Top 4 Most Dangerous Snakes That May Be Lurking In Your Home

Snakes aren’t the ideal pets for a lot of people. Although many of these reptiles are relatively docile, some snakes are worth calling professional animal control services. So, the first step to preventing unfortunate incidents involving these “serpents” from taking place is to differentiate the aggressive and poisonous breeds from their peaceful cousins. Continue reading below to get to know the four most dangerous snakes that might already be lurking in your home.

Pygmy Rattlesnake

Your abode might already be home to a pygmy rattlesnake if you happen to live in the northeastern, northwestern, or central Georgia areas. Like other rattlesnakes, you should be aware of its presence with the rattling of its tail. 

Pygmy rattlesnakes tend to keep themselves hidden under piles of leaves or litter. Hence, if you happen to be raking leaves because it’s autumn, don’t forget to throw the pile away afterwards. Otherwise, those leaves might become the new home of these snakes. 

Although pygmy rattlesnakes tend to be docile most of the time, these reptiles might not hesitate to attack if they feel threatened. So, don’t attempt to go near them once spotted, especially from a distance. 

Moreover, this particular rattlesnake isn’t relatively long as its breed can have lengths ranging from 14 to 22 inches. However, once you see it from afar, don’t think twice about calling snake removal services. 

Pygmy rattlesnakes can have different designs, and one’s appearance can depend on the region. For example, some species in northern Georgia and eastern North Carolina locations have pygmy rattlesnakes showing orange or red scales. Conversely, some pygmy rattlesnakes have patterned skins with bluish gray or black tones.

Dusky Pygmy Rattlesnake (Sistrurus miliarius barbouri)


The copperhead tends to nest in different areas across North America. Furthermore, it’s essential to stay away from this venomous viper. It’s an aggressive breed, and will most likely charge in and bite anyone it considers as a threat. 

You’ll know that you’re looking at a copperhead snake because of its copper red head (hence, its name). Also, this serpent comes from a family of pit vipers, which means that they “see” heat signatures from the pits located between their eyes and nostrils.

In other words, it won’t make sense if you turn off the lights, hoping that a copperhead won’t see you in the dark. Instead, this snake can see you clear as day through the heat radiating from your body. 

Still, a bite from a copperhead might not be fatal, unless your body suffers from an allergic reaction to its venom. In many cases, this snake’s poison is relatively mild, and which can disappear if you have a strong immune system. 

Nonetheless, don’t hesitate to call professional wildlife removal services upon the first sight of a copperhead in your home. If you leave it alone, it might attack you or your poor pets. 

King Cobra

The king cobra is, perhaps, the longest of all venomous snakes as it can grow to a maximum length of about 216 inches. Furthermore, it can weigh up to 20 pounds, which means it can be challenging to pin it down once captured. 

The king cobra is only native to specific regions in India, China, and Southeast Asia. Also, this snake’s appearance can vary for each location. 

If you live in the areas mentioned above and if your home is relatively near rainforests and plains, your home is at risk of becoming the new living space of a king cobra. Also, this snake is dangerous to both humans and other reptiles. 

It won’t hesitate to attack other snakes, especially if it’s trying to preserve its nest. Also, a single bite should be enough to kill about 20 people or an elephant. So, if you see a king cobra in your home or one of your travels, you should stay away from it and avoid getting your presence detected.

Tiger Snake

Although it sounds like a reptile from a famous novel, the only tiger-like features of this type of snake are its stripes. Also, this particular serpent is native to South Australian locations, particularly in Roxby Island. 

Tiger snakes have lengths ranging from about 40 to 95 inches, and the males tend to be longer than the females. Also, the colors may differ depending on the region. Some Australian locations may have tiger snakes with the traditional yellow and black cross-bands. Conversely, those thriving in other areas might have off-white and brown cross-bands. 

Once you see any of these patterns from a distance, please don’t give in to your curiosity and go near it. Instead, move far away from the reptile as its highly aggressive and impulsive nature can attack humans at first sight. Also, its strong toxins may become life-threatening if not removed quickly. Seek medical attention immediately if a tiger snake bit you.  


These four snakes are only a few of the many dangerous snakes in the world. If you see any of these reptiles in your home, don’t hesitate to call expert animal control services immediately. Wait too long, and these snakes may endanger the lives of household members and pets. 


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