin Facts For Kids | A Flightless Bird

    Penguin Facts For Kids | A Flightless Bird

    Penguins (Spheniscidae) are thought to have evolved during the Cretaceous period (140 – 65 mya) from an ancestor that could fly but also swim underwater to catch food. They are flightless birds and they are closest relatives of albatrosses (Procellariidae) and petrels, grebes (Gaviidae), and loons. Taxonomists believe that penguins flourished in the period from…

  • Do Polar Bears Eat Penguins?

    Do Polar Bears Eat Penguins?

    Polar bears live in Arctic whereas penguins live in Antarctica. Since both these species live on opposite ends of the world it just cannot happen. Polar bears and penguins are never connected as food chain. Penguins are also found in some other areas south of the equator. Penguins never swim in Arctic waters as they…

  • Macaroni Penguin Facts | Amazing Facts about Macaroni Penguins

    Macaroni Penguin Facts | Amazing Facts about Macaroni Penguins

    Let’s study the interesting macaroni penguin facts such as macaroni penguin diet, habitat, and reproduction. Macaroni penguin is the largest of the Eudyptes penguins. The penguin displays bluish-black undersides together with the white upper tail coverts; it has a black chin and throat which ends on the upper breast in a V-shape. Macaroni penguins have…

  • Information About Penguins For Kids

    Information About Penguins For Kids

    Come and enjoy with me some of the most useful information about penguins. Penguins are the flightless seabirds that are perfectly adaptable for living in cooler climates and swimming at a speed not many creatures reach. They have flippers instead of wings which are covered with scale-like, stiff and short feathers. The penguin’s body is…

  • Chinstrap Penguin Facts | Follow Me for the Interesting Chinstrap Facts

    Chinstrap Penguin Facts | Follow Me for the Interesting Chinstrap Facts

    Let’s own the most exciting chinstrap penguin facts including chinstrap penguin diet, habitat, and foraging behavior. The chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarcticus) is a penguin species inhabiting South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands, South Shetland, and Balleny. It is characterized by its bluish-back head together with the white throat, chin, and cheeks; both male and female displays…

  • Adelie Penguin Facts For Kids | Amazing Facts About Adelie Penguins

    Adelie Penguin Facts For Kids | Amazing Facts About Adelie Penguins

    Penguins are the only avian order species that are not only flightless but are perfectly adapted for oceanic life. Unsurprisingly, their unusual adaptations and diving techniques have involved the attention of many physiologists for examining the diving behavior and the associated physiological processes. One of the subspecies of penguin is adelie penguin. I’ve described some…

  • Cute Endangered Animals | Top 10 Cute Endangered Animals

    Cute Endangered Animals | Top 10 Cute Endangered Animals

    I have gathered some of the most useful facts about cute endangered animals. Perhaps due to the dramatic increase in the world’s human population in the last couple of decades, the natural habitats are disappearing or are being degraded. About one-third of the earth’s land is already occupied by agriculture. Consequently, many plants and animal…

  • Endangered Species Facts | Top 6 Critically Endangered Species

    Endangered Species Facts | Top 6 Critically Endangered Species

    Here are some of the rarely known endangered species facts. The crying need of the hour is to create a public understanding in the mind of the masses for the conservation of these species. A large number of species are listed as endangered each year and quite a few of them have become extinct in…

  • Gentoo Penguin Facts | Gentoo Penguins Diet & Habitat

    Gentoo Penguin Facts | Gentoo Penguins Diet & Habitat

    How about summarizing some of the most interesting and rarely known gentoo penguin facts such as gentoo penguins habitat, diet, breeding, and predators. The gentoo penguins are simply characterized by the broad white stripe extending like a bonnet across the top of its head. Chicks display grey backs together with white fronts. The mature gentoo…

  • African Penguin Facts | African Penguin Diet & Habitat

    African Penguin Facts | African Penguin Diet & Habitat

    Don’t forget to visit all these african penguin facts that includes african penguin diet, habitat, and breeding. The African penguin ((Spheniscus demersus) is a medium-sized penguin species and is the only penguin that inhabits in the African continent. African penguin is also referred to as Black-footed penguin and Jackass. These penguins are placed in the…

  • King Penguin Facts For Kids | King Penguin Diet & Habitat

    King Penguin Facts For Kids | King Penguin Diet & Habitat

    Make up your mind for the most wonderful king penguin facts for kids including king penguin havitat, diet, and reproduction. The king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) is the second largest species among the family of penguins. These flightless birds stand around 95 cm (3.1 feet) high with the weight averaging 11 – 16 kg (24 –…

  • Rockhopper Penguin Facts | Rockhopper Penguin Diet & Habitat

    Rockhopper Penguin Facts | Rockhopper Penguin Diet & Habitat

    You can enjoy here some of the most remarkable rockhopper penguin facts including rockhopper penguin diet, distribution, and reproduction. Rockhopper penguins are characterized by their distinctive spiky yellow crest together with black feathers that garnishes their head. Of all the penguins family Rockhopper penguins are the smallest species standing around 20 inches (50 cm) tall.…

  • What Do Penguins Eat | What Do Different Types of Penguins Eat

    What Do Penguins Eat | What Do Different Types of Penguins Eat

    Not many people would be aware as to what do penguins eat for the reason that these species live apart from the human habitats. Penguins are the flightless birds that belong to the family of Spheniscidae with the order of Sphenisciformes. These birds are the inhabitants of Polar Regions like Antarctica and Southern Hemisphere. Penguins…

  • Emperor Penguin Facts For Kids | Emperor Penguin Habitat & Diet

    Emperor Penguin Facts For Kids | Emperor Penguin Habitat & Diet

    This article is about some of the imperative emperor penguin facts for kids that are rarely known. This includes emperor penguins diet, habitat, behavior, and reproduction. The Emperor Penguin is by far the tallest of all the penguin species. These flightless birds are mainly the inhabitants of Antarctica. No significant size-difference is notable between male…