What Fruit And Veg Can Dogs Eat? 

What fruit and veg can dogs eat? Many dogs are raised on a dry diet, and it can be difficult for owners to know which fruits and vegetables are good for dogs and which are harmful. 

We’re here to guide you on common fruits and vegetables and their dietary guidelines for dogs so you can feed your dog confidently. 

Can Dogs Eat Fruit And Vegetables? 

The easy answer to this is yes! Dogs can eat fruits and vegetables but can’t eat all types. Some fruit and veg will offer amazing natural vitamins and nutrients, offering benefits like boosted immunity and stronger bones. Other fruit and veg, or specific parts of the food, contains toxins which can harm your pet, causing adverse health effects. 

This guide will give tips for which fruits and veggies are safe to serve for your pup and which you should avoid. However, with so many different options, we recommend consulting a full guide for detailed information on a wider range of foods.

Without further ado, let’s answer the big question: what fruit and veg can dogs eat?

Can Dogs Eat Apples?


It’s a common misconception that apples are hazardous to dogs, and they contain lots of nutritional benefits that can be useful for your furry pal!

The only part of the apple that a dog shouldn’t eat is the core – not because it’s toxic, but because it poses a choking hazard. When serving an apple to your pet, cut it into slices first to aid their digestion. 

Apples are a great source of fibre, antioxidants, potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C, giving dogs lots of nutritional benefits and also helping to keep their teeth and breath fresh. 

Apples are also a good source of quercetin, a natural antihistamine. If your dog suffers from allergies or immune system issues, an apple is a fantastic way to help strengthen its systems and health defences.

Can Dogs Eat Avocados? 

Yes, but with caution. 

The green ‘avocado’ part of the avocado is totally fine for dogs to ingest. However, the skin and pit of the avocado can be harmful in large amounts – especially as the large pit seed prompts a choking hazard. To serve your dog some avocado, cut it into small bits and add it to their food, making sure to get rid of any skin or pit. 

Despite this, there are numerous health benefits to your dog eating the right part of the avocado. For example, it contains numerous antioxidants which can help strengthen your dog’s immune system, alongside heart-healthy fats and fibre, pantothenic acid, vitamins K, B6, C and E, and B-complex vitamins.

Can Dogs Eat Broccoli? 

Yes, with preparation. 

Iron-rich green veggies like broccoli can be great for dogs in small quantities, but you will want to be careful with preparing them for your pup. 

Just like a human wouldn’t want to eat raw broccoli, neither would a dog – it’s important to cook it first. However, a dog won’t benefit from adding seasoning or a long roasting process. So, to get the most health benefits from broccoli, you’ll want to steam it and serve it to your dog unseasoned. 

Though broccoli is a great treat now and again, dog owners should be careful to offer it in moderation. It contains a substance called isothiocyanate, which is fine in small amounts but can cause digestive issues in large quantities. 

Can Dogs Eat Cherries? 

It’s not recommended. 

While cherries aren’t 100% toxic to dogs, we wouldn’t recommend feeding them as a treat. This is because the flesh of the cherry fruit is safe for dogs to eat, but the stone, pit, stems and leaves all contain cyanide which is toxic to dogs. While, in theory, you could cut the flesh off and serve it, it would be a lot of work for a very small treat, and the risk of accidentally leaving some stem or pit may be too high. 

This one is the best to avoid! However, if your dog happens to eat a cherry when out on a walk, monitor its health after ingestion. In most cases, one cherry won’t do much harm, but ingesting multiple cherries could cause serious digestive issues. 

Can Dogs Eat Grapes? 


Though a grape may seem like a perfect bite-sized treat to give your dog, they’re highly toxic to dogs and can even result in kidney failure. Make sure that any grapes in the house are kept safely away from dogs, and if your dog accidentally ingests a grape, take it to the vet immediately. 

It’s unknown why grapes are so toxic to dogs, but researchers suspect it is due to the dog’s inability to digest and metabolise the fruit. However, research has shown that the effects of kidney failure can happen in less than 6 hours. That’s why it’s important to keep this fruit away from your dog and seek medical attention immediately if your dog accidentally eats one. 

What Else Can My Dog Eat?

‘What fruit and veg can dogs eat?’ is common question dog owners ask. It’s always best to check before you feed your dog anything new, especially in the case of fruits and vegetables, which can all contain different nutrients or toxins. 

Be sure to look online for guidance or consult with your vet at your next appointment. 

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