Tag: Crocodile

  • Are Crocodiles Endangered | Crocodiles Status

    Are Crocodiles Endangered | Crocodiles Status

    Many crocodiles are at the verge of extinction whereas some of them are classified as critically endangered. While most crocodilian species faced almost-extinction situation because of the habitat degradation or deforestation, others were illegally hunted, still others died of road collision. The future of all these crocodiles rests in the hands of the conservation societies.…

  • Types of Crocodiles in the World | 10 Crocodile Species

    Types of Crocodiles in the World | 10 Crocodile Species

    If we wish to list the most ferocious organisms on this earth, missing out crocodiles would rather be a blunder. Crocodiles are large aquatic tetrapods who could be crowned as the most aggressive creature surviving till date. Let us see how dangerous they really are and reveal some unknown facts about the various different types…

  • Where Do Crocodiles Live in the Wild – Crocodile Habitat and Distribution

    Where Do Crocodiles Live in the Wild – Crocodile Habitat and Distribution

    Get ready for the most exciting facts about where do crocodiles live in the wild and how they are widely distributed.  Crocodile (Crocodylinae) is a large reptile that speaks high of its furious and uncompromising nature when it comes to potential predators. They occupy a wide range of habitats and have cosmopolitan distribution throughout Africa,…

  • African Animals For Kids | List of 8 African Animals

    African Animals For Kids | List of 8 African Animals

    You’re going to learn some of the most amazing African animals for kids. Africa has long been recognized as a hub for varied African animals ranging from small sized to the large sized predators. It’s a mix of extreme land areas. Mountains prick the clouds. A large number of grassy plains emerge on the other…

  • Crocodile Vs Alligator | Exciting One-to-One Comparison

    Crocodile Vs Alligator | Exciting One-to-One Comparison

    Many wildlife lovers seem to measure up crocodile vs alligator because it looks as if both are alike however they are not. Both of them are reptiles and not only do they contain discrete physical features but they also live in distinct regions. Even though crocs and gators share some common features like both belong…

  • Endangered Animals in the Philippines | Top 5 Endangered Species

    Endangered Animals in the Philippines | Top 5 Endangered Species

    Here is a list of critically endangered animals in the Philippines. According to the Conservation International, Philippine is one of the biologically richest countries in the world. Most of the Philippine islands are covered with rainforests but cutting down trees at the extreme level or disturbing the natural habitats of native species leave many species…

  • Endangered Animals in India | Top 8 Endangered Animals

    Endangered Animals in India | Top 8 Endangered Animals

    Here is a list of critically endangered animals in India and this does not limited to land animals only, there are several marine species that are undergoing rapid population decline. Some of the foremost reasons for the decline is widespread hunting, overfishing, and pollution. Let’s take a look at these critically endangered animals. Critically Endangered…

  • American Crocodile Facts | American Crocodile Diet & Habitat

    American Crocodile Facts | American Crocodile Diet & Habitat

    Let us now discover all the essential American crocodile facts including american crocodile diet, habitat, and reproduction. The American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) is a crocodilian species that is known to live in the Neotropics. Of the four extant species, the American crocodile is the most extensive reptile that inhabits all throughout the Pacific coasts of…

  • Crocodile Facts For Kids | Crocodile Diet & Habitat

    Crocodile Facts For Kids | Crocodile Diet & Habitat

    Make a move and enjoy some of the most amazing crocodile facts for kids. A crocodile is a reptile that belongs to the family of Crocodylidae and the subfamily of Crocodylinae. These animals are best known for their fearsome reputation and are placed as the most aggressive reptiles across Africa. Crocodiles are the inhabitants of…

  • Nile Crocodile Facts For Kids | Nile Crocodile Diet & Habitat

    Nile Crocodile Facts For Kids | Nile Crocodile Diet & Habitat

    Prepare yourself for the most fascinating nile crocodile facts for kids including nile crocodile diet , habitat, reproduction, and its ferocious behavior. The Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) has got the most fearsome and deservedly man-eating reputation across Africa. According to a rough estimate, around 200 people are put to death each year by these crocodiles. They…

  • What Do Crocodiles Eat | Crocodiles Diet

    What Do Crocodiles Eat | Crocodiles Diet

    Simply by looking at the large size of crocodile you cannot imagine what do crocodiles eat in the wild. Crocs eat wide range of different animals—from large ungulates and medium-size birds to the small lizards. It’s true that crocs spend the bulk of their time in water they are equally capable to hunt on land.…

  • Saltwater crocodile Facts | Saltwater Crocodile Habitat & Diet

    Saltwater crocodile Facts | Saltwater Crocodile Habitat & Diet

    While going through this article you’ll come to know some of the most significant saltwater crocodile facts including its habitat, diet and reproduction. The saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) is by far the largest reptile and is also known as Indo-Pacific crocodile. These reptiles are generally known to reside in the Northern Australia and Southeast Asia.…