5 Things New Livestock Ranchers Need to Know

Livestock rearing is one of the most expensive industries to get into since you have to get the land, the animals, the feed, and all of the equipment in one go.  Although most people already spend a lot of time researching this field before going into it, there’s still a lot of easy-to-overlook information that beginners should know so that they can hit the ground running!

Cattle Rustling Still Happens

Cattle rustling is when people steal livestock from a farm or ranch. Unfortunately, after you spend countless money on rearing and raising cattle, some people will try to steal your animals.

This is prominent in rural areas in heavily ranched states like Texas, and Wyoming where ranchers won’t notice for days or even weeks because of the number of animals they have.  This can cause a massive loss of profit, and there’s no way to guarantee the animals are well cared for after they’re stolen.

You Have To Keep Up With Vet Visits and Information

The average cattle needs to be checked in on by a vet at least twice a year. Of course, you can make this happen more often, but this amount ensures that their health is constant and everything from their weight to their vaccinations is well maintained.

Livestock management software will help you keep track of any fluctuations and gives you the chance to gather all of this info in one place.

Cattle Are Surprisingly Good At Escaping

Cows aren’t extremely intelligent, but they are good at getting out of pens or getting themself trapped in situations that aren’t comfortable or are even dangerous for them. 

That’s why it’s important to spend time with your cattle every day and pay attention to your numbers, their health, and the perimeter of your property so that they stay safe.

Deciding On How You’ll Identify Them Matters

There are countless ways to mark and identify cattle, but the main two in recent years are ear tagging and branding.  Branding is, of course, the more classic approach that has been done for hundreds of years, but it can cause severe animal distress and may even lead to fatal infections or injuries that are hard to heal.

Instead, ear tagging has become the most sought-after way to keep animals marked and identifiable while ensuring that they’re healthy and comfortable.  

The Average Beef Cattle Only Live Three to Four Years

Although the life expectancy of cattle that are not processed can range between ten to fifteen years, beef cattle are most often processed when they’re between three to four years old.  This means three to four years of getting to know the animals, caring for them, ensuring their vet visits go well, and keeping track of their weight and health. 

It would be a lie to say that ranchers don’t get attached to these animals to some degree, but it gets easier with time.  Taking care of your livestock and caring for them means that you’ll put out a better product that your customers will appreciate: there’s nothing wrong with that.


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