Expert Tips: Avoiding Separation Anxiety In Apartment Dogs

Dogs, like humans, can experience anxiety. Separation anxiety in dogs is a distressing emotional state that arises when they anticipate or experience separation from their favorite humans. 

You might wonder why apartment dogs appear more susceptible to this condition. Apartments often have compact spaces, limited diversions, and constant sounds— factors that can amplify a dog’s feelings of confinement and isolation. 

Separation anxiety in dogs often shows up in behaviors like constant barking, tearing up furniture, or even accidents inside the home. If you have a young pup or a mature dog that gets uneasy when you leave, this article has some insights you might find helpful.

Dog looking out of the window waiting fo his owner


Recognizing and understanding separation anxiety in dogs is the first step in preventing it. Once understood, the next step is to lay out preventative measures for your dog to stay anxiety-free. The following tips can effectively prevent patterns of anxious behavior in your dog.

  • Start Early

Introducing the concept of alone time to a pup or even a newly adopted adult dog is crucial, especially if you’re living in an apartment setting. For those with medium-sized dogs for apartment living, starting early can be even more essential.

Medium-sized breeds might feel the pinch in apartments more than tiny breeds. Begin by leaving your dog alone for short periods, gradually extending that time. Getting them accustomed to solitude benefits their current well-being and steers them clear of developing separation anxiety down the road.

  • Provide Plenty Of Exercise And Mental Stimulation

Not only does physical activity keep your dog healthy, but it also helps in burning off excess energy, which might otherwise be channeled into anxiety. Activities such as fetch or a 15-minute walk outside before your errands can tire them out enough to relax. 

Stimulate their minds with puzzle toys filled with treats. A mentally stimulated dog is more relaxed and less prone to stress. Leave your dog’s toys where they can easily access them so they have something to play with while you’re away.

  • Create A Consistent Routine

Like humans, dogs find comfort in predictability. Feeding, walking, playtime— keeping these consistent helps your dog know what’s coming, providing them with a sense of security that combats anxiety. 

  • Prioritize Your Dog’s Crate Comfort

Think of a crate as your dog’s personal bedroom, so make it inviting and comfy. A soft blanket, their favorite toys, or even an item of your clothing can turn this space into a comforting refuge during your absence. Start crate training your dog while they’re young so they view it as a place to calm down.

  • Avoid Prolonged Alone Time

While some independence is beneficial, extended durations of solitude can aggravate feelings of isolation in dogs. If you’re away a lot during the day, consider reaching out to a neighbor or friend or even hiring a dog walker to give your pet some company and variety.

  • Stay Cool When You Leave Or Return Home

Unknown to many, dogs can mirror the emotional state of their humans. They’re keen observers and will react accordingly. When it comes to departures and arrivals, the more theatrical you get, the more significant the event becomes in a dog’s mind. 

If you make a big fuss every time you leave, your dog will soon associate your departures with heightened emotion, leading to increased anxiety. On the flip side, if you remain calm, treating your departures and arrivals as routine events, your dog will learn to do the same. It might be hard not to shower them with love, but it’s best to stay composed.

  • Discourage Clingy Behavior

Every dog owner knows the irresistible charm of those puppy eyes, pleading for just a bit more attention. Consistently giving in to these moments can inadvertently foster clingy behavior. While it’s natural to want our pets close, encouraging excessive attachment can lead to separation anxiety.

Instead, nurture their independent spirit. For instance, when you’re home, occasionally set boundaries, such as having them stay in a different room. This teaches them that being alone—even within the confines of an apartment—can be a positive experience, and not every moment needs to be spent attached to your side.


If, after trying everything, your dog still struggles with separation anxiety, know that effective treatments are available.

  • Consult A Professional

Dealing with separation anxiety can sometimes require expert input. A vet or dog behavior expert can offer advice tailored to your dog’s needs. Certified dog trainers are also excellent people to teach your dog independence and verify if certain behaviors, such as howling, indicate separation anxiety.

  • Engage In Counter-Conditioning

This strategy aims to shift how your dog views certain situations. It involves associating the act of departure with positive things— like a special toy or treat. As days pass, they start associating your departures with positive experiences, easing their anxious feelings.

  • Provide Medication

For some dogs, behavioral interventions might not suffice. In such cases, under a veterinarian’s guidance, certain medications may alleviate symptoms and make behavioral adjustments more effective.

Help Your Dog Stay Calm Even When Alone

Separation anxiety in dogs isn’t something you and your dog have to live with. Whether you’re trying to prevent anxiety or manage current issues, staying patient and consistent is crucial. Don’t hesitate to seek advice from professionals, such as dog trainers, or turn to online support groups.

Your dog’s well-being is deeply connected to the care you provide. With consistent effort and time, you can guide your dog to a more peaceful and joyful existence.


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