Tag: Zebra

  • Are Zebras Endangered | Saving Zebras

    Are Zebras Endangered | Saving Zebras

    Zebras are the species of African equids and they are separated by their unique black and white stripes. They are medium-sized herbivores with long necks and heads. The legs are slender. The African zebras are classified into three distinct species: Grevy’s zebra, the plains zebra and the mountain zebra. Are Zebras Endangered Some of the…

  • Zebra Facts For Kids | Zebra Diet, Habitat, Behavior, and Characteristics

    Zebra Facts For Kids | Zebra Diet, Habitat, Behavior, and Characteristics

    Being a member of horse family zebra (Equidae) exhibits certain characteristics that are mostly common in donkeys and horses. Like a horse, zebra is a medium-sized herbivore displays slender legs and elongated heads. It is a single-hoofed ungulate largely built for speed and long-distance movement. Some of the zebra species are endangered while few are…

  • African Animals For Kids | List of 8 African Animals

    African Animals For Kids | List of 8 African Animals

    You’re going to learn some of the most amazing African animals for kids. Africa has long been recognized as a hub for varied African animals ranging from small sized to the large sized predators. It’s a mix of extreme land areas. Mountains prick the clouds. A large number of grassy plains emerge on the other…

  • Quaggas Extinction, Appearance and Behavior Facts for Kids

    Quaggas Extinction, Appearance and Behavior Facts for Kids

    For many centuries the hottest continent, Africa, remained a total mystery for the entire world society, as well as its nature and animal habitat could stay safe. The magnificence and attractiveness of local environment continue to be the main issue Africa can boast of, but, in fact, it has preconditioned aggressive and blatant behavior of…

  • Where Do Zebras Live | Zebras Habitat

    Where Do Zebras Live | Zebras Habitat

    Where do zebras live? It’s a tricky question for those who’d never been to any forest rather they have only attended these animals behind the bars in zoos. This article demonstrates some of the most imperative zebra habitat facts and its widespread distribution. One of the most common zebra species is plains zebras that inhabits…

  • What Do Zebras Eat – Zebras Diet

    What Do Zebras Eat – Zebras Diet

    Do you know what do zebras eat? Zebras are actually the member of horse family and are easily recognizable by their unmistakable physical appearance. These animals are considered to be highly sociable and they’re found in large groups. Despite its resemblance with the horse, they are not kept or raised domestically. Zebra is classified into…