Tag: Shark

  • Where Do Whale Sharks Live | Distribution and Habitat

    Where Do Whale Sharks Live | Distribution and Habitat

    The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is a filter feeding shark and it has a cosmopolitan distribution in the tropical and warm temperate waters. It is known to live in the open seas usually avoiding the great depths of water. The whale shark feeds on the coastal sites of the eastern and southern parts of South…

  • How Fast can Sharks Swim | Sharks Speed

    How Fast can Sharks Swim | Sharks Speed

    Normally sharks swim at a speed of less than 5 kph but few species such as mako sharks are able to cruise at a speed of 48 kph. Makos are the world’s fastest swimmers. They are agile hunters; built for the speed and chasing prey. Their body is thickest at the center and narrow at…

  • How Big is a Great White Shark

    How Big is a Great White Shark

    Sharks have long been swimming in the waters of North Pacific Ocean before anything human-like walked on the planet. They have evolved into various forms, many of which show mysterious behavior. White sharks are not easy to study as it offers numerous challenges to the scientists. Besides, many scientists could not even assume the significance…

  • What Do Sharks Eat the Most | Sharks Diet

    What Do Sharks Eat the Most | Sharks Diet

    Almost all sharks are carnivorous. They have adapted a number of different feeding tactics. These sharks include whale sharks, megamouth sharks, and basking sharks. Some shark species are very fond of eating marine mammals. Great whites and tiger sharks usually consume both live and dead marine animals, but many sharks rely on dead animals for…

  • Do Sharks Sleep?

    Do Sharks Sleep?

    Scientists are looking deep into sharks’ behavior trying to explore as much as they can. But sadly, sharks are still one of the least studied marine animals though they have been living underwater for millions of years leaving behind even dinosaurs. It is in part because marine life research is quite a new discipline which…

  • Do Sharks Lay Eggs | Sharks, Eggs And Pups

    Do Sharks Lay Eggs | Sharks, Eggs And Pups

    Yes indeed! Some sharks do lay eggs but not all of them exhibit the same behavior. Almost 40 percent of shark species lay eggs while the remaining 60 percent bear live young. Different species of sharks display different modes of reproduction. Therefore, some sharks lay eggs and some do not. Those sharks that lay eggs…

  • Do Sharks Have Tongues

    Do Sharks Have Tongues

    First of all, all sharks do have tongues in their mouth but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they serve the same purpose as ours. Our tongue is a multi-purpose organ. We have a tongue that moves the food inside our mouth; it is very flexible; it has many taste buds and so on. Besides, with…

  • Do Sharks Have Bones

    Do Sharks Have Bones

    Scientists believe that sharks has been around underwater for as long as 420 million years and has been changing their appearance ever since. Until today, sharks have more than 470 known species around the world. Typically, there are two very distinct classes of fish based on their internal structure: cartilaginous fish and teleost fish. Cartilaginous…

  • Blue Shark Facts | Top 15 Interesting Facts about Blue Sharks

    Blue Shark Facts | Top 15 Interesting Facts about Blue Sharks

    How often have you across all these amazing blue shark facts such as blue sharks habitat, diet, reproduction, and migratory behavior? The blue shark (Prionace glauca) is a fish recognized by its colored slim body and it belongs to the family of Carcharhiniformes. These sharks display indigo-blue across the back and vibrant blue on the…

  • How Long Do Sharks Live in Captivity and in the Wild

    How Long Do Sharks Live in Captivity and in the Wild

    Sharks are one of the most fearsome and least understood of all animals. These potential predators have made their presence felt in the oceans for millions of years, yet their existence remains a matter of debate as thousands of sharks were subject to human-hunting or poaching each year. Now let’s figure out how long do…

  • How Many Teeth Do Sharks Have in a Lifetime

    How Many Teeth Do Sharks Have in a Lifetime

    Can you tell me how many teeth do sharks have in a lifetime? Sharks are the only species that continually shed their teeth which are replaced by new ones in a 24 hours window. Scientists believe that Carcharhiniformes shed around 35,000 teeth in a lifetime. The shark’s teeth rely on its diet such as those…

