• Do Sharks Have Tongues

    Do Sharks Have Tongues

    First of all, all sharks do have tongues in their mouth but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they serve the same purpose as ours. Our tongue is a multi-purpose organ. We have a tongue that moves the food inside our mouth; it is very flexible; it has many taste buds and so on. Besides, with…

  • Do Polar Bears Eat Penguins?

    Do Polar Bears Eat Penguins?

    Polar bears live in Arctic whereas penguins live in Antarctica. Since both these species live on opposite ends of the world it just cannot happen. Polar bears and penguins are never connected as food chain. Penguins are also found in some other areas south of the equator. Penguins never swim in Arctic waters as they…

  • Do Sharks Have Bones

    Do Sharks Have Bones

    Scientists believe that sharks has been around underwater for as long as 420 million years and has been changing their appearance ever since. Until today, sharks have more than 470 known species around the world. Typically, there are two very distinct classes of fish based on their internal structure: cartilaginous fish and teleost fish. Cartilaginous…

  • Walrus Facts For Kids | Large Tusks Mammal

    Walrus Facts For Kids | Large Tusks Mammal

    Walrus is a large marine mammal and it typically waddles on fore and rear flippers on land. Besides, the animal also propels itself by using rear flippers in water. Walrus looks brown with slight hair on its pinkish body. Large tusks are the most prominent features of walrus which have evolved both in males and…

  • What Do Deer Eat in the Wild | Deer Diet and Ecology

    What Do Deer Eat in the Wild | Deer Diet and Ecology

    It might seem difficult to regard deer as browsers or grazers. Even though they are less likely to browse they feed heavily on crops and grasses, deer are nevertheless browsers that are forced to eat crops when browse is not available. However, their most favorite food is acorns, but they will also consume apples, berries,…

  • What Do Gray Wolves Eat in the Wild

    What Do Gray Wolves Eat in the Wild

    Gray wolf is extremely adaptable which can be understood by its varied diet. They are most likely to kill arctic hares in summer in the Ellesmere Island. Some however prefer killing beavers along the watered valleys of Isle Royal National Park. This happens when these Michigan waters unfreeze. What Do Gray Wolves Eat Wolves are…

  • Raccoon Facts For Kids | An Intelligent Mammal

    Raccoon Facts For Kids | An Intelligent Mammal

    Raccoon is a medium-sized carnivore with the long tail. It is a native mammal of North America. It is also known as the North American Raccoon. Of all the members of procyonid, raccoon is the largest species. Its body is covered with a thick greyish coat that prevents it from intense cold. Raccoon is the…

  • Beaver Facts For Kids | Second Largest Rodent

    Beaver Facts For Kids | Second Largest Rodent

    Beavers are the largest rodents in North America. It belongs to the genus Castor. Eurasian Beaver is native to Asia and Europe whereas North American beaver is a resident of North America. In the years gone by, beavers’ range has reduced to its historical habitat. The physical appearance of these two extant species appears to…

  • What Do Garter Snakes Eat | Garter Snakes Diet

    What Do Garter Snakes Eat | Garter Snakes Diet

    Like other snakes, garter snakes are highly opportunistic feeders. They will eat a wide variety of insects and invertebrates including amphibians. In captivity, they are fed with different animals but mice are the best foods for garter snakes. If you’re feeding your garter snake with mice then there is no need to feed anything because…

  • Huntsman Spider Facts | Hunting Spiders

    Huntsman Spider Facts | Hunting Spiders

    Huntsman spiders are giant crab spiders. They are primarily known for their method of hunting and speed. These spiders have long legs and flattened body. Their leg joints move backwards which indeed makes the underside of legs to move forward. The tip of their feet is covered with a thick layer of hairs. The hairy…

  • What do Hermit Crabs Eat | Hermit Crabs Diet

    What do Hermit Crabs Eat | Hermit Crabs Diet

    Hermit crabs are omnivores and thus they consume both animal and plants matter. However, in captivity they can also rely on some fresh fruits to make up their diet. One can feed hermit crabs with some commercial diets which are readily available in the market. These crabs fancy eating diverse materials especially in captivity. What…

  • What does a Brown Recluse Look Like?

    What does a Brown Recluse Look Like?

    Brown recluse spiders are not really difficult to identify especially if you got some idea about its features and characteristics. These spiders are native to the United States. While many U.S. spiders have eight eyes usually arranged in a pattern of 2 rows (4 each), brown recluse are typically characterized by their six eyes arranged…

  • What Do Lizards Eat | Lizards Diet

    What Do Lizards Eat | Lizards Diet

    Many lizards are insectivorous, relatively long tail, four legs, and live a fairly short life. A very limited number of lizards are herbivorous and non-insect eating carnivores; they are readily found outside South Central Texas. Humans have also realized the importance of lizards as they eat almost every insect from gardens or other human habitations.…

  • What Do Skunks Eat | Skunks Diet

    What Do Skunks Eat | Skunks Diet

    Skunks are highly opportunistic feeders as they do not rely on a specific food for their consumption. They live in burrows or holes abandoned by other animals. Skunks may not be as active in winter as they are in summer and they will sleep several weeks in logs. What Do Skunks Eat They are omnivorous,…

  • What Do Salamanders Eat | Salamanders Diet

    What Do Salamanders Eat | Salamanders Diet

    Almost all salamanders like to eat meat with the exception of one species; Santa Cruz climbing salamander. Santa Cruz also feeds on fungi apart from meat. Salamanders usually take on animals that can be easily caught. At times the prey is too small to be seen with a naked eye. Salamanders eat invertebrates that live…

  • What Do Crickets Eat in the Wild | Crickets Diet

    What Do Crickets Eat in the Wild | Crickets Diet

    Except few, almost all crickets are omnivorous but this does not mean that they have the same natural diet. Diet varies even within the same species. Some are absolutely herbivorous as they solely rely on plants matter while others are largely predaceous. What Do Crickets Eat in the Wild Crickets would like to eat every…

  • Triceratops Facts For Kids | The Last Dinosaurs

    Triceratops Facts For Kids | The Last Dinosaurs

    Triceratops belongs to the family of triceratopsid dinosaur and is believed to have lived in the Maastrichtian era. It had roamed the earth some 68 million years ago. Triceratops used to live in North America. Based on the features of skull and horns, triceratops is more closely associated with Arrhinoceratops and Chasmosaurus. Triceratops Facts for…

  • Spider Facts for Kids | Creepy Facts

    Spider Facts for Kids | Creepy Facts

    Here we have the best spider facts for kids. Spiders are curious rather creepy creatures not only by their physical appearance but also by their unusual social behavior. Spiders are basically arthropods possessing eight legs and are known to kill their prey by injecting venom. They are one of the most diverse numbers of species—walk…

  • Black Widow Spider Facts For Kids | Deadly Spiders

    Black Widow Spider Facts For Kids | Deadly Spiders

    Black widows are known for their deadly bites as they are highly poisonous arachnids. They are predominantly black with some red spots on its belly. These spiders live in the temperate or warmer regions of the world. One of the most venomous spiders, black widows injects venom that is 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake.…

  • Flamingo Facts For Kids | Habitat, Diet And Distribution

    Flamingo Facts For Kids | Habitat, Diet And Distribution

    Flamingos are extremely social birds. They like to feed together in large numbers and live in colonies having more than one million birds. There are 5 species of flamingos namely Greater, Andean, James’, Chilean and lesser flamingos. The Greater flamingos are the biggest species while the smallest ones are Lesser flamingos. Unlike other birds, flamingo…

  • Tasmanian Devil Facts For Kids | Largest Carnivore Marsupial

    Tasmanian Devil Facts For Kids | Largest Carnivore Marsupial

    Learn all about Tasmanian Devil now with these amazing Tasmanian Devil Facts For Kids. Tasmanian devil is the world’s largest carnivore marsupial. As the name indicates, the species is native to the Australian state, Tasmania. It is likely to go extinct in the near future as its future is threatened in the wild. Tasmanian devil…