Tag: Whale

  • Gray Whale Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Gray Whale Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior

    Gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) are the most primitive of the baleen whales. They are twice the size of orcas. Biologists however believe that gray whales get along peacefully with many other marine species. They are not named after their body color because they are not gray—not at least at birth. Gray Whale Facts Anatomy Unlike…

  • What Do Humpback Whales Eat | Humpback Whales Diet

    What Do Humpback Whales Eat | Humpback Whales Diet

    Like baleen whales, humpback whales predominantly feed on crustaceans and krill such as copepods and Euphausia, small fish including capelin, sandeel, herring, and mackerel. They usually consume the concentrated masses of prey. Humpback whale eats 4,400 – 5,500 pounds on an average. What Do Humpback Whales Eat The whale has a generalist diet in that…

  • Sperm Whale Facts | Size, Features, Behavior, Habitat

    Sperm Whale Facts | Size, Features, Behavior, Habitat

    Evolution and Systematics Perhaps the oldest of all the family of dolphins and whales is Physeteridae dating back to 30 million years ago. They possess many characteristics of a toothed whale (odontocete) precisely due to the fact that both families co-existed previously. Unlike few characteristics which are primitive there are some that are highly adapted.…

  • What Do Killer Whales Eat in the Wild

    What Do Killer Whales Eat in the Wild

    The killer whale or orca, is second only to humans as the most widely distributed mammal on the planet earth. Killer whales typically hunt prey underneath the water surface that is why conservationists seldom see them hunting in the wild. Nonetheless, some killer whales are beyond this rule and they are often found hunting as…

  • Endangered Species in India | Top 6 Endangered Species

    Endangered Species in India | Top 6 Endangered Species

    How about knowing some of the rarely known endangered species in India. All these species are mainly threatened due to excessive hunting, water pollution, and poaching. Some of these animals bear commercial significance which is why they are typically pursued by the native people especially. Endangered Species in India Asiatic Lion The Asiatic lion (Penthera…

  • Endangered Animals in India | Top 8 Endangered Animals

    Endangered Animals in India | Top 8 Endangered Animals

    Here is a list of critically endangered animals in India and this does not limited to land animals only, there are several marine species that are undergoing rapid population decline. Some of the foremost reasons for the decline is widespread hunting, overfishing, and pollution. Let’s take a look at these critically endangered animals. Critically Endangered…

  • Endangered Species of India | Top 8 Endangered Species

    Endangered Species of India | Top 8 Endangered Species

    Here is a list of most critically endangered species of India. The population of these animals has been considerably reduced over the past 50 to 100 years. On the whole, humans are mainly responsible for this much reduction. Some of the foremost reasons for the decline includes habitat loss, poaching, habitat degradation, human encroachment, excessive…

  • Right Whale Facts | Right Whale Diet & Habitat

    Right Whale Facts | Right Whale Diet & Habitat

    Let’s talk about all these interesting right whale facts such as right whale diet, habitat, reproduction and widespread distribution. Right whale (E. glaciallis) is the species of large baleen whales that belong to the genus Eubalaena. There are three species of this family; the North Pacific right whale, southern right whale, and the North Atlantic…

  • Fin Whale Facts | Fin Whale Diet & Habitat

    Fin Whale Facts | Fin Whale Diet & Habitat

    I’m going to share some of the most useful fin whale facts including fin whale diet, habitat, reproduction, and physical behavior. The fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) is a marine mammal that belongs to the family of Balaenopteridae. These whales are also called razorback, common rorqual, and finback whale. This is regarded as the second largest…

  • Bowhead Whale Facts | Bowhead Whale Diet & Habitat

    Bowhead Whale Facts | Bowhead Whale Diet & Habitat

    Here are the most effective bowhead whale facts that explains explicitly the bowhead whale’s reproduction, distribution, and its physical behavior. The bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetua) is a baleen whale that belongs to the family of Balaenidae in the suborder Mysticeti. These whales have bright-colored body lacking dorsal fin. They can grow to a size of…

  • Beluga Whale Facts | Beluga Whale Diet & Habitat

    Beluga Whale Facts | Beluga Whale Diet & Habitat

    Read and memorize all these interetsing beluga whale facts. The beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) is a mammal that inhabits in the Sub-Arctic and Arctic cetacean. These species are also called white whale. The beluga whale belongs to the family of Monodontidae together with the narwhal. Because of its high-pitched twitter, the beluga whale is known…

  • Do Killer Whales Eat People

    Do Killer Whales Eat People

    You might be wondering do killer whales eat people. Well, the answer is No as there has been no evidence found in the past and at present regarding killer whales or orca eating human. While you ask about the killer attack on humans, you must not forget that they are highly esteemed mammals in captivity…

  • Minke Whale Facts | Minke Whale Habitat

    Minke Whale Facts | Minke Whale Habitat

    Some of the most interesting and rarely known minke whale facts have been explained in this article including minke whales habitat, distribution, reproduction and species. Minke whale is a marine mammal that belongs to the suborder of baleen whales. It was first discovered in 1804 by Lacepede. These whales had become the target of coastal…

  • Killer Whale Facts For Kids | Killer Whale Habitat & Diet

    Killer Whale Facts For Kids | Killer Whale Habitat & Diet

    Here are some of the imperative killer whale facts for kids including killer whales diet , habitat, vocalisations, behavior, reproduction, widespread range and distribution. The killer whale (Orcinus orca) is also known as orca or orca whale, and rarely referred to as blackfish. The whale is a toothed whale and it belongs to the oceanic dolphin…

  • What Do Whales Eat | Whales Diet

    What Do Whales Eat | Whales Diet

    Are you nosy enough to know what do whales eat? Here are the facts that relates to the whales’ diet. Whales are by far the largest living mammal on the planet earth. Scientists aren’t exactly sure about the weight of this mammoth animal since it’s too difficult to devise any appropriate weighing device that could…

  • Where Do Blue Whales Live – Blue Whale Habitat

    Where Do Blue Whales Live – Blue Whale Habitat

    Perhaps the largest living mammal on the planet earth, blue whale is distributed in virtually all the oceanic waters. With the length equals to the two city buses, blue whale measuring 30 metres (98 feet) by length along with a weight of about 180 metric tons (200 short tons). Where Do Blue Whales Live? Have…

  • What is the Biggest Animal in the World

    What is the Biggest Animal in the World

    Do you know what is the biggest animal in the world? This article illustrates you some of the most useful facts about the largest living animal on the planet earth. Perhaps the first thing that grabs our attention while considering the biggest animal is whether that is land animal or marine creature. Well, definitely it…

  • Humpback Whale Facts For Kids | Humpback Whale Habitat & Diet

    Humpback Whale Facts For Kids | Humpback Whale Habitat & Diet

    Some of the most educative humpback whale facts for kids are embedded in this article including humpback whale habitat, diet, and reproduction. The humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) is one of the largest whales that measure 12–16 metres (39–52 ft) by length. These whales normally travel up to 25,000 km (16,000 miles) during migration. The vocalisation of males…

  • Blue Whale Facts For Kids | Blue Whale Habitat & Diet

    Blue Whale Facts For Kids | Blue Whale Habitat & Diet

    This article covers blue whale facts for kids including blue whale habitat, diet, species, and reproduction. The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is the largest marine animal with the weight of about 180 metric tons (200 short tons). Blue whale is 30 metres (98 feet) long. The head covers 25% of their entire body length. Early in…