  • Shark Finning Facts | Top 10 Facts about Shark Finning

    Shark Finning Facts | Top 10 Facts about Shark Finning

    Here you’ll come to know some of the most interesting shark finning facts. Shark finning refers to the removal and retention of shark fins with the rest of the shark normally being discarded at sea. This is, indeed a cruel and wasteful practice for it makes use of 2 to 5% of the shark while…

  • Great White Sharks Facts | Top 10 Interesting Facts

    Great White Sharks Facts | Top 10 Interesting Facts

    How often have you come across all these interesting great white sharks facts. The great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) is one of the most fearsome marine predators under water. These sharks were once believed to be savage sea monsters with an appetite for human flesh. Being large predators, great white sharks play a pivotal role…

  • Animals That Are Extinct | Top 7 Extinct Animals

    Animals That Are Extinct | Top 7 Extinct Animals

    Here is the list of top seven animals that are extinct. It’s a real pity that behind all the extinct animals, humans are responsible for their expatriation. Humans that were assumed to guard over the wildlife creatures, leads to the extinction of most, if not all, animals. Some of the most common human activities were…

  • Endangered Animals in India | Top 8 Endangered Animals

    Endangered Animals in India | Top 8 Endangered Animals

    Here is a list of critically endangered animals in India and this does not limited to land animals only, there are several marine species that are undergoing rapid population decline. Some of the foremost reasons for the decline is widespread hunting, overfishing, and pollution. Let’s take a look at these critically endangered animals. Critically Endangered…

  • Sand Tiger Shark Facts | Amazing Grey Nurse Shark Facts

    Sand Tiger Shark Facts | Amazing Grey Nurse Shark Facts

    I’m bringing you some of the most wonderful sand tiger shark facts including sand tiger shark diet, habitat, reproduction, and behavior. The sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus) is a shark species that lives along the coastal waters in the water. These species are called for several different names such as spotted ragged tooth shark, grey…

  • Thresher Shark Facts | Thresher Shark Diet & Habitat

    Thresher Shark Facts | Thresher Shark Diet & Habitat

    Come and learn with me some of the most essential thresher shark facts including thresher shark distribution, diet, reproduction, and species. Thresher shark is a large fish that belongs to the family of Alopiidae and is known to reside in all the tropical and temperate waters worldwide. There are three species in this family within…

  • Cookie Cutter Shark Facts | Cookie Cutter Shark Habitat & Diet

    Cookie Cutter Shark Facts | Cookie Cutter Shark Habitat & Diet

    Make up your mind for the most unbelievable cookie cutter shark facts including cookie shark diet, habitat, reproduction and is behavior. The cookie cutter shark (Isistius brasiliensis) is a small species of shark that belongs to the family of Dalatiidae. These sharks are also known as cigar sharks. The cookie cutter shark inhabits all along…

  • Frilled Shark Facts | Frilled Shark Habitat & Diet

    Frilled Shark Facts | Frilled Shark Habitat & Diet

    Surely you’re not aware of all these essential frilled shark facts such as frilled shark diet, habitat, distribution , reproduction, and its physical behavior. The frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus) belongs to the family of Chlamydoselachidae and is one of the extant shark species that have erratic distribution across Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. This is not as…

  • Angel Shark Facts | Angel Shark Diet & Habitat

    Angel Shark Facts | Angel Shark Diet & Habitat

    Pat your back and be ready for some of the most interesting and useful angel shark facts including angel shark diet, habitat, reproduction, species, and physical appearance. The angel sharks belong to the family of Squatinidae in the order of Squatiniformes. These sharks are types of fish that have stretched-out bodies along with the wide…

  • Megamouth Shark Facts | Megamouth Shark Diet & Habitat

    Megamouth Shark Facts | Megamouth Shark Diet & Habitat

    Prepare for the most attracting megamouth shark facts including its behavior, diet, and other insights about its migration. The megamouth shark (Megachasma pelagios) is one of the rarest shark species that inhabits in the deep water. Only a few numbers of these species have been observed ever since 1976. The shark is a filter feeder